Search results

  1. Jools

    What's the connection between heavy metal and early roleplaying?

    I'm often told that early D&D was very metal and that there are connections between it and the early days of the industry. Is that true?
  2. Jools

    What Was The Best Fantasy Adventure/Campaign Of The Last 10 Years?

    If anybody would know, its you guys.
  3. Jools

    Games with opposed dice rolls - are they better, worse or no different?

    I'm currently making my own game (mostly informed by 4e, but thats not too important here) and I'm starting to favour opposed D20 rolls. I know it'll slow things down slightly - waiting for two people to roll - but I'm starting to think its better. I like the idea of the DM rolling first...
  4. Jools

    How did the Sorcerer work prior to 4e?

    I'm currently making my own 4e inspired edition of D&D and have been thinking about what to do with the Sorcerer. I'm curious, wow did it work in editions prior to 4e? In 4e it has its own spell list - completely independent of Wizard and Cleric Magic - and follows the standard at...
  5. Jools

    Where Can I Find Free Art For Inclusion In My RPG?

    I'm creating a D&D style RPG that when complete I'm going to give away for free. Are there any sources for D&D style fantasy art that I can legally include in my project? They would need to be of printable quality, of course. I'm currently looking at this project that offers a license to use 25...
  6. Jools

    I'm Making A New Edition of D&D, What App Should I Use To Create The Rules Document?

    For the last 6 months I've been working on a new edition of D&D featuring all of the things I would like to have. I'm at the point where I'm starting to type things up but man, they really don't look pretty in a microsoft word document! What I really want is to ape 4th edition's design and...
  7. Jools

    What Are The Greatest Ever D&D Books For Inspiring Adventures?

    The thing I love about this forum the most is the incredible wisdom and experience it houses. I thought I'd try to tap some of that by asking you what you think are the greatest ever books for inspiring D&D adventures. I'm happy for Pathfinder and 3rd party books to be included. I'm not...
  8. Jools

    Pics From The DDXP Playtest

    Pics from Greg Blisland of the the playtest. Not showing off much text though, sadly. D&D Next Playtest - a set on Flickr
  9. Jools

    I've Just Got Twitter - Who Should I Follow?

    Hi everybody, I've just installed Tweetdeck in Chrome and made my first ever Twitter account (Jools4point5). Its looking a bit barren at the moment as I don't have anyone to follow. This is where you come in! Who should I follow? Don't forget to mention their Twitter name! P.S. Bare in mind...
  10. Jools

    When did Dungeon Magazine adventures change to the new monster math?

    At what point did the adventures switch to the newer (and infinitely better) MM3 math? Thanks!
  11. Jools

    Buying Original Art: Where? and any tips?

    I just bought some original art from ebay and it is lovely. I may be developing a new addiction here. Has anybody else done the same? If so, what have you got? Where did you get it from and how much did it cost? I'm very interested! Is there anything in particular you have to look out for when...
  12. Jools

    Help me get WOTC to release Siege of Gardmore Abbey Publicly

    Madness at Gardmore Abbey has just been released and its getting very positive comments. You probably know this already, but what you may not know is that it has an awesome accompanying adventure that was run at this year's PAX. People are describing as it one of the best D&D adventures ever...
  13. Jools

    Any UK shops still have the D&D Free RPG Day adventure?

    For the first ever time in my life I've been in the country for Free RPG Day and 'cause I haven't had the internet I totally missed it. I could kick myself. I'm determined to retrieve the situation though. Do any shops in the UK still have the WOTC official D&D adventure? Anywhere? I'm willing...
  14. Jools

    How To Resurrect D&D Miniatures

    While not unexpected, the axing of the DDM line was a pretty sad day for gamers. While some pre-painted plastic alternatives exist they don't hold a candle to D&D minis. While the old model of business clearly went wrong, this doesn't mean that some alternative model couldn't potentially...
  15. Jools

    Kingmaker, In Hindsight

    It wasn't so long ago that the hype for Paizo's semi-hexcrawling adventure path was reaching fever pitch. So much so that it piqued my interest as well as everyone elses. I held back for a while and am just now just deciding whether to dive in (I'd be converting it to 4e). Now that the dust has...
  16. Jools

    Help Me Level Up The MV Purple Worm

    Forgive me for cross posting this but in just a few hours time my players will face the MV Purple Worm. I'm really looking forward to it but am a little confused about how to level it up - I've always used Monster Builder in the past but Wizards aren't updating it any more :.-( What changes...
  17. Jools

    RAM requirement of new Character Builder?

    How much RAM does the new online CB need? My laptops got half a gig and it could run the old offline one without any problems. I've been trying out the new one with print to pdf utilities (cute pdf and PDFilter) and it literally takes an hour for a level one (!) character to finish saving...
  18. Jools

    October Errata is up

    There's nothing major this time. Surprisingly, they haven't nerfed the many things affecting MBAs still leaving the new Essentials characters with various broken combinations. Its mostly just bringing some feats and powers in line with the new aid other rules in the RC and some Psionic Power and...
  19. Jools

    Should The Shaman's Spirit Companion "Snuff Out" Formula Be Fixed?

    Shaman is one of my favourite classes. Its quite a difficult class, tactically deep and very rewarding when mastered. For those that don't know, when you hit a Shaman's spirit companion it either does nothing or if the level of damage reaches a certain threshold the spirit companion is "snuffed...
  20. Jools

    Is the Redbox Rogue All Cocked Up?

    First let say that I'm all for the essentials and plan to pick them up and use them myself. I am wondering however: is the Redbox rogue all cocked up? This post here shows a list of the Redbox rogue's at will powers and what they do. Now whats that I hear you say, the new Essentials rogue...