• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. B

    Design Challenge: World of Remedy

    You should play Mage the Ascension or Unknown Armies. I promise most if not all your ideas are already baked in.
  2. B

    Worlds of Design: What’s Your Objective?

    I'm really struggling to understand what the author means by "handholding" in regards with "younger players"? What does that mean?
  3. B

    Worlds of Design: Building a Structural Framework

    I've been an aspiring game designer for about a decade now. I've taken classes, done a ton of research, and designed games for work purposes, my own play groups, and others. I've read so many game design frameworks for "every game" and what most miss is that there has never been "one model" to...
  4. B

    D&D 5E Is D&D 90% Combat?

    I'm very late to the party, and someone has probably mentioned this, but you can look at the data to make that call. If you took the basic set of books needed to play, let's say Players Handbook, Dungeon Masters Guide and Monster Manual, and took out all information related to combat, how much...
  5. B

    Worlds of Design: Citing Your Sources

    "why read something not closely related to games when you can read something made for games?" Or do like every group that I've played/Dmed with for the last 25 years, and make up your own worlds, settings, stories. Where do you think all those fantasy authors get their ideas? You can't limit...
  6. B

    Worlds of Design: “All About Me” RPGs (Part 2)

    He should just come right out say it: He doesn't like young people because they act differently then he does. It would be much simpler then the article written here.
  7. B

    A Dozen General RPG Podcasts

    Although "One shot" is fairly reliable live play sessions, my "go to podcasts" tend to be about game design, or game master advice. If you're into the Indie gaming scene, then I suggest you check out the Gauntlet podcasts. They're are really informative, with news and interviews, and lots of GM...