• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. L

    Balance Question - Cleric spontaneously cast domain Spells?

    This may have been discussed before, but I was curious if anyone had tried making clerics less of a 'healing machine' and bring them closer to their relgion by changing the spontaneous casting of cure spells to being able to spontaneously casting their Domain Spells? We have been discussing...
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    Sharing of Resources?

    DDM Recommendations? So, we now have the 1" maps, now all we ned are minis! Anyone put any thought into which WOTC minis you will be using for the various NPC's? the only reason I choose the WOTC minis is because I barely have enough time to play, much less paint, so I am taking the path of...
  3. L

    Download 1-inch scale battlemaps for The Scouring of Gate Pass!

    Exactly what I was looking for!!! thanks EnPub!!!
  4. L

    Sharing of Resources?

    I have Paint Shop Pro 7 and a couple of guys in my group that claim to know what they are doing when it comes to working with graphics files, so I will probably get their assistance with this. Thanks for the quick responses guys, this campaign looks like it will be stellar and although I...
  5. L

    Sharing of Resources?

    To-Scale Battlemaps? I absolutely love the maps provided, is there any way to print them out to mini-scale? I was planning on using a bunch of the Tiles from WOTC for them, but it would be even better if I could just print off the maps to scale and just drop the mini's directly on them. With...
  6. L

    D&D Mini's Index?

    NOt sure if this is correct forum, if not, can a Mod move it please? I'd like to get into picking up some of the D&D Minis, primarily for the players in my campaign. Is there a searchable list, across releases, that lets me find minis by various keywords? for Example, I'd like to start with...
  7. L

    Miniatures Handbook Spells in regular game?

    Thanks for the comments guys. We also follow the rule that if I don't have the book or they are not willing to leave it at my place, then it definitely wont be allowed. Also I reserve the right to rule zero anything that messes with my Storyline. It just threw me for a loop since Ema's...
  8. L

    Miniatures Handbook Spells in regular game?

    Hi. Thanks to Ema's excellent character sheets, the party wizard now sees a bunch of spells that beforehand we didn't know much about. After finally figuring out that these spells were from the Miniatures Handbook, I was wondering if other DM's were allowing these spells in the normal game...
  9. L

    Anyone in Alberta interested in an EN World Game Day?

    I would, but its likely that if this flies (The gameday that is), I would have a full boat with my game group.
  10. L

    Anyone in Alberta interested in an EN World Game Day?

    Another vote for Calgary, but if enough interest I could probably drag my sorry carcass to Deadmonton:)
  11. L

    Gotta make a new character

    DM's Viewpoint:) Well, since I know that the DM is still working his way through the 3E rules... (I'm the DM). I would reconsider the Ranger/Fighter combination, and we can discuss the Listen/Spot rules in more detail. I know that it is a little more free-form than most games, but I...
  12. L

    Suggestions for 1" map tiles?

    How-tos? or Examples? I love what you guys have done with this. I'd just like a couple of examples to get me started or even a webpage to show me how to use Paint Shop Pro to build my own Tiles. I have PSP but havent really gotten deep into it yet, but if I had a couple of files then I should...
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    Calgary Alberta Gamers

    Well if you are interested in playing (or even running a game would be even better!) I'm sure I could find room for another one. Right now I am DMing the group, but I would love to play as well. Currently the Center Street Dungeon consists of 6 people. The response between Enworld and...
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    I smell a rat!

    I got sent this link and had to share.. http://wererat.net/gallery/ratspells.htm Looks like some of my players after an all-nighter! Darren
  15. L

    Creating encounters for characters?

    I would have to say 'Other'. Previously I would run a module-based campaign, basically running them 'as-written'. Now I'm trying to take the time to tailor the adventure and the encounters to the group. This has made it a lot more fun for both myself and the rest of the team. The only...
  16. L

    Anyone heard of D&D Meetup?

    Thanks Agamon. I just checked out their site and registered. After lurking on this site for over two years, I figured I should get more involved, since I've spent waaay to much money and time on 3e to quit now! Thanks again.
  17. L

    Calgary Alberta Gamers

    Hey guys. Having moved from the frontier of New Brunswick about a year ago, I find myself living in Calgary! I have found a couple old schoolmates out here (Is anyone that lives in Calgary actually born here:confused: :) ). and have also found a couple other players through various means, but...
  18. L

    Anyone heard of D&D Meetup?

    <Delurk ON>I found this site about 2 months ago. Before that, I had a small 3 man team, myself and two old friends. Now, I've found two new players and am in discussions with one more which will fill out the team! I have yet to have enough people in my area (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) to get a...