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  1. Carcharoth

    D&D 5E Converting Pathfinder 2 Monsters to 5e

    In response to the OGL upheaval and uncertainty of last month, I recently formalized and shared a newer version of Converting 3.5e and Pathfinder 1 Monsters to 5e that was updated to use expected values from Blog of Holding’s 5e Monster Manual on a Business Card as its foundation. As a natural...
  2. Carcharoth

    D&D 5E Converting 3.5e and Pathfinder 1e Monsters to 5e (Revisited)

    Due to the recent OGL upheaval and associated uncertainty of 5e’s future, I decided to formalize and share an updated version of some previous work. Perhaps a few of you who have enjoyed the many d20 adventures, settings, etc. published over nearly two decades will find the following useful...
  3. Carcharoth

    Using hit points to power magic

    For me, the idea conjures unsettling imagery of blood-letting, mutilation, and sacrifice. In the beginning, the carving of runes into flesh, precision cuts across obscure meridians, and the exacting use of various corporal mortification devices. At its height, a mage lies prostrate within a...
  4. Carcharoth

    D&D 3E/3.5 Analyzing 4 Methods for Converting 3.5 and Pathfinder to 5E

    Thanks for the excellent suggestion. I updated the post; however, I don't see the changes yet, even though they appear in the editor. Maybe it will show up a little later. Regardless, yesterday, I came across the following tweet from Jeremy Crawford regarding monster AC on...
  5. Carcharoth

    D&D 5E One-Stop Stat Blocks for D&D 5th Edition

    Wow, just staggered across this. What a fantastic and valuable upgrade. Thanks for all the hard work.
  6. Carcharoth

    The Uncommoner (a class for those that are commoners, but not really)

    I am very interested in the unprestige concept, as it look like it will fit very well into my lower level style of play. I am still interested in your complete idea, and all of the work you have done so far... perhaps a system that leads from one to another, matched around tiers? Something like...
  7. Carcharoth

    New EN World Mobile Site

    Very nice, clean, modern. Is this only intended for mobile, or will it ultimately be a complete conversion, responsive perhaps? Great news about the article page. A few more conversions (article page, forums, etc.) and it will look fantastic. Not a fan of Tapatalk since it doesn't render the...
  8. Carcharoth

    D&D 3E/3.5 Analyzing 4 Methods for Converting 3.5 and Pathfinder to 5E

    After reading the Wizards doc, I did make a conscious effort to bind the values. Compression seemed to be the best bet, as it allowed me to start using basic 5e rules to calculate AB, Save DCs, etc. There was a request earlier to provide a summary at the beginning of the post because it is so...
  9. Carcharoth

    D&D 3E/3.5 Analyzing 4 Methods for Converting 3.5 and Pathfinder to 5E

    Unfortunately, because the lower CRs typically have lower Con Mods (smaller boost), while higher CRs typically have higher Con Mods (larger boost), it doesn't really match the type of progression. The lower CRs really need a higher boost in relation to higher CRs. BTW, regex and excel are...
  10. Carcharoth

    D&D 3E/3.5 Analyzing 4 Methods for Converting 3.5 and Pathfinder to 5E

    I originally did the same thing but I’m still working on finding a more consistent method. There is a fairly tight progression when it comes to HP and CR in relation to the expected 5e values. For instance, the lower CR ranges are closer to 20% of the expected 5e values, while the higher...
  11. dd-feature-logo.jpg


  12. Carcharoth

    D&D 3E/3.5 Analyzing 4 Methods for Converting 3.5 and Pathfinder to 5E

    The article on EN World titled Attempt at Conversion doc to convert 3.5 edition and Pathfinder monsters to D&D Next - On the Fly is an excellent primer in quick monster conversion for DnD Next, which although written before the release of 5e, is still relevant. Member jamesmanhattan breaks down...
  13. Carcharoth

    The Uncommoner (a class for those that are commoners, but not really)

    I like the zero-level character concept, and can see this as working as a nice extension to, or replacement for it as well. It can also provide nice segue for people who aren't quite sure what they want to be in the early stages. I've had new players choose randomly in the begging, become...
  14. Carcharoth

    Adding Flavor by Using Templates to Increase or Decrease the CR of 5e Monsters

    I just checked out Microlite 5e doc and like the quick monster gen part. I also use spreadsheets a lot, and like the idea of throwing the template in on existing stats. I've also created a few basic web-based tools for this and other conversion stuff that I can use on my phone/ tablet. I might...
  15. Carcharoth

    Adding Flavor by Using Templates to Increase or Decrease the CR of 5e Monsters

    EDIT: In focusing on a single calculation for damage die and bonus for the Storm Giant, I overlooked a major component, which is the total DRP. Although the method for determining damage die is valid, the beginning DPR was incorrect. I edited the example to reflect the changes. Sorry for the...
  16. Carcharoth

    Adding Flavor by Using Templates to Increase or Decrease the CR of 5e Monsters

    meomwt and davout1805, Thanks for checking this out. If you play around with it, let me know what you think, or if you find errors, have suggestions, etc., please let me know.
  17. Carcharoth

    Adding Flavor by Using Templates to Increase or Decrease the CR of 5e Monsters

    Because I have learned much over many years of lurking, I figure it’s about time that I shared a little something with the community. I (like most I presume) have favorite monsters, and so I often boost or reduce CR to continue to keep them engaging and relevant as PC levels increase. Since I...