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  1. J

    D&D 4E Shado's 4e Color Landscape Sheets v1.2: UPDATED 6/24

    bugbyte, I'm not sure what you did with these sheets, but as soon as you save any changes, the ability to edit further is revoked.
  2. J

    D&D 4E Shado's 4e Color Landscape Sheets v1.2: UPDATED 6/24

    I like the Shado sheets better than WotC too, but I'm +1 on removing powers and attacks. The characters are 3rd level and already there is not enough room. I'll move the party's sheets over to the new forms sometime soon. My players and myself do find the Weapon and Implements section confusing...
  3. J

    D&D 4E Shado's 4e Color Landscape Sheets v1.2: UPDATED 6/24

    Thanks, Vesper and Valyar! Shado's sheets are great but I'd been trying to maintain electronic copies of my players' characters using Foxit Editor! Way time consuming. Thanks so much guys for creating these forms, they make my life SO much easier.