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  1. sev

    Seeking Magical Thatching!

    I use this one: Chaotic Shiny - Treasure Trove Generator
  2. sev

    Ordinary vs. Extraordinary - the origins of characters

    I prefer my campaigns to dispense with the myth that *anybody* is "ordinary." Everybody's got something that sets them apart, and you don't have to scratch them too hard to find it.
  3. sev

    Where to get individual minis in the UK?

    I've recently bought minis from Hasslefree: .:Hasslefree Miniatures:. & was very happy with the cost (even counting shipping to the US). They're metal figures, unpainted, & they do their own sculpting, so if you're looking for the prepainted plastic collectable minis that Auggies sells, this...
  4. sev

    males playing females and the other way around, opinions?

    My characters are mostly-asexual, regardless of gender. My character who flirted shamelessly with everyone would have been *horrified* at the idea of actually following through on anything with anyone; if there'd been any romance in that campaign, he would have had an endless courtship that was...
  5. sev

    D&D is satanic - does anybody think so?

    The last time I heard somebody link D&D and satanism (other than as a joke) was probably 30 years ago. While there may still be people who believe it (and, I suppose, indoctrinating a new generation into the myth), at least in west-coast urban US, people haven't taken it seriously for a long time.
  6. sev

    Are you in the RPG closet?

    Sometimes I forget what a privilege it is for me to have always lived in or near a big city and to have worked for a dot-com. I've never had to be closeted about my interest in RPGs. Even as a kid, the worst response I got was that people thought I was a little weird...but they already thought...
  7. sev

    Do you like character building?

    I love creating characters. I like the insight it gives me into a system of rules; it's my favorite way to learn a new system. I like finding the ways, good and bad, that my different choices interact with each other. I like dreaming of who that character might be, based on what decisions...
  8. sev

    males playing females and the other way around, opinions?

    Historically I've played cross-gender more often than I've played my own gender. I've been on a streak of playing my own gender lately, and I haven't figured out yet whether that's significant in any way. I do know that roleplaying is a significant source of insight for me into my own head...
  9. sev

    How have you explained roleplaying to your spouse/SO?

    My spouse and I both play. However, last night while his character was dead & the rest of us were desperately (and loudly) trying to avoid a TPK, I listened to him try to explain it to our houseguests. The explanation that seemed to be sticking the best was: It's make-believe, but for...
  10. sev

    Preview of the new D&D COmic!

    Please tell us you have an upcoming storyline in which that poor half-naked caster gets some clothing. Her bare belly and shoulders make me *cold*.
  11. sev

    Hobby games and the lack of time.

    Now that I'm home all day with a preschooler, I have a lot of prep time, but it comes in five minute chunks and I'm infinitely distracted & can't remember what I've been working on from one moment to the next. I have no sense, yet, whether this is going to be better than working sixty-hour...
  12. sev

    Print On Demand solving the issue of errata

    I used to print out the eratta and tape it over the old text in the books. This stopped working with the May update, in which much of the new text was much, much larger than the old stuff. Now I just stuff the printouts in the back of the book and pencil "see errata" on the pages that have...
  13. sev

    Did Monster Builder not update yet?

    (regarding masterplan) This did not work for me. My test came up with all the attacks missing entirely, and much of the statistics (size, speed, resistances, speech, alignment) garbled. I doubt we'll see a mass-download solution. I do, however, expect to see masterplan updated to read the new...
  14. sev

    Did Monster Builder not update yet?

    This feature's still there, it's just much harder to find now: The "Ref. List" tab defaults to searching monsters. In the heading (maroon, where it says "Monsters" in white) there's a pair of icons that let you switch between searching monsters & searching powers.
  15. sev

    Gamers, I need input!

    Traditional board games & chess sets, open so people can just drop in and play. Little tables for two- and four- person games. My favorite coffee shops in college were the ones that always had a chess game or scrabble game going, and half the time I'd go and sip my overpriced latte and watch...
  16. sev

    Is there a DM tool for organizing my thoughts?

    I third the recommendation for Masterplan. Amazing tool for adventure-building. For nonlinear "big plot" stuff that doesn't have any actual game mechanics attached, I use IHMC's CMap software. I plot in circles, and so ordinary mindmapping tools don't work so well for me.
  17. sev

    Morrus attempts to update his PHB

    That sort of cutting-and-taping actually worked reasonably well all the way up until the May 2010 update -- the changes were *mostly* minor, and the new blocks were *close* to the size of the old ones. I taped in all the little changes, but gave up when the May update came out with all those...
  18. sev

    D&D 4E Teaching 4e?

    I've got a new group starting up in a couple of days. Three of us have played at least some 4e before (and I've GMed it) but one hasn't played D&D since 2nd ed, and the other hasn't played pencil-and-paper RPGs at all (and I don't know what her other gaming experiences might be like). How...
  19. sev

    Tabletop Aggro

    Are you looking for specific examples of how this has been implemented in various games? Or general categories of how one might do this sort of thing, regardless of the system being played? Some of the 4e classes have powers that damage or hamper monsters who try to move closer to or damage...
  20. sev

    Where Did All The Girls Go?

    I care that women who would otherwise be interested in RPGs are being driven away from the hobby. I find gaming cons frustrating, because it's not fun to fight to be heard while half the people there are assuming I'm somebody's girlfriend (or nowadays, probably somebody's mom). I stopped...