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  1. R

    Another great d20 Past setting: Temeraire

    In addition to the other thread about the Arrowsmith setting I would like to present another literary setting for a great d20 Past game: the Temeraire series by Naomi Novik. Just read the first installment, His Majesty's Dragon. The series takes part in an alternative history at the time of...
  2. R

    Star*Drive Aliens

    I managed to buy a used copy of the out of print Star*Drive setting for the Alternity game. Now the origin of lots of technical terms and creatures in d20 Future is clear to me, but it seems that the Vrusk and Yazirian are not taken from the Star*Drive setting - at least not the core setting...
  3. R

    d20 Future and Hard SF - some random thoughts

    Currently working on the setting for a hard-sf-campaign, I made the decision to use the d20 Future rules set for this campaign, because they seem by far the best solution especially for the intended mood of the campaign. First, my personal view on what constitutes "hard sf": I think the term is...
  4. R

    True20 question

    In the process of preparing a True20 test game (sci fi), I tested the damage mechanics of the game a bit and developed some trepidation about using it for a campaign. It seems that there is a real danger that a well defined character is dead after two bad rolls - one roll to hit him, than a 1 or...
  5. R

    True20 and d20 Modern: compatible?

    On planning a modern/sci-fi campaign, I'm considerung using the True20 rules set, with d20Modern/Future feats and class features freely put into the feat slots of the True20 roles. Has anybody already tried out a similar use of True20 as a portal for using the odds and ends of another d20 game...
  6. R

    3.5 review in German

    For German EN Worlders: There is a three part review of 3.5 under http://www.nct.de/ruland/ - written by a convert, highly critical of 3.5 beforehand, adamant supporter after actually reading the books - blush! :D
  7. R

    RPGs in D20 Modern background

    Haven't yet read Urban Arcana completely, but how are player characters going to react to the fact that everything is true that they have learned from their own D&D games? Are the game world versions of Mr. Gygax and Mr. Arneson shadowkind (no offense intended!), or are they characters with a...
  8. R

    M&M - Anime adaptation

    Happy New Year to everybody! Today I ordered a copy of Mutants and Masterminds, inspired to do so by the Anime movie "X-Movie" - perhaps you know, this thing about Earth and Celestial Dragons fighting to destroy respectively save human civilisation. The heroes and villains are dragons in human...
  9. R

    d20 Modern praise

    I received my copy yesterday und read the whole day through it (before and after a Forgotten Realms session) deep into the night. I cannot really express how much I love this game. I like the hit point damage system (it makes the game more easy and fast in combat situation - where being fast and...
  10. R

    Parabolic micros in modern RPGs

    What strikes me as odd: One piece of equipment (the parabolic microphone) is nearly always omitted from modern RPG equipment lists - be that d20 or Gurps, even in d20 Modern. It was the first thing - well, one of the first - that my players wanted and used extensively, proclaiming vehemently...
  11. R

    Traveller 20

    This book rocks! It is so good that I have difficulty reading it - because I'm constantly square-dancing from sheer delight! You can have your d20-contemporary campaign (tech level 8) and your 3rd-Imperium-campaign with the same set of rules! And they are good! If you understand German, you can...
  12. R

    Dark Angel in Spycraft

    I'm a fan of James Camerons "Dark-Angel"-TV show and consider integrating a similar theme in a Spycraft- or d20-Modern-Campaign. Has anybody already tried a similar thing, e. g. converted the chem-monster rules in Shadowforce Archer? I'm going to create a template for characters like Max and...