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  1. Bluebell

    Going Nuclear:1D&D

    That may be good for WotC but I disagree that that's what's best for the community. I think it's a bad idea for one company to control the content and the medium. I would rather see system-agnostic VTTs continue to grow. I don't agree that WotC has suffered from the existence of 3pp. The sheer...
  2. Bluebell

    Going Nuclear:1D&D

    I don't really care if it's personal or not. People aren't out here complaining that Hasbro hurt their feelings. I also don't really care whether they are "doing their best." I don't know what's in their hearts, I just know their actions. Whether or not corporations as a whole are bad isn't...
  3. Bluebell

    Going Nuclear:1D&D

    I've been watching the indie artists and homebrewers on my feeds scramble all week because it turns out that "the people who need to worry about this" extends far beyond the big players, and Wizards didn't think it was worth their time to give every freelancer and indie artist on instagram a...
  4. Bluebell

    What's All This About The OGL Going Away?

    I agree. But I think this is complicated by the fact that CR has gotten extremely cozy with WotC and has released official content through them. Exandria is now an "official" DnD setting. Given that their campaigns are always set in Exandria, would they be willing to extract it from DnD...
  5. Bluebell

    D&D 5E In Search Of: The 5e Dungeon Master's Guide

    Well I can tell you what it was like starting with 5e alongside a group made up of other relative newbies: if I pick up a book called the Player's Handbook from the local gaming shop, because that's by far the most common book they would have on the shelf, I expect it to be a handbook that...
  6. Bluebell

    D&D 5E Megadungeon delving as a campaign’s core; is it compatible with modern play?

    So getting back to OP's original question: this is a question I've thought quite a bit about because my current campaign is a homebrewed megadungeon using 5e, and all of my players are very much of the more modern character-focused mindset. When I decided I wanted to build a megadungeon, I...
  7. Bluebell

    D&D 5E Discussing Worldbuilding: Why Don't The Mages Take Over The World?

    That does make complete sense, and I can see how that would act as a hard limiter on magic in the world, particularly wizards (requiring both innate ability AND wealth). And depending on how rare you decide to make that spark, I feel like this question kind of answers itself: if magic is mostly...
  8. Bluebell

    D&D 5E Discussing Worldbuilding: Why Don't The Mages Take Over The World?

    I've always wondered about this from the opposite end: why isn't it more common in these settings for the average person to have access to these low-level spells that have niche use for an adventuring party but would be extremely useful for a farmer or peasant? Sure, becoming a wizard requires...
  9. Bluebell

    D&D General What Would Happen if Fiends Came to Fill the "Low CR Monsters" Niche?

    Witch hunts or inquisitions are a possible element that could definitely work, but I don't see why it would have to be a given. There are so many examples in fiction of demons showing up as a consequence of say, a curse that was allowed to fester, or ground that was desecrated by a battle, or...
  10. Bluebell

    D&D General Roll20 useing art as tokens

    I play with artists who would darn well notice and be mad if they thought I was stealing art because they wouldn't want that to happen to them, so no. I use official art or I credit or I've even commissioned things. If I like an artist enough to use their work regularly, I throw them a few bucks...
  11. Bluebell

    D&D General how would you recommend I make this feel like a more magical culture?

    So my big question here is, why do they build their city-states in such inaccessible locations? Are they deliberately setting themselves apart from other people and trying to make themselves difficult to reach? Does something about their magical practice necessitate being far away from other...
  12. Bluebell

    D&D General I want to fire a player.

    If you do want to talk to the player, one approach you could take is: "I notice you're struggling with this. Is there anything we can do to make it easier for you?" It's a little less confrontational and makes it clear that your friend is still a friend, and you're willing to work with them to...
  13. Bluebell

    D&D 5E You've just TPK'd in the final fight. What do?

    For me, it would fully depend upon the campaign itself, the themes and character motivations of the story we're playing, and the context of the TPK. Some stories are most poetic when they end with the heroes going down in a blaze of glory. Some stories feel wrong and unsatisfying if they end...
  14. Bluebell

    D&D General Would It Matter To You if D&D Books Were Illustrated by AI Instead of Humans?

    You know, one of the things that motivates me to purchase an expensive hardcover guide rather than simply looking up its contents online is the artwork. I see physical guides as sort of coffee table artbooks as much as they are guides. Why would I pay money for AI-generated artwork rather than...
  15. Bluebell

    D&D 5E How Are Orcs Different In Your World? (+)

    Since my current campaign is focused on a giant library, I've mostly thought about the different races in terms of how they might have shaped the materials you can find in the library. For orcs, because they have existed as a nomadic people for thousands of years, they are the most reliable...
  16. Bluebell

    D&D General "I have Played in or Run a Campaign Set in the Forgotten Realms" (a poll)

    Just the once, when my group wanted to try Dragon Heist. It was fine for a setting, but my biggest complaint was that I felt like I was expected to recognize or get excited over every famous NPC cameo or reference to some other module. I imagine it's the kind of thing where you feel more...
  17. Bluebell

    D&D General Does you campaign setting match where you live?

    Yes and no. I grew up in the Rocky Mountains, so I'm setting my current campaign in a mountain valley out of nostalgia, but I've been drawing on other places like Iceland and the Andes to give it more flavor. I'm the only one in my player group who's lived in rural areas, so I definitely bring a...
  18. Bluebell

    D&D 5E Toward a new D&D aesthetics

    Speaking for myself, I picked "I'm ok with those changes, even if my ideal setting has a different aesthetics" because... my ideal aesthetics wouldn't really match most DnD art, new or old. That doesn't mean I think the current art, if it is particularly different from older art, is bad at all...
  19. Bluebell

    Critical Role To Critical Role or not...That is the question

    Having actually come from the internet circles where CR is very big, I would definitely agree that it's a factor in 5e's success but not the sole reason for it. There was a lot of hype for 5e among new players when it first released because we all heard how accessible it was. CR just happened to...
  20. Bluebell

    D&D 5E Toward a new D&D aesthetics

    This is where we differ, because I see that pink/purple/blue art mostly showing up in either alt art or on products that aren't necessarily meant to have universal appeal. I see that art as less generic because it's made to appeal to more particular audiences. I don't think you're the only...