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    D&D 5E Multiclassing my lvl 10 Eldritch Knight, need tips.

    So I am currently thinking about multiclassing my lvl 10 Fire Genasi Eldritch Knight, and I would like some suggestions from everyone. My character sheet is attached, Thanks!
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    D&D 5E Desperately need help, trying to catch up to party.

    Gardens & Goblins thank you for the assistance, I am currently talking with my DM now about some of this. :)
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    D&D 5E Desperately need help, trying to catch up to party.

    Gardens & Goblins I didn't know 5e was built around point buy, because we all rolled for our stats just like in 3.5. I also just called my DM and pretty much asked why everyone else is saying this stuff is wrong, and he said that he knows our AC/DPS/Stats are really high for level 8. He said...
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    D&D 5E Desperately need help, trying to catch up to party.

    Gardens & Goblins I know DEX modifier is not suppose to add into AC because of heavy armor, but that is the only way I can even attempt to keep up with the other players. Hell if I didn't add it I would have the lowest AC in the group.
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    D&D 5E Desperately need help, trying to catch up to party.

    Human determination is a feat, and from what I am tracking (like I said I'm pretty new to 5e) the only actual home brew rule we have doesn't apply to characters directly. Also how are my stats and AC ridiculous? (not being a dick just trying to figure it out)
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    D&D 5E Desperately need help, trying to catch up to party.

    So I am trying to figure out why my character lacks so much damage in combat. I am well below the average of the rest of my party. I will add in below the classes we are playing and our average damage. I will also added my character sheet, hope it helps. Also I am fairly new to 5e, I have always...
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    Turning my character into something much more...

    So I wanted to turn my character into something much more than he is. When I say this I'm talking about vampires, werewolf's, and such. But I can only find those two, is there anything else I can turn into? If so then what? Also where to find the information? If anyone was wondering I'm a Human...
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    Pathfinder 1E Prestige Class for a Evil Fight that uses deception?

    Alright so I am currently looking for a good prestige class for my character but it's kind of hard because most fighters arnt really deceptive. I am a very very very very evil character along with my group. If it helps I openly worship the deity Bane (God of Hate and Suffering). What would you...