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  1. Cergorach

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    Do you have a link for that? Because I don't remember that at all...
  2. Cergorach

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    No, I absolutely allow them to disagree with my opinion. ;) But there's a difference between disagreement and attacking one's opinion. You don't agree with what I say, fine. You say I should feel differently or that I'm wrong, because reason xyz, NOT fine. This is not a matter of 'Fact(tm)'...
  3. Cergorach

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    Yes they are proficient DMs, so am I, so are you. But the reason there's a news item about them is because they are famous and WotC announced they consulted on it. Did WotC announce that Nina Hess worked on the 5e PHB? No. These two didn't even write/edit the DMG, they just did some...
  4. Cergorach

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    Did the Mortality Radio change the D&D landscape? No. Did Critical Roll change the D&D landscape? Yes. If there's something in the D&D (community) that I don't like, but doesn't impact the D&D landscape, then I can just ignore it as it doesn't change D&D. If there's something in the D&D...
  5. Cergorach

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    I'm not a fan. I actually dislike Critical Roll and it's ilk. That of course is a personal opinion and that makes it a negative for me, but I can totally see why others love them. I like Deborah Ann Woll in True Blood, Daredevil and Punisher. I just don't like the 'watch D&D played' format...
  6. Cergorach

    Dungeons and Lasers VI: Caverns

    While the hard plastics from Archon Studios look absolutely awesome, especially the prepainted/printed sprues! I still have mixed feelings about ever backing anything from Archon Studios again. Not only are they exactly the same people that were behind Prodos => Alien vs Predator KS (which I...
  7. Cergorach

    D&D (2024) Deborah Ann Woll and Matt Mercer consulted on the 2024 DMG.

    This absolutely a marketing ploy, those two names alone attract a couple of million potential customers. Who will potentially but 3+ $60 books with possible additional digital resources. So, yeah that's worth the investment. Even though it's a negative in my book, I can totally see the business...
  8. Cergorach

    D&D (2024) Here's The New 2024 Player's Handbook Wizard Art

    Disney called, they want their Storm back... It's great art, but it feels like it's from a MtG card instead of a D&D book. Imho I don't like the art style for D&D... #GetYourMtGoutOfMyDnD ;)
  9. Cergorach

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    Just because you have the money and a studio, doesn't mean you can do it 'right'. And another studio needs to 'learn' BG3 from the ground up to do DLC for it. Also unless this was contracted already at the start of development, Larian's CEO current 'opinion' on WotC/Hasbro doesn't give me the...
  10. Cergorach

    D&D 5E AI Dungeon Master

    While funny, I can understand the appeal of an AI DM. Sometimes you just want to play D&D and no one wants to DM. I see that as playing Heroquest vs playing Gloomhaven, the first requires an DM and the second doesn't. Gloomhaven is a great game to play DMless. I just wonder if a pnp RPG is the...
  11. Cergorach

    D&D 5E AI Dungeon Master

    It is an issue as you try to create consistency in your setting/story. You create a semi-believable illusion, the moment the illusion is constantly not believable or when you start assuming everything is an illusion, things go wrong. Oh, me too. But then you solve the issue by making it true...
  12. Cergorach

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    That is kind of hilarious, as I remember that era being one of the brightest in miniatures ever! The White Dwarf photo spreads of battles between Orks and Blood Angels still hurt my eyes... ;)
  13. Cergorach

    Pathfinder 2E The starknife hurts my brain

    Yeah, I suddenly remember using a small hand axe during scouts in the wrong way and it bounced back from the small tree almost in my face. I suddenly imagine a double sided axe blade bouncing back into my face... Ugh! Same thing with a war hammer looking like a big Thor's hammer instead of the...
  14. Cergorach

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    Remember what they did with Neverwinter Nights? NWNX gave you the ability to make a NWN mmo/persistent server. No one imagined that one, until some one actually made it. Isn't this just a case of Frontier being Frontier? The made Elite Dangerous, but the expansion was a complete disaster. Many...
  15. Cergorach

    D&D 5E AI Dungeon Master

    Recently I had a discussion with some people about the Ubisoft NPC AI. My issue is the inherent way LLMs work, the predict how a sentence should look like without really understanding what it says. It's designed to give a believable answer with the information it has or make up a believable...
  16. Cergorach

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    I... I... I am offended! You just don't have any taste! ;) I suspect there's a golden mean between what you dislike about DOS and what you like in BG3, the problem is of course it could wind up pissing off everyone. But that is the risk they'll have to take imho. But even at DOS2 levels of...
  17. Cergorach

    D&D General Official Lego Set for Dungeons & Dragons Coming Soon

    This Lego set is about 1/3rd of my rent. It's of course not a single dinner and a movie, but this is also not a single evening build. If you pace yourself, this is probably a full week of evenings building this. And unlike a dinner and a movie, you still have something of value after you're...
  18. Cergorach

    D&D General No More Baldur's Gate From Larion: Team Is 'Elated'

    Maybe they just want to cash in on the BG3's success with their own IP. Speculation: WotC/Hasbro might have set unreasonable demands on Larian for additional DLC/BG4 with the success of BG3. Or Larian just sees WotC/Hasbro as an undependable business partner that will willy nilly kill projects...
  19. Cergorach

    D&D General Official Lego Set for Dungeons & Dragons Coming Soon

    Less posting and more worky-worky! ;) Lego certainly isn't cheap, especially not the big sets. But also keep in mind that building something this big is quite a few Friday nights and what does a Friday night dinner and movie cost? How quickly do you get to that $350? It of course needs to be...
  20. Cergorach

    Steamforged Games Making the Tales of the Valiant Starter Set

    When I look at SFG, there might be plastic minis in the starter set... Or SFG just has a good distribution setup for North America and Europe.