• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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    WOIN WOIN OLD Book Update like New?

    Will WOIN OLD receive the update like WOIN NEW had with a change like the addition of the Vital Defense in WOIN NEW 1.2?
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    WOIN Ranged Weapons Damage Question

    In the WOIN core books, it states for melee weapons that you can add Strength or melee skill dice value whichever is higher to damage. Does the same apply to ranged weapons involving Agility or the ranged weapon skill dice value?
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    Magic Effect Soak Question

    For WOIN OLD, if the abjure skill is used to add soak to a target to reduce damage, would it stack with armor soak or take the higher of the two? Would Magic abjure soak stack with natural soak or take the higher of the two?
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    WOIN OLD Ship Battles at Sea

    I am running WOIN OLD with a couple of groups. One of the games involved ships at sea battling each other. I used the canon stats from the Wilderness and Strongholds book. I tried using the starship combat system from NEW Space book. However, categorizing the ships was difficult to determine...
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    Samurai Article for EONS Magazine Question

    A while back in an EONS magazine article with the publication of the Ninja career, the article mentioned about a future article involving a Samurai career that could be published. Will there be a future EONS article about the Samurai career for WOIN?
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    WOIN Musketeer Question

    The musketeer career has an attribute +1 GC. What attribute is GC for?
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    WOIN question

    In OLD, the musketeer career states as +1 GC for an attribute. Whay does it mean?
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    Character Creation Health Dice Pool Question

    During character creation in WOIN RPG Future, the health attribute is created by the following: "Roll an END dice pool, a WIL dice pool, and a LUC dice pool. If you have the hardy skill, you may roll that also." Does the dice pool maximum apply to the dice pool for health, not counting luck...