Search results

  1. N

    Syracuse NY: Looking to join a group or start a new one.

    I already play in a game once a week, and although I love my current group, they don't have enough time to play more than once a week. So I want to find another group to join. I have played for about 15 years now, all manner of games, with a number of different gaming groups, so I am pretty...
  2. N

    Clarification of Tripping rules and a couple feats.

    Tripping can only be done Unarmed or with a Weapon that *Specifically* states that it can be used to make trip attacks. True or False? I imagine I am reading it correctly in stating that this is true, but I have heard comments here which seem to contradict this. Even if that is true, can a...
  3. N

    Help with forums?

    A few months ago, I posted a thread Titled something along the lines of "Help me choose my feats, weird ones only please." The response was decent and I have gained a few levels since then. Rather than post an update that won't mean anything to most anybody, perhaps somebody who can search...
  4. N

    Help me pick my feat progression. Weird feats please!

    I am currently playing a 4th level Human fighter in the Scarred Lands setting. The game is happening right now in Hallofaust (city of necromancers) and the characters don't seem like they are heading somewhere. I have just been informed by my DM that he is not going to allow Riposte (from the...
  5. N

    Best Prestige Class for Fighter/Sorc?

    I have a human 8th level Kensai (fighter variant from Dragon)/2nd Level Sorc and I am looking for the best Prestige Class to take with my next level. I know I should think these things out beforehand, but I like the try and see if a direction presents itself first. I would like to try and take...
  6. N

    Item Creation for non Casters

    I just read a few item creation feat threads, with variations on how magic items can be created. The current rules of course require certain spells be available and certain caster levels both to create certain items and to gain certain feats at all. While this works well for starters, it seems...
  7. N

    Monk Prestige Class

    Brother of Celerity These monks have focused themselves on the powers of movement, rather than the full variety of mental and physical abilities as normal monks. With no equal in the movement powers, the Brothers of Celerity are sometimes used as scouts, and just as often used as fast assault...
  8. N

    Blade Singer Variants

    Can anybody direct me to blade singer variants that may use different rules than the published blade singer? This forum is huge and even after conducting several searches, I haven't found any here. Links to outside sights would be fine, and don't worry about the playtesting of the prestige...