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    If my brother likes Catan...

    Ticket to Ride is definitely a good one. Based entirely on what my friend who is obsessed with Catan has enjoyed, I'd say give Codenames a go (you can have big groups on each team and it's fast to learn.) Maybe Blood Rage too. I love Blood Rage.
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    Looking for solo & 2-player tabletop recommendations

    Let me second the King of Tokyo & Pandemic recs! Other games to consider: Duke (small, strategy based game with a distant resemblance to chess) Tokaido (a deeply aesthetically pleasing journey/experience game with lovely art)
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    What are you reading [Apr 2017]?

    I've been alternating between SF/F and "serious books," so I'm wrapping up Lunch Poems by Frank O'Hara. Not that it's that serious... it's a nice little book if you like modern poetry.
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    Ice (Fate)

    5 out of 5 rating for Ice (Fate) I had the opportunity to read over this brand new RPG while it was in the final stages of development, and am dying to play it with my group. The art is stark and engaging, but the little details are really what got me--this is a game that caters to players'...