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    Wisdom and Guidance for a CoC d20 Newbie

    If it ain't too cool in your area... play outside, start around 8pm and go into the night... play by candle outside... Have somebody involve in the session by jumping on them during the game... anything goes, as long as they remember...
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    Wisdom and Guidance for a CoC d20 Newbie

    Hmm, although not that lovecraftian... I would look at Sleepy Hollow for the feel of a small town paranoia and it's locals ! And how they perceive the newcomer ! ... Add one, and only ONE monster to the deal... Byakhees might be interesting... Involve Hastur if your characters goes to far...
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    Cthulhu Future

    I haven't read the source book, but the Babylon5 settings could be interesting for a future setting. Considering the show having (at some points) some reference to the Mythos. --- I'm going to use it down the line for my campaign. Set in modern times, my players encountered a creature living in...
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    Does anyone know of any free adware/spyware removal software?

    SpyBot (use google) is quite good... update the information file prior to scan. It scans for around 12,000 known spyware, allowing you to delete, replace, modify the file system and registry accordingly... Chris
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    Ideas for Twin characters

    The Miracle And The Sleeper Sorry, no real ideas for feats or skills... however, you might be interested in character development. I suggest you look in twin psychology and especially the reference to what I've heard is called the Miracle and the Sleeper. The theory suggest that one of the two...
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    DM Genie

    [...] To some extent, PDF are binaries AFAIK... But to get this further, do you consider RTF to be human readable ? However WOTC are distributing the official release of the SRD as RTF... not as TXT ? I'm not denouncing what WOTC do, they can do what they want with their OGC, basically the OGF...
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    DM Genie

    I know what I meant is that I don't care if the source code is distributed ;) since it won't be shareware nor commercial. Ironically I could even only distribute two binaries, binaries that are used by the development environment which allow to consult the code... but that's another matter...
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    DM Genie

    Very interesting thread... and one by witch I'm deeply concerned. I am about to start developping my own OGC/D20 application. I have plan it for a while and have started coding... My main concern remains with the respect of the OGL. I have made several choices for my implementation (db-base...