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  1. G

    How do we reflect on our sessions after playing / running?

    I've just been blogging an after-action report on a one-shot game that I ran a few weeks ago (Index Card RPG's Ghost Mountain setting) - and I wonder if we do enough post-game reflection in order to analyse and unpack the play experience and what worked and what didn't. In the past I've used the...
  2. G

    What TTRPG games need more one-shot Actual Plays?

    Over on the Unconventional GMs youtube channel, myself and my co-host Gaz (of the Smart Party, the UK's premier roleplaying podcast) have been putting up TTRPG one-shots. Our USP is that they're run how we run convention games (hence the name) with pace, vim, and vigour, and a heady mix of...
  3. G

    D&D 5E Xanathar's Guide in one-shots / Different one-shot formats

    Hey there - on my blog, Burn After Running, I've uploaded my own review of Xanathar's and what it offers if you're running one-shot D&D games. I'm particularly interested in the Appendix which talks about shared DM campaigns, and am interested if anyone has any experience of similarly...