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  1. T

    Online mapping?

    I'm running a PbP game for me and my recently-dispersed-across-the-country friends (college tends to do that), and I'm finding I have to do all my maps in ASCII. I.e: ____234_____________________________________________________ 1K5 CW T6 HH Uj7 h& HH %Ja8 $#@9...
  2. T

    Online mapping?

    I'm running a PbP game for me and my recently-dispersed-across-the-country friends (college tends to do that), and I'm finding I have to do all my maps in ASCII. I.e: ____234_____________________________________________________ 1K5 CW T6 HH Uj7 h& HH %Ja8 $#@9...
  3. T

    Not dead.

    Howdy. My apologies for being gone so long- I've been on the other end of PbP people dissappearing and I know how annoying it is. As I told those of you who e-mailed me (I didn't have anyone's address stored) my internet went out, reducing me to using the local library, which was decidedly...
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    Disrupting Weapon

    Disrupting Weapon Transmutation Level: Clr 5 Components: V, S Casting Time: 1 standard action Range: Touch Targets: One melee weapon Duration: 1 round/level Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless, object); see text Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless, object) This spell makes a melee weapon deadly to...
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    (Adventure) Dealing with hooly-gans [Judge Pbartender]

    Coom leads you all out of the tavern, holding the door and encouraging the group along. "Come along, come alooonngg. Step lively, now." Once you're all out, he stands back and surveys the assembled group. "Warms my heart, yeeeees, yeees, warms m' heart." He makes to wipe away an actual...
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    Rings of Being Located (need price!)

    To make a long story short, the characters are in the middle of a forest making things difficult for people. They tend to march in a perfect lightning bolt/fireball formation. The enemy has spellcasters, but they don't go on patrol. So they need a way of pinpointing the location and...
  7. T

    (Adventure) Rivenblight's Castaway [Creamsteak judging]

    You exit the inn and gather outside. The weather has taken a turn for the better, clear and warm. You know where there are some merchants you can ask questions of (237 East Potter's Lane), where a map can be picked up (the guard house on the corner of Livingstone and Broadstroke), and some...
  8. T

    Shadow Blend and Darkvision.

    Hey there. Curious about how Shadow Blend and Darkvision worked together, I sent an e-mail off to Wizards customer service. Here's what I sent, and here's what I said. Having gotten this reponse (Darkvision negates Shadow Blend), I thought I'd ask all of you what you think of it. Here's what...
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    d20 Modern Fantasy

    I seem to recall there're a couple of conversions of standard d20 modern into a more fantasy type game, I just can't remember where they are. An idea is percolating in my head for a low-magic, grim-n-gritty (as in the system) game that I think d20 modern would work well for, if I can figure out...
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    Custom poison rules?

    In the web enhancement for D20 modern, they provided rules for determining the cost and craft DC of "custom" poisons- that is, they listed base DCs for the various delivery types, modifiers based on what primary and secondary damage was caused and the save DC. From this, you could determe the...
  11. T

    d20 Neverwhere

    Has anyone read this book by Neil Gaiman? A friend and I were thinking of doing a one-on-one campaign set here, and I'm debating whether Dungeons and Dragons or d20 modern would be the better system, among other things. Any other reccomendations would also be appreciated.
  12. T

    Minor question- How much does ammo weigh?

    I've been trying to figure out how many shotgun shells, in paticular, my character can stuff in to the pouches of her oversized range pack (6 pounds worth, but how much is that?). Weapons with clips have it easy- they list the "Box Magazine" in the general equipment table as .5 lbs. But how...