• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. N

    D&D 4E Introducing 4eTurnTracker!

    Please, please, PLEASE add an autosave feature. If you do, I will love you forever. Seriously. My DM and I had to pay like 15 bucks for a program that is technically inferior to other combat trackers, but the reason we got it was because it had autosave. Not having to rely on guesswork if WHEN...
  2. N

    D&D 4E 4e Pokemon Tabletop RPG

    I've been reading through this, and I think it would be massively simpler if, instead of making pokemon new classes, and trainers new races, you make trainers simply be there, and have a few simple abilities key to being a trainer (such as swap and cheer. The pokemon should be the focus of the...
  3. N

    All 18s, All The Time

    I can see one fairly apparent fault to this: Melee wizards and ranged fighters. The classes would blur together as there is no longer any difference statwise. Why attack from the back when your AC is just as high as the fighter? The useful warden class feature to shift your ac from one stat to...
  4. N

    Give me the idea, I build the monster

    A few of the following for a campaign I have planned: Centaur Archer (level 1 artillery) Centaur Knight (level 2 brute) Centaur Swordsman (level 1 Skirmisher) Centaur Mastermind (Elite level 2 controller (Leader)) Please? I know you have a lot of other requests...
  5. N

    D&D 5E [Not Suitable For Work] Recommendations for the Next Theme

    Well, you've done tiny characters. What about Large characters? Also, I always found it odd how irregularly shaped things like a horse were counted as being large instead of the size they actually are (2 squares by 1 square). Perhaps irregularly shaped characters and mounts (centaurs, horses...
  6. N

    Martial Controller: The Douchebag

    How about the "Me Too!" for a paragon path? Key ideas: Gains an AC bonus and a CHA bonus when near allies with a higher AC. Cha based attacks should get a bonus based on the number of allies nearby When you spend an action point, you and all allies adjacent get a bonus to AC and CHA. Basically...