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  1. M

    Skill tree for RedEye citadel rpg

    heres what i have so far Warrior(+5) +__________soldier(+15) ___________+_________combat(+14) _____________________+_________melee(+12) ___________+_________defense(+14) +__________city guard(+15)
  2. M

    Skill tree for RedEye citadel rpg

    I'm converting my scifi rpg system to fantasy and really need to rebuild the skill tree as most skills are now defunct, eg laser rifle repair and jet pilot. I need 100 to 200 skills split between 6classes. here your chance to suggest some fantasy skills you would like to see in an rpg. the...
  3. M

    People don't optimize

    Man you crappy character always get the best storylines that's because your perfectly stated character isn't optimised... When you said optimised is that what you meant?
  4. M

    Converting d20 to single roll d%

    I like your system, itseems to have a lot of the mats worked out in the design. they are slower IF you are doing any calculating in game. if however all the calculations are done before hand it takes 0 game time, in that case d% offer better granularity plus the loads of random results. for...
  5. M

    Converting d20 to single roll d%

    Ok seems I cont peak anyones interest in this matimatical conundrum I see three core solutions, however each of them has issues. 1)choose spell level, roll lower that X. this has the disadvantage X would get smaller as the level got higher, meaning the production of this X would be calculated...
  6. M

    Converting d20 to single roll d%

    You don't. My objective is to do most maths as part of the game design. For example there a 10% chance of a 5 on a dice and a 19% chance on either. So I can create rules like 5s on either dice causes x, effect on top of the % success or fail. The effect could be inclusive or exclusive of the...
  7. M

    Converting d20 to single roll d%

    Damn! Post failed to post. Anyway that what I really want to convert, the risk elements, I have multiple solutions but none really convert this feel. The whole point of magic In my system is that it's frowned on by the general population and outright banned in some places. Why I want to...
  8. M

    Converting d20 to single roll d%

    Ah seems there is some confusion about what I want to achieve. I want these multiple rolls converted to a single roll
  9. M

    Converting d20 to single roll d%

    I'm thinking going for the minimum power level of a spell mean there is no feedback risk!???
  10. M

    Converting d20 to single roll d%

    I'm building. A rpg system and am currently have a magic system based on d20. However I've converted combat and combat and skills system to d% to speed up in game usage while., so want to change magic to match. Currently the system works as below each player has between 1 and 35 mana points...
  11. M

    GM as positive force for good

    my rules of dming. 5)if they die, let them die like heroes!
  12. M

    Value of a copper piece

    theres a issue between peasent and 1st level but it generally hangs together above(and below) that gap. a commoner could afford the necklece at 50-55 gold but would have to spend all their saving, sell all thier assets and call in all thier favors and the child would most likely die of...
  13. M

    What Are Your Unique Items?

    ring of cowardice blinks the user up to 10 feet away up to 5 feet of the ground if wounded. direction was random(d10/d6). Medellion of cool. slowly made the character cooler(chr bonus, started turning into disco stu) also in combat it would charge up. the effect would charge as long as the...
  14. M

    Rules system

    a few good points. first let me clarify the confusions correct. yes... stun stacks but does not cause wounds. wounds stack, and when maxed out causes maiming maiming stack and causes unconcious. more maiming causes death. wounds are like hp in adnd, just numbers on the path death maiming is a...
  15. M

    Rules system

    another possible table layout 00-50 -0 51-75 +1 76-88 +2 89-96 +3 97-99 +4
  16. M

    Rules system

    Hi just been working on a super fast combat system and would like some assesment on issues and problems I might have. the % table is in no way finalised although suggestions on possible layouts would be welcome. the idea is its all the entire attack would be resolved from a single die roll with...
  17. M

    Failures of a new DM, and how to correct it?

    the problem you have is synagy curve. (the ability of character to do stuff niether can do by combining powers) 1 char = 1 unique personal options 0 synagy 2 char= 2 unique personal options and 1 set of synagy 3 char = 3 unique personal options and 3 sets of synagys 4 chars = 4 unique personal...
  18. M

    Never going to "Dieing" in combat?

    well interesting feedback. I take it that some just wouldnt lke the idea. lets focas on a few points. it not like you dont see this in movies that otherwise dont break the rules of physics, and yet you cant seem to see this in world of two tonne flying lizards and people causing matter to...
  19. M

    Never going to "Dieing" in combat?

    ah though it did post house rules... :( anyway. as an additional note you dont "STOP" dieing you just do it later in stead of now in the middle of fun combat. and healing still applys.
  20. M

    Never going to "Dieing" in combat?

    correct...just 30 seconds later when the effects hit! i'd say trying to fight a fight that you know will TPK when you had the chance to run/hide is failure. the fact that effects dont hit until POST combat make it no less a failure.