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  1. Tigh

    OD&D = social mobility, 4e does not

    How far I have fallen. Below is a post from 2003 representing how I used to be. After all these comments it really comes home how harsh, critical, and un-understandable I have become. > From: Greg ..... <Greg......@.....com> > > Hi there. I'd like to introduce my 8-year-old nephew > to...
  2. Tigh

    OD&D = social mobility, 4e does not

    OD&D = social mobility, 4e does not If someone with a modern education went far into the past they could contend with any sorcerer on the basis of knowledge and theory. Social mobility used to be a big part of Americas' self image compared to what used to be called the old world. It...
  3. Tigh

    GSL extended to 3.5 in March 2009

    In that case ... how about an inflatable castle instead. :) Tigh
  4. Tigh

    GSL extended to 3.5 in March 2009

    The decision was made after listening to the concerns of the industry and community. Many publishers were concerned about adopting the GSL because of Section 6. We want publishers to create products under the GSL, not go around it, so we removed Section 6 to make the GSL easier to adopt. Link...
  5. Tigh

    "HF" vs. "S&S" gaming: the underlying reason of conflict and change in D&D

    Being off by a decade does not invalidate what d&d is. Carter didn't reach that position over night. Everyone already knew he was right. Politics won.
  6. Tigh

    "HF" vs. "S&S" gaming: the underlying reason of conflict and change in D&D

    D&D is so much more ... d&d is so much more ... it opened ears the first hyper virus lifted the taboo on representing god in the first person Three great things sure, but D&D is so much more. Written after President Carter and the oil crunch, it was a time capsule to teach the realities...
  7. Tigh

    What was the reason for Demihuman level and class limits in AD&D?

    Here is another pass at trying to clarify my post above Old School: The inverted edition (needs more grog) Pick a class Fighter Wizard Cleric The object of the game is to get down to level 1. This is called your title level. After this you become a titled person who has control of part of...
  8. Tigh

    What was the reason for Demihuman level and class limits in AD&D?

    Title level First: what may be facts Second: my conjectures Third: conclusion that I wish to share with OP First: what may be facts at 11th level a Wizard earns the name Wizard at 9th level a fighter earn the title Lord at 8th level a cleric used to become Patriarch. At 11th level a Wizard...
  9. Tigh

    20 Interesting Things from Monster Manual 2

    Daylight can make them creepier. :) Tigh & Dyack
  10. Tigh

    Wahoo vs. Traditional

    My assumption is that the Player known portion is just the tip of the ice berg and the DM's story is the rest beneath the surface. My expectation is that the DM provide a game clear enough that I can make out the shape of the ice berg if I look for it, or I can chase after shiny reflections on...
  11. Tigh

    Wahoo vs. Traditional

    Tolkien vs Lucas This depends on ones theory of dungeons. If the dungeons are outposts of the underworld or someplace, then a more gritty, rural, cut off from civilization type of setting enhances the ghost story. If the dungeon is more of a plot device, then yes it makes more sense to have...
  12. Tigh

    DM tips - what makes a good DM?

    If I may be so bold as to interject here. A role playing game is about what the players are interested in. A DM will reserve their real interest and discover the players interest as their own instead. A role playing game can evolve into a Campaign. A Campaign is when the players ask you for...
  13. Tigh

    Tigh finally Nukes 3e (review)

    Why you should support Wizbro (Warning may contain: Flame bait) Buy a big bulky glossy expensive 4e book. Don't crack the spine. Hell don't even open it. Give it to some younger enthusiast. Now I will tell you why. Imagine you are a corporation, does the Open Gaming License improve...
  14. Tigh

    Tigh finally Nukes 3e (review)

    Tigh finally Nukes 3e (review) They have made D&D more like Metagamings' The Fantasy Trip, Melee, and Advanced Wizard by Steve Jackson which is a talent based system. And sure enough each class has an array of new features that all work just like talents. This is just grafting a talent system...