• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. A

    ICv2 Reports Disappointing Year For Hobby Games Channel: TTRPGs Down, D&D Declines 30%

    Sounds about right. I'm an older gamer, in my mid-50's and due to my group playing PF 1e since it came out, the only real thing I buy anymore is dice and miniatures, since we already have a plethora of PF 1e stuff that we haven't run yet, we don't need new adventures, and there aren't...
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    Joyful GMing: Practical Advice for Playing Nice

    I agree, and my groups have been doing that since we started with ODnD back in the late 70s. For us initially, it was a way to keep everyone honest, including the gms. Every group I've played with since all the way up to our current PF 1e group has done this, never using GM screens either. What...
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    Dragon Reflections #67

    I remember this issue. I used to have a subscription to Dragon in the 80s. I always liked the Greyhawk Deity articles.
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    Worlds of Design: All Your Base

    My group is currently playing through the Ironfang Invasion AP and, well, it's a constantly on the go campaign. We've not been able to stay in any one place for very long which makes it hard for folks that want to craft. We'd love a base of operations but sometimes the campaigns just don't...
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    RPG Evolution: Don't Play This Class!

    Archer and the Archer-Ranger, that brings back memories. We used that one as a pc class in our 1e ADnD games in the 80s and 90s.
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    Pathfinder 1E How "grimdark" is your Golarion?

    We go for PG13/R Rating, we played the Hell's Vengeance AP and that was pretty Over the Top. I am starting to run us through Carrion Crown in 2 weeks, and it will likely be a pretty dark, with Gothic Horror and Lovecraftian influences.