Search results

  1. Pants

    D&D 5E Interesting 1st level adventure ideas

    Here's what I used for my current game: The players are hired by the local militia. The local militia has been hearing word of orc and goblinoid activity out in the frontier areas, but they have no proof and the higher ups believe its nothing but rumors. They send the players out to a nearby...
  2. Pants

    D&D 5E Your favorite campaign you've never run

    I've had a couple but I can only think of two at the moment. 1) A city-based intrigue-filled mystery game. The characters are strangers from all walks of life when they find out that they've been willed the old office of the "famous" adventurer/investigator/detective, Victor DeMoros, who...
  3. Pants

    D&D 5E A word for those of you publishing monster books on DMGuild

    I tried to make sure that some good preview options were available for the one, little monster book I released: The Codex Malevolence I - Unholy Undead. I've personally passed on a couple of things because there were no preview options available. Even if something is cheap, I'm very hesitant to...
  4. Pants

    Hero Lab Character Creator Is Coming To 5E Very Soon!

    Excellent. HeroLab was pretty much indispensable when I still ran Pathfinder and while 5E is much less math and rules-mastery intensive than PF, I could still see it coming in handy for a lazy... I mean 'frequently time-negligent' DM like myself.
  5. Pants

    D&D 5E Classes that pleasantly surprised you

    I run a game with a Warlock, Cleric, Rogue, Ranger, and a Monk. Without a doubt, the most pleasant surprise amongst the group is the monk. He is very good at knocking things prone, doing buttloads of damage and just being effective. Actually, he is insanely effective, which is a huge change from...
  6. Pants

    D&D 5E Best FR novels of all time?

    I read several FR books back during my 'I'll read anything if it has swords on the cover' phase which was, oh 10 to 15 years ago I think. Most were Drizzt novels but I did read a few others. The first few Drizzt novels (Crystal Shard, Streams of Silver, The Halfling's Gem) are... okay. Even...
  7. Pants

    D&D 5E Monks - Bonus Actions, Extra Attack, Flurry of Blows, and Movement

    This came up in our game last night. The party were getting ready to ambush a particularly inattentive scouting party of gnolls and hyenas. The level 5 wood elf monk got the highest initiative in the group. He proceeded to move 15 ft., first attack against a hyena, killed it, moved 10 ft...
  8. Pants

    Free D&D 5E Monster A Day PDF On Reddit

    I forgot to respond to this earlier, but this is a great idea, but how do you know what is Creative Commons? I have a bunch of monsters that I've to slap into a pdf and release for free on the interwebs and a bit of artwork would a nice addition, but I don't want to step on anyone's toes...
  9. Pants

    D&D 5E Why do you play 5e? What game did you come from?

    My introduction to D&D was Baldur's Gate back in 1998 I think. From there a guy I worked with at the time was planning on starting up a 2e AD&D game with the intention of switching to 3e once the rules were released. I happily joined up with a bunch of other people I kinda sorta knew from school...
  10. Pants

    D&D 5E A Monster Making tool for 5e

    This is great. I'll definitely be using this. Thanks
  11. Pants

    D&D 5E Monsters for a Second Monster Book

    High Level Slaad - The lower challenges are adequately covered and the death slaad comes in at challenge 10, so there needs to be a few more varieties at the mid and top end of the challenge spectrum. Fey - I'm running a campaign now with a bit of a focus on fey and there is an absolute woeful...
  12. Pants

    PRPG Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Summoner and Witch

    I agree with the first part. Tone down the eidolon a bit so that it's not stealing the fighter's thunder. On the second (bolded) part, maybe instead of having the summons last minutes per level, have them last an additional number of rounds equal to the summoner's Charisma modifier (so a 1st...
  13. Pants

    PRPG Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Summoner and Witch

    Wow, really digging the summoner class. Very, very cool. Only problem I can see is that the whole 'evolution point' mechanic might end up being very time consuming to deal with. Still, not sure how you'd get the variety of eidolons without it. Witch is pretty neat too. I wonder why they...
  14. Pants

    Dr Gregory House Vs Jack O'niell

    Oh god.... that poll is pure epic fail. Out of all the Firefly characters, River Tam is picked over.... well anyone else? Especially Mal? How did River Tam beat out Micheal Westen and Jack 'Fricken' Bauer? Man, the Whedon-fanboys must've been hovering over that site all month. ;) I'm sure you...
  15. Pants

    How was X-Men 3 bad?

    Heh, I'd probably peg Ghost Rider as one of the worst, if not the worst comic book movie I've ever seen. What an awful film that was.
  16. Pants

    The Wheel of Time

    I think the editing (or lack of it) gets pretty bad around book 5. Remember the circus? ;) Lord of Chaos was pretty bad too. Aside from an awesome ending, the entire book just plods along at an indescribably boring pace. That said, WoT was the first fantasy after LotR I got into, so I will...
  17. Pants

    What are you reading? April 2009

    Finishing up The Sandman with The Wake. Up next is my continued reread of The Darkness that Comes Before. Kindly Ones was great. A rare exception when hype does not ruin something.
  18. Pants

    Rock Band 2 vs. Guitar Hero

    IMO, RB > GHWT. I own both and I was pretty disappointed with GH. RB plays better, has slightly better note-charts (IMO), and has a slicker, more intuitive interface. GH's is pretty godawful by comparison. AS for what GH does better? Well, I think the song list on the disc is pretty amazing...
  19. Pants

    New Dragon Ball and Full Metal Alchemist

    Wait... when did Hollywood move to Japan? Did I miss something?
  20. Pants


    Not sure if these qualify as 'sitcoms,' then again I'm not that big a fan of 'laugh track' shows anymore. If you haven't seen it, check out Arrested Development. It's been canceled for a few years now, but it's probably the funniest 3 seasons of TV I've ever seen. Absolutely awesome show...