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  1. R

    D&D General Has Sensitivity and Inclusion gone too far?

    According to B.S link removed it has. Taking out all of his insults, does he have a point irregardless? He doesn't show how keeping certain words make it 'better' Edited to remove flame bait link to extremely anti-inclusive, bigoted spewing. Also, “irregardless” isn’t a word.
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    Anyone heard of an update on the Zak S. Saga?

    I found out that his latest lawsuit against GENCON was dismissed with prejudice: Thread by @robertbohl, Zak Smith / Gen Con lawsuit documents:https://… Read this to see how Zak screwed himself over. The people who cry they are the persecuted are the biggest grifters
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    D&D General So your thoughts on this guy

    Is he right about AD&D: Just Because AD&D Did Some Stuff Differently Doesn't Make It Better -… He tries to talk about it and correct someone else's misinterpretations...but honestly: It seems like he thinks everyone makes characters for novelty instead of fun.
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    D&D General Yelling into the wind...

    From here: Not according to Tolkien And you don't know your Tolkien: Tolkien’s Jewish Question The one in which you have sole ownership over and own all ip? "I hate nuance!" So if it's not real it can hurt the real people? This is false. So no bad stories every use stereotypes...
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    How to punish players without killing their PCs.

    Because frankly this doesn't seem like the best solution: was killing him the way to get that across though. What ever happened to being defiant? Or escapist fiction? And here... So he complains people need to man up and separate reality from fiction...despite admitting that its...
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    Oriental Adventures, was it really that racist?

    From here: Well here is the thing, did Kwan have a point? Sure people might say "let us have fun" but I suspect that to Asian and Muslim characters, seeing their culture reduced to a theme-park version would be turned off for understandable reasons. Off course: Well here's the thing...
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    Has anyone got any flak for buildung a character that wasnt optimized?

    I came across this and: more relevant statements to the topic: This is just petty: But is he right? Is this woman complaining about nothing, or are there jerks who try and force people to "optimize" or some such?