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  1. Chappy Thoughts

    Rootin’ Tootin’ Old-School Shootin’: A Review of Dead in the West

    I grew up on the stories of Louis L’Amour, spaghetti westerns, and videogames like the Red Dead series and Gun (does anyone remember Gun? It was pretty good), but I haven’t played too many western themed TTRPG’s. The few that do exist tend to lean more towards the ‘weird west’ and eschew the...
  2. Chappy Thoughts

    A New Look for DriveThruRPG

    DriveThruRPG is in the midst of an update and is looking for feedback. If you are a fan of the digital store front then head over to the site and click the banner at the top of the page or just follow the link (OneBookShelf). I reached out to the design team with a few questions and Ben...
  3. Chappy Thoughts

    Let’s Get This Party Quick-Started

    Quickstart rules are a great way for a group to dip their toes into a new system without spending tens of dollars or wrapping their heads around 300+ pages of new esoterica. With the hobby currently expanding, I thought I would take a look at some of these Quick Start rules and highlight a few...