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  1. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    why would it kill them? the spell anti-magic feil would only make them blink out of existence untill it was "turned off"
  2. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    why would they not have 7th level slots if you rest and then they duplicate you with a 7th level spell slot then the new simmulacri would have 7th level spell slots
  3. C

    D&D 5E Survivor D&D Villains- IGGWILV WINS!

    Acererak 8+1=9 Asmodeus 4 Graz'zt 2-2=0 lggwilv 9 Tharizdun 4
  4. C

    D&D 5E Survivor D&D Villains- IGGWILV WINS!

    Acererak 19 Asmodeus 21 Demogorgon 28-2=26 Graz'zt 18 Iggwilv 14 Iuz 26 King Snurre 17 Lord Soth 23 Szass Tam 13 Tharizdun 27 Tiamat 25+1=26 Venger 16 Vlaakith 14 Xanathar 7 Zargon 17
  5. C

    D&D 5E Survivor D&D Villains- IGGWILV WINS!

    Acererak 18 Asmodeus 20 Demogorgon 28-2=26 Graz'zt 23 Iggwilv 15 Iuz 24 King Snurre 17 Lord Soth 23 Orcus 5 Szass Tam 13 Tharizdun 25 Tiamat 25+1=26 Venger 19 Vlaakith 16 Xanathar 12 Zargon 19
  6. C

    D&D 5E Why Lichdom?

    The caster is powerful before becoming a lich.
  7. C

    D&D 5E Why Lichdom?

    Why not do both?
  8. C

    D&D 5E Unbalanced Sub-classes and how to fix them

    I have to disagree with that. I believe feats provide lots of richness and Depth as well as helping achieve character concepts. Also as a Min/Maxer I can tell you that almost all of the abilities in the player's handbook are written with Multiclassing in mind.
  9. C

    D&D 5E Survivor D&D Villains- IGGWILV WINS!

    Acererak 20 Asmodeus 20 Bargle 18 Demogorgon 20 Graz'zt 20 Iggwilv 20 Iuz 21 King Snurre 20 Lolth 20 Lord Soth 21 Orcus 20 Rary 18 Szass Tam 20 Strahd von Zarovich 19 Tharizdun 20 Tiamat 18 Vecna 19 Venger 20 Vlaakith 20 Warduke 20 Xanathar 20 Zargon 21 Pun-pun 20+5(master of...
  10. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    the thing that I think bothers me about the first two aproaches is they are just dm saying "no!" rather obviously but the third option seems more like an actual story tied limit to simulacrum that would be less likely to make players feel like dm was just outright saying "no!"
  11. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    the reason the first tweak may no work is in some modules villans might try to copy heroes to be minions
  12. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    well they copy the statistics of the creature that is targeted so if you take a rest to regain those slots before they copied you then they would have a 7th level slot
  13. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    no the spell says if you cast the spell again previous simulacrums are destroyed and the simulacrums can work as completely independent cretures so every clone could only create one more clone
  14. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    well it says quasi-real so unless its 7th or 9th level dispell magic.....
  15. C

    D&D 5E Attack of the Clones: Simulacrum

    they don't become more powerful as in leveling up not in the dm's interpretation of "gain power" otherwise tons of spells would be useless like any buff spells at all and so would getting magic items cuz all buffs are to gain power even the described use case just specifying what is to be done...