• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. W

    Bronze Age Fantasy

    I would like to add something out of the left field. Namely a video crpg inspiration. Im pointing to Tyranny rpg. It is bronze age with fantasy and its pretty brutal while also fairly original.
  2. W

    Time Travel for the Future of Mankind in Out of Time

    So its a bit like Logan in Days of Future Past minus bone claws. I can dig it:)
  3. W

    Brave Desert Sands to Save a Storyteller in the Scheherazade RPG

    Aladdin u say? Im interested. I see that the amount of polymorphing in this milleu has been kept as a playable mechanic. From what i have seen of possible player characters the game offers some nice ideas and lore. Will we get any expansions based on other works like those of Sindbad?
  4. W

    Who remembers "Exile" or the "Null-Foundation"?

    My first post on this forum and already filled with salt:) This is the game that was imho killed in the cradle. It had one heck of a cool concept and setting, unfortunatly not really fleshed out. The Starting point; Trinary is described yes but not the Grange itself where were supposed to play...