• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. S

    How often do your players multiclass?

    I almost always multiclass when I play. My players have thus far not multiclassed, currently level 11.
  2. S

    Riddle me this: How often do you use riddles?

    I use them rarely. I try to have at least two ways of getting through any situation, so no impassible magic locks or something. Riddles where that is the only way to pass, or pass without the near impossible odds it otherwise would be, are ones which can drag a session into the mud. I have...
  3. S

    What is your campaign balance? Combat vs Social?

    I like to present a well rounded mix of things for my players to do. The big issue is that while I am passible at roleplaying, my campaign is rather expansive and I have generated so much content that it is actually a bit difficult to remember how I had everything. Going by the seat of my...
  4. S

    D&D 5E What is your current way to roll stats

    The way I have my current players roll, no (re-roll all 1's). This is easily modifiable of course. Other things to note is that I run a decently modified 5e and I started my campaign at level 10, so all the characters have additional feats and ability improvements to further change things...
  5. S

    D&D 5E What is your current way to roll stats

    I have honed in on a method which is both flexible and relatively fair. -Set aside 6 numbers. I like an array of 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, and 6 for a generally more powerful character to start -roll 6 sets of 2d6. (re-roll 1 is optional) -combine one set aside number with one 2d6 roll. -There should...
  6. S

    Breaking Bounded Accuracy: Proposed Fix

    Read up to about the end of page 2 Issues with original idea: Not too many. You will see the goldilocks 50% chance to hit zone move by about 6 levels (proficiency changes and magic weapons/armor). It keeps the range something you can more easily manage. It makes simple +x magic items more...
  7. S

    D&D 5E Strength bows?

    I have also done something like this. Biggest thing is to make/keep the short bow relevant and keep it at no strength requirement.
  8. S

    How often does your party take a short rest?

    My players short rest quite a bit. In the campaign I play in we long rest quite a bit. This is the difference between a campaign with a lot of smaller encounters verses one with a few very difficult encounters. As the DM I personally am far more lenient with short rests than I am with long...
  9. S

    Collaborating with Your DM

    I run and prep my campaign as a series of events which will happen unless the players intervein. The players do stuff and I figure out what happens. In that way I create the scenario and they muck it all up. I do this on the small scale (vendors), the mid scale ("dungeons"), and the campaign...
  10. S

    D&D 5E Anyone else finding character advancement pretty dull?

    I think character development is just about right. It is not an overly arduous task and the options available allow for a relatively quick set of choices. I can then take those choices and craft a wide range of interesting character combinations and roles. What I find 5e has oversimplified is...
  11. S

    Anybody actually play a Redemption Paladin?

    Yes, I have one in my campaign right now at level 10. Full disclosure: I modified a lot of the base rules. The play is very similar, though combat is far less swingy and minor debilitating status effects are more common (wears the characters down besides HP and spell slots) Running through a...
  12. S

    Do you increase monster hit points?

    No, I just add more creatures based on circumstance. If the players manage to reduce the forces arrayed against them or make some mistakes increasing the difficulty in any number of ways, then that is what happens. So far it has worked out quite well. The players have managed to adapt to the...
  13. S

    Creating a More Immersive D&D Experience

    Sound effects/Sound tracks____In my experiences soundtracks can really enhance an session or battle, but a poorly chosen song at the wrong time can really bring people out of the experience. This means that there is a certain amount of overhead when dealing with sound tracks and the like. I've...
  14. S

    Shield master on twitter

    While it seems odd, I think this finally sank home the idea that sage advice and other rulings are really a suggestion. It is good for people that do not know how all the game systems interact and adventure league (everybody on the same page as soon as possible). It is not good for groups with...
  15. S

    How important to you is maxing your primary stat?

    It depends on the character concept, but 85% of the time I prefer a feat. An ability score of 16 or 14 is plenty for me. I've played characters with high ability scores, high primary scores only, and low-ish scores but have feats. Feats are by far the option I have the most fun with. I do...
  16. S

    The HP sweet spot for 5e

    I think somewhere around 50 hp is good. Just seems like a nice number. Allows for enough hp to absorb common AOE and still have a little bit to duke it out with something. Good for both PCs and opposing creatures. Around 30 is where most spells or a deadly opponent can dispose of you in a...
  17. S

    How Have You Spent Excess Gold in Downtime?

    Hired an adventurer to do the adventuring work for him. 1.) Took the earnings from that contract to buy (gets sheets out) 8 large houses, each containing the operations for a tavern, lodgings, and some goods selling in: -Neverwinter -Luskan -Mirabar -Rivermoot -Yartar -Daggerford -Baldersgate...
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    Shield spell and dice rolling assumptions

    Interesting topic. I thought about how the spell should be handled RAW, but I did not think about tables which roll out in the open vs those that do not, or even if the rules were written with certain assumptions (I feel they do a decent job at trying to not assume too much). I play at a table...
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    Non-urgent Adventures and Campaigns?

    I have a campaign where there is a clock, but it is a year or so in-game. The players can take time if they want, and probably will until they figure out that some bad stuff has been building for some time. This allows me to add in situations where the PC's getting trapped or taking a long...
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    awkward situation

    I would think the duegar could do a couple things, I think all of them were listed already. (in no particular order of significance) 1.) Form an assault unit and try to storm the king's chambers 1.b.) use clerics to shape stone to make easy entry and retreat for the assault unit 1.c.) Assault...