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  1. tmatk

    D&D Encounters: Admission charge or free?

    All this hoopla over 5 bucks? Sheesh, that's a cup of coffee...
  2. tmatk

    Are people still mad about . . .

    Not mad, but I can't help but wonder what 'could have been' had the gametable been a reality.
  3. tmatk

    $125,000 in fines for D&D pirates? Help me do the math...

    All these lawsuits accomplished is putting a view dummies into debt. Thousands of pirates will not even notice and continue to get away with it. Makes me wonder what the point of it all is.
  4. tmatk

    Dark Heresy and Rogue Trader

    Sorry to go slightly offtopic, but I have to comment I'm all for bashing GW's business practices, but be fair. They employ some of the best sculptors in the biz. I'll give you expensive, but you can't call them low quality. Who's doing better with plastics theses days?
  5. tmatk

    slow question

    Slow doesn't affect shifting at all, it simply makes the character have a speed of 2.
  6. tmatk

    WotC forums down for a week or two?

    I have to agree. Shutting down your entire site for that long is just... bizarre. I don't care who you are or what upgrades you are planning, you will lose many viewers.
  7. tmatk

    High-Level D&D Seminar

    This talk about fixing monsters and house rules makes me wish the designers kept blogs. It would be great to hear what fixes and house rules they implement in their campaigns. Chris Sims offered some fixes for the Sharn -...
  8. tmatk

    WotC just mailed out VILLAGE OF HOMMLET mine

    Got mine! Bent nicely in half, even though the envelope reads 'DO NOT BEND'. Thanks so much USPS! :rant:
  9. tmatk

    Why is there a rush to define vintage gaming?

    AFAIC, any game played with funny dice, pencils, and no Xbox is an "old school" game. :p
  10. tmatk

    WFRP - THIRD Edition Announced from FFG

    FFGs prices tend to be inflated; you can get their products much cheaper else where. For example, War of the Ring is listed at $80 in their site, I got it from for around $50 not too long ago.
  11. tmatk

    Combat encounter rebalancing

    BTW, I wouldn't consider this a mistake. The game is much better when it's played tactically on both sides of the screen, your DM is not be obligated to play low int monsters as if they are mindless Keep in mind many low Int monster, such as Skeles, have a fairly decent Wisdom.
  12. tmatk

    Combat encounter rebalancing

    No one died, whats the problem? :) An encounter which almost kills the party, but in the end doesn't, sounds awesome to me.
  13. tmatk

    Delaying Initiative.

    I'm curious as to what advantage your players (think they) are getting from changing places in init. After the first round, everyone just takes turns. It sounds like they are simply trying to waste their first! :-S
  14. tmatk

    Stopping the Charge.

    If a monster can continue to charge after a weave, that power becomes pretty useless. 90% of the time a monster will move adjacent to a PC with a charge.
  15. tmatk

    Free healing with Life Transference

    That's silly. As a DM I would rule out those abilities outside of combat. IMO, encounter powers require an actual encounter.
  16. tmatk

    Pure Glow decimates minions?

    Unless they have resist 10 radiant, then it does kill them. Auto-damage makes minions kind of a joke. It's a fairly common house rule to give them a save vs death in these kind of situations.
  17. tmatk

    Easy replacement for Minis in 4e?

    Shrinky Dinks! :D
  18. tmatk

    Do spirit beasts fly?

    Well, there is a difference in game terms between summoned and conjured. Summoned keyword is in AP, conjurations keyword is in PHB2. Since conjurations don't need the ground to support them, many interpret that as conjuring them in mid-air. IMO, that's not RAI, at least as far as the spirit...
  19. tmatk

    Kindle - Amazon Remote Deletion of E-Books

    No it won't, not a chance. It's still digital, they'll get it off the device to a PC, strip the DRM, and get it on the file sharing networks.
  20. tmatk

    More options for DMs

    I agree whole heatedly, the scale is heavily tipped in favor of the player. There needs to be more DM books, campaign guides don't count! Forget killing players, it sometimes feels hard to challenge them!:mad: