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  1. A

    General consensus on expertise feats

    Sorry in advance if this is massively covered elsewhere, I haven't logged in to enworld in about a year and search is no longer supported for non subscribers (which seems destined to cause duplicate threads). My question is this: what is the general consensus about the expertise feats as a fix...
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    Opportunity attacks vs. invisible enemies?

    I think the context of this post has to do with an encounter with many city guards who surrounded both our rogue and our fighter during different points during the encounter. My wizard was behind a wall in a park and rather than let the guards just pummel our guys to death I moved stinking...
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    D&D 5E Condition X Until the End of Y's Next Turn

    Use a color coded token/die or even the old cheap poker chips (red white and blue plastic circles.) if you use the poker chips you could call each color a specific effect (how many encounters have more than 3 effects being dished out by the monsters?) and put a little sticker or piece of tape on...
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    Do wizards suck? / multiple attacks

    You are greatly mistaken. I'm ignoring none of these. The only argument that you can make that holds any water is that with a higher staff value it might be easier to pass on a 1st round attack that you felt was less threatening than a future attack might be. The problem with this is by...
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    Opportunity attacks vs. invisible enemies?

    Seems pretty clear to me as well. It might have been played wrong in our game though because heavily obscured is only -2 if you're adjacent.
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    The adventuring company (multiple characters and XP)

    The only thing I don't like about leveling up even if you're not in attendance is the chance of getting killed is not there for the player that doesn't show up. Our campign uses half exp for pc's not present so assuming each player misses one session every 6-10 sessions they all remain pretty...
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    Do wizards suck? / multiple attacks

    No weapon ever gets much play on a battlefield unless there is an advantage granted by that weapon. Reach weapons had two advantages, striking before the opponent was in range and allowing relatively unskilled and untrained soldiers to kill people with higher skill levels before they could...
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    Forked Thread: So, about Expertise...

    My daughters are in town for 10 days, I'm only working a few hours a day while they're here so I won't be at the pc as much anyway. I'm going to try and do this in April either with people on FG2 or else I'll find 5 players who can make 3-5 posts a day. I just like the idea that we won't have...
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    Do wizards suck? / multiple attacks

    I think it does. 2d8 scaling to 5d8 is a lot of added damage. oops, I was covering a lot of ground I thought keterys option was the one with [W]main hand+[W]offhand anything allowing a second try to get sneak damage is really not good for the game. great point! Why? I'm confused. I'm playing...
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    Do wizards suck? / multiple attacks

    I think so... rangers are also more squishy than fighters so we don't actually want them to have the same offense. The polearm guy would control the fight. He can cross check the dagger guy as well as butt end him. The concept of jumping in and out is pretty brutal. Unless you start on top...
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    Forked Thread: So, about Expertise...

    I could do that but I think I prefer to control the encounter design for several reasons. 1st I don't really want any N or N+1 encounters because they're sort of a waste of time with regard to measuring "challenge". Second, sometimes the published mods have a ridiculous encounter that will...
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    Forked Thread: So, about Expertise...

    I sort of thought about this as the most likely situation (2 strikers, leader, controller, defender) but flexible on the second striker. I definitely will add this to the experiment design. Hmmm, if I hold myself to the same stricture of acting in 60 second intervals I'm not sure that I'm...
  13. A

    Do wizards suck? / multiple attacks

    There's a reason that people mostly only fight with two weapons in the movies and not in real life. Both attacks are massively impaired by the second attack. Try hitting two tennis balls at once with separate rackets. If it's not at once, and it's just once every six seconds with each...
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    Help, I'm on fire and being eaten by rats!

    I think if it's a viable tactic then letting the pc's do it is a good idea. I might make the pc's stop, drop and roll, consuming their entire turn and leaving them prone. this is a pretty large cost in my eyes (the entire turn and being prone, so getting another save is not unbalancing) If a...
  15. A

    How Important/Feasible is 3 good NADs?

    Definitely. Any other choice is terrible over the career of your pc you'll do significantly less well offensively if you fail to push your primary at every chance. depending on your build and class there's a lot of various ways to go here but obviously most pc's have at least one stat that is...
  16. A

    How does Furious Assault work on burst/blast attacks?

    The trigger is you hit an enemy. As soon as the trigger is reached and you use the power it's expended. Just one enemy, one attack, one use of the power. Still a pretty powerful ability, with a high damage weapon like a flail or something you're looking at 2d6 automatically, not many racial...
  17. A

    Help, I'm on fire and being eaten by rats!

    Interesting thread, and lots of great input. 1) Like obryn, my group plays both conditions exist(i.e. you have to save twice) but you only take damage once at most per round. This seems to be incorrect based upon page 278. Like keterys said expect a lot of table variation here. 2) My group...
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    Do wizards suck? / multiple attacks

    I totally get this desire, I think it all the time, but you would be gimping humans AND eradicating the trade offs of choice. I totally wish my eladrin wizard had a 3rd at-will. Ray of frost has come in handy numerous times for slowing the big melee guy from reaching the party so easily and...
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    Forked Thread: So, about Expertise...

    Forked from: So, about Expertise... I'm going to run 1 or more experimental encounters at epic level to test the theory that epic is too easy. I wanted to discuss my experiment design in here before I went off and actually do the work, so that we get a fair and solid experiment. I'll post...
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    Forked Thread: So, about Expertise...

    I designed the encounter. You changed it and made it weaker. This is the definition of gimped. This is the epitome of a straw man argument. I said the encounter was gimped not the creature. putting a fire archon with ice creatures gimps the encounter by decreasing synergies. the encounter...