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    any pathfinder groups in Bakersfield?

    Hello out there I just moved to Bakersfield and I'm looking to either join an existing group or with your help form a new one. Email is the best way to reach me. My email is: Joe
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    Pathfinder 1E looking to start up a los angles pathfinder game

    Still need 1-2 more reliable players who can commit to meeting a coople times a month. I will be running the skull & shakles campaign. Yup its the pirates one. Ive heard good things about it so it should be fun. The plan is to game on sundays a couple times a month I can be reached at...
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    Looking to form new So. Cal Group

    Dragonbelow, email me and we can set up a meeting
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    Looking to form new So. Cal Group

    Hey guys and gals, a friend Chris and I are looking to form a new gaming group in So. Cal. Im in Azusa and he is in Duarte. the Idea is to have 2 Bi-weekly games going at the same time that may or may not have the same players, that we we can both get a chance to play. we are looking for either...
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    Looking for a L5R rpg in L.A. County

    I'm looking to join up with or form a group to start up a L5R game in Los Angles County CA. on a Bi-weekly Sundays basis since someone emailed me to ask what L5R is I will go ahead and say here that its The Legend of the Five Rings RPG 3rd edition (or even 1st edition) that I am looking to get into
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    Could this be the future format of 4th Edition D&D?

    with the notable exception of "blimey" since i'm not british and really have NO IDEA what that means these were my thoughts exactly.
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    D&D 4E What will happen to ENWorld when 4E is released?

    Basic D&D is comming back?
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    If animals could talk, which kind would be gamers?

    the giant 3 toed sloth would best fit some of the players Ive gamed with. as long as it had access to chips and soda it would be fat and happy. . . just like the gamers
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    [Problem] Too Many Players: Who Gets to Play?

    as you say the players are deciding so that you don't have to. my advice is simple. step back out of the way having set the peramaters of how many players you are preppaired to run the game for. let the 2 who sat out last time in since that was your intension and let the players decide for...
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    Expeditious Retreat Press: Great d20 products, Great People

    is there a review or synopsis of this book anywhere?
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    There is one thing about the Scout that annoys me

    you say that you blatently remove core class abilities, and remove a class that not a lot of people play anyway? because of an ability that comes at a level most games never reach? why even play the game at all? most of the abilities granted by the monk make no sence, do you disreguard the monk...
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    Product with Armor as DR?

    the old and I believe out of print Arcanum system (the book with the black cover and a red or white pentagram on it depending on the addition) used this. basically at level 1 you had a 50/50 chance to hit but the better the armor the harder it was to hurt the wearer. easy to hit someone in full...
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    "Childish", "Teenage" and "Adult" RPGs?

    not exactly a compairison I ever considered but it seems well thought out. I can agree with the d&d compairison and Vanpire, but as I have never played CoC so cant make any worthwile statements about it. what it really all comes down to is the players anyway since they will make the game...
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    Rules to Being a Superhero!

    being a superhero usually requires a uniform of some sort, a mask and a "secret identity" good luck in basic. keep in mind that its temporary and eventually, like everything else will eventually end.
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    D+D Insider

    Henry, with respect I have to disagree. so many of the people who are in "the know" or industry insiders post on enwold that most of that stuff is already free here. like a lot of people I dont use my computer (or vary rarely) while running or playing a game so to have it online is of little...
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    Are there compasses in D&D?

    in a fantasy world a compass is even easier to have then in a low tech world. basically there are several low level spells that grant acces to "north" or a direction ie: locate object, true north etc. in a lot of the 3.0 or 3.5 books and supplements. you just use permenancy and place that spell...
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    How do you pick your setting?

    with all the published setting out there its no real surprise that a lot of folks are using them as the core of thier setting
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    Very, very Sharp images

    my wife and I got a mitsubishi 44' big screen about 5 years ago. we found it for $800.00 with a $400.00 rebate at best buy if we used msn for a year. the Hd tv's of comprobable size started at about 3-4 times the price AND THE PICture on ours was better! good to see that the right choice then is...
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    roleplaying people are satanists ;)

    oh the misconceptions. I thought that stuff ended in the early 1980's when my dad forbid me to play a game I had never even heard of and couldn't even tell me why I couldn't play it or what it was. naturally being a 10 year old I went out and found out on my own . . .
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    What Your Miniatures REALLY Think Of You

    some paladins should never be played by certin players . . . :D