• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. D

    The Lightbringers' Expedition to Castle Ravenloft - updated 12/19

    Great writing, as always, Doc. People might not post, but I'm sure they read :) Keep up the good work.
  2. D

    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    Tullius complies with the request, looking a bit bemused. "Now what?" OOC: Sorry about the absence, WoW drew me away from all else. I'm back now though.
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    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    "Hmm, so magic is radiating from the south wall? But there is no door. Let's search the south wall, maybe there's a secret door? Unless you think that it's some kind of trap, Ehldannis?"
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    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    Tullius crouches down near a corpse and tries to figure out what killed all these people. "Dhormium, give me a hand? You might know a bit more about this then I do. If these people were killed by a disease or something ... I'm not sure we want to be here."
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    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    Tullius notices Marcus' laughing and slaps him on the back. "That's the way, if you can't laugh at danger ... the tension will catch up with you one day, and kill you." "Now, which door shall we pick? I'd say the south one ... it might be warmer." Tullius barks with laughter. "You fella's...
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    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    Tullius smiles broadly at Marcus. "Not much chance for glory when there's no bard around to see it." He advances into the room slowly, his weapons at the ready. "There's a dead fella in here, Dhormium. Is he gonna be a problem? And what is that skull? Is it some sort of Holy Symbol?"
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    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    Tullius nods at Marcus and will listen carefully at each door, leaving it to others to search the place.
  8. D

    Crossed Paths - OOC

    I'm still here, Tullius just doesn't have a lot to say :) I'd say ghost them until they show up again. Or find someone else to play them. It's really up to you as DM, Manzanita.
  9. D

    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    "You want to go first? Fine by me." Tullius smirks while he ties the rope to Marcus. "Better hope I don't fall asleep." He slaps Marcus on the back. "You'll be fine, don't worry."
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    Crossed Paths, Part IV

    Tullius smiles grimly. "More undead, huh? Get that holy symbol out, Dhormium." He looks at the Sphinx and grins at her. "Surprising how all these things you want are always in inaccesible locations, maybe you should have asked us for a potion to shrink you?" Laughing he begins tying down a rope...
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius smiles. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's hop to it."
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius sighs and follows after Dhormium, obviously not enjoying being underground again.
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius keeps a close eye out for trouble. "Be careful Marcus, somebody has been here recently to light those braziers ... he could still be around."
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius looks grim. "Indeed, but if I see that bastard ... he's a dead man."
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius shrugs his shoulders at Brioc. "Seems to me we can only do harm here. We don't know the politics of the place, we don't know who to trust and who not to. Anyone could lie to us and force us to make a wrong move. I suggest we leave them to sort out their own internal differences. We can't...
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius smiles at the young woman as he offers her his cloak. He tries speaking to her in greek to reassure her. "Don't worry, we're here to help. What's your name? I'm Tullius." He offers her his arm to lean on if she needs it. "Brioc, what's the plan? Do we help these people back to their...
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius can't help himself; he winks at the young girl and smiles. "Well ... that was easy. Ofcourse now we pissed off just about everyone in this underground maze. Why don't we go for broke and try to kill the Sphinx as well?" Tullius throws back his head and laughs long and hard. "By all the...
  18. D

    Crossed Paths, Part III

    "I knew this was going to end badly ... but not for me." Tullius draws both his weapons with his accustomed speed and strikes at the guard next to him. "Exciting stuff this saving of innocents ... I just hope it's worth it." ooc: Quick draw weapons, full attack.
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    Crossed Paths, Part III

    ooc: lol, sorry, I meant Brioc, not Marcus :) I get confused sometimes.
  20. D

    Crossed Paths, Part III

    Tullius moves to F9 intentionally creating a "safe zone" for the weaker members of the party to move into. He shrugs his shoulders at Octar as if to say: Priests ... whatcha gonna do? Tullius glances at Marcus and mutters in latin: "Your call, boss."