• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. G

    [Saturday AM] Hunters in the Dark (CthulhuTech) **2 spaces open**

    I'm sorry but I won't be able to make it today. Gkraus1008
  2. G

    DC Gameday VIII -- May 14th, 2011

    Thanks! George
  3. G

    DC Gameday VIII -- May 14th, 2011

    Would someone please remind me to whom I should send the names of those attending? For the list given to building security. Thanks. Just in case I'm supposed to post it: George F. Kraus and Kevin T. Cattell will be attending the DC Gameday on May 14.
  4. G

    [Saturday PM] FOURTHCORE: Revenge of the Iron Lich (D&D 4e/FOURTHCORE) *FULL/STANDBY*

    I'd like to play the dwarf knight if that's okay with everyone else.
  5. G

    [Saturday AM] Hunters in the Dark (CthulhuTech) **2 spaces open**

    Please sign up NandKdad. Thanks! GKraus1008
  6. G

    [Saturday AM] Hunters in the Dark (CthulhuTech) **2 spaces open**

    Sign me up please. I've been looking forward to this system. Thanks!
  7. G

    DC Gameday VII -- October 9th and 10th, 2010

    Will someone please remind me who is compiling the list of names of attendees? Thanks. :)
  8. G

    SUNDAY AM: Big Trouble in Little Glantri (Basic D&D) 1 OPEN SLOT-UPDATED PLAYER INFO!

    I'd like to play Brother Justin, please. Thanks.
  9. G

    Saturday PM: Justice? (D&D 4E Dark Sun) - FULL, Accepting Alts

    I'd like to play Zanj, please. Thanks. ;>
  10. G

    Sunday PM: A Most Murderous Tea Party (Dread)

    You can remove me as an alternate. I got into another game. Thanks.
  11. G

    Sunday PM: To the Shores of Tripoli (M&M) - Accepting Alternates!

    NKDad asked me to sign him up for this game. Thanks.
  12. G

    SUNDAY AM: Big Trouble in Little Glantri (Basic D&D) 1 OPEN SLOT-UPDATED PLAYER INFO!

    Please add NKDad who has no character preference. Thanks.
  13. G

    Saturday PM: River of Worlds - Masks of the Faceless (Fantasy Craft)

    Psion, please remove me fom the roster. My friend and I got our signals crossed as to which games we would sign up for. Thanks.
  14. G

    Saturday PM: Justice? (D&D 4E Dark Sun) - FULL, Accepting Alts

    I'd like to sign up two of us. We'll play pregens. gkraus1008 and NKDad. Thanks!
  15. G

    Saturday AM: The Hunt (Star Wars Saga) FULL Including Alts

    please signup NKDad as an alternate. Thanks.
  16. G

    Saturday PM: River of Worlds - Masks of the Faceless (Fantasy Craft)

    Please sign me up. I have no character preference.