• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. L

    % Chance to Learn New Spell

    ...always the worst part of levelling-up a wizard. Now it bit me again-hard-, and I'm having a hard time recovering. I've just turned 7th, have been holding onto Falrinth's books since ToEE, oh so long ago. I have a 65% (!!!) percent chance of learning any spell, and I flubbed them all. Of 7...
  2. L

    Excel and Massive Campaigns

    Perhaps this is the wrong place-entirely-to be asking, but I've found NO help anywhere on-line. To y'all I can just describe what I want to do, without trying to figure out the most "normal" thing I could say without elliciting a groan. so, the parameters are 1: You play D&D(or an rpg), and 2...
  3. L

    XP for Technology in Expedition to the Barrier Peaks

    Hey! I'm playing basically in 2E(with, obviously, a lot of home-brewing), but it IS a 1E module(and this is, essentially, my first post on ENWorld, so please forgive if I'm uncouth at this, at all). My game is a one-on-one-she handles 4 pcs, I gave 3 DMPC's, we've streamlined it as much as we...