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  1. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    So my comments on the dangers of escalating the situation by arbitrarily publicly humiliating someone because you perceive their behavior as bad, without asking the victim what they would prefer is rather ignored. Do you not recognize that your method would humiliate the victim and perpetrator...
  2. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    KB fair enough. I'll cover some of that as best I am able. First there is societal conditioning. This affects both genders, don't get me wrong, but your questions addressed the female perspective. From the time we are infants when our parents wanted to dress us up they invariably put us in...
  3. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    Which is why mediation is necessary. A person can go quietly to such a person without creating a public scene that risks escalation. The Con can speak to the alleged harasser quietly, and indeed point out to this person is risking public humiliation of it continues, if that is something they...
  4. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    While the few women commenting on this thread have mostly fallen silent, I do want to say it wasn't because I felt run off. I have been following, and a number of times refrained because terms are used that are unfamiliar to me, and another person other than the subject of the article was...
  5. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    "Special prize to any to any of you guys who manage to "score" with one of the chicks in the game." If you wanted something even more alarming than the first example.
  6. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    I am not clear on which harassment here has you upset?
  7. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    We all ready know Prohibition doesn't work. My wording was poor, as a society we need to address victim blaming. AT all levels.
  8. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    I am not a drinker either, and yes alcohol can contribute to the problem. It all ready makes it worse for women in this way. Anytime we go somewhere alcohol is served, parties, bars, Cons, whatever, if we are assaulted we are first asked "Why did you go there if you knew there was drinking?"...
  9. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    EXACTLY. Harassment is bullying. Bullying is killing people all across our society. This is EVERYONE'S problem, and no sub-group is immune. Laughing at some guy because he isn't getting "laid" putting pressure on HIM to meet some macho standard is just as harmful as sexually harassing anyone...
  10. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    And going into what? Ten days now of ongoing discussion, to reach the point of finding those points we do agree on, learning to recognize what the others may say that because our life experience is simply different we may have failed to recognize what they actually mean. I am impressed, I rarely...
  11. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    You know I caught that, and I have heard of the castrati. The Vienna Boys Choir was originally made up of castrati, boys castrated to prevent their voices from changing, not to prevent rape. And it was done by the CATHOLIC CHURCH the bastion of male domination. If he was upset over the castrati...
  12. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    Actually she cited the TWO well known incel attacks. What we haven't listed ad nauseum- the shooting a month or so ago at a school in NJ, the one they claim was stopped by a security guard with a gun? No. He wasn't he killed HIMSELF AFTER he killed the person he came there to kill, a girl who...
  13. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    well after the initial few days of naysayers, this has evolved to real discussion of possible solutions, or steps towards those solutions. All of what you guys have suggested is good. My final thought, a half dozen ideas of the best way to present the info to insure everyone or as many as...
  14. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    Ah yes, the old "you can lead a horse to water...." conundrum. As someone who has done some marketing and promotion, the trick is to find a title they will find compelling enough to say "WTH?" and read it to SEE WTH. What that might entail to catch the attention of gamers I would have to...
  15. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    Pamphlets are good. In the discussion about how to present a harassment policy, it can be both. Posted signs with the brief version, pamphlets in every Con goers guest packet with details? By the way guys I am really happy to see on this thread a fair number of men who are seeing the same...
  16. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    No just no. Others here have all ready explained the problem with your thinking to you. I am just going to leave you with a few better known names, we'll label them exhibits. Exhibit A: Bill Cosby, convicted serial harasser and rapist. Raised in a two parent family. Exhibit B: Our current...
  17. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    And to the others that mentioned no system would be perfect. I can't speak for others under all of those other labels that have changed over time, but I don't think most women are asking or expect perfection. A good many of us end up in relationships with men ya know. :)
  18. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    K, I was just wondering, but until I know if it was his intent to humiliate me I'll just back out of the conversation.
  19. J

    Harassment Policies: New Allegations Show More Work To Be Done

    After my carefully worded response one of you guys want to tell me what I said that was so out of line that Jasper, the gentleman I was responding to found it funny? His only reaction was to laugh. Is it because I was duped into believing a fake sob story?