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  1. DanteHayes

    What would you do?

    I disagree with some of the above statements on two counts. First, I disagree that taking some levels of Fighter implies any kind of sophisticated technique. Power Attack? Cleave? Second, I disagree that being a Barbarian implies a lack of sophisticated fighting techniques. The Mongols were...
  2. DanteHayes


    I'll second Katerek here. I don't know how we all gamed before the internet. What were we thinking? In addition to be a great medium to have discussions and take care of game related business during the week. It also serves as a fantastic archives. I don't think a week goes by where one of the...
  3. DanteHayes

    What d20 Purchases to you Regret?

    Wow. Very interesting topic. The only books that I regret having entered my game group are: The Quintessential Anything! The Relics and Rituals books. Books I'm surprised have been mentioned here: The "splatbooks". Really? The Psionic Handbook. This is a really good book. DH
  4. DanteHayes

    Group Dynamics

    No, haven't really had any major breakdowns at all. The only problems we've encountered have been a couple of players that joined the campaign later and didn't go through the rigorous "three concept" affair (j/k). Problems along the line of, overlapping existing character's bailywicks, or not...
  5. DanteHayes

    Role-playing a Bards musical talents

    Ridiculous? Far too kind. Your DM needs to have his mouth filled with sausages and have starving dogs shoved up his rectum. It's hard enough to get players to play Bards anyway, since they are a reletively low power character class. Why make it any more painful. I suppliment my income by...
  6. DanteHayes

    Group Dynamics

    I have been active in that thread because, it's an issue that I feel somewhat strongly about. I've just been in too many games where one person would use "role-playing" as a vehicle to cop out of helping the party as a whole or any individual within it achieve any goals. I wouldn't tolerate a...
  7. DanteHayes

    Character Creation Advice Required

    I largely agree with Gariig. I would heavily reccomend Spell Casting Prodigy, Spell Focus: Evocation, Tatoo Focus: Evocation, Spell Penetration and, maybe, Craft Wand. Although, I probably wouldn't take Wizard up to 7th level just for Improved Invisibilty. Now, I feel compelled to say this...
  8. DanteHayes

    [OT] NHL Playoffs continuation thread

    Unbelievable! I can't believe the hockey I've been watching the past six weeks. Five Game Sevens and Anaheim with two sweeps. I gotta say, if Jersey wins tomorrow, there will be a lot of happy people in Anaheim. The Ducks have already shown that they can and will beat the "trap" defense. On...
  9. DanteHayes

    The druid is not fighting!!! LONG!

    Quite simply, you will not recieve an response that you find "decent". There is a fundamental difference in our attitude towards characters/participants in a campaign. I see the characters as belonging to the campaign they play in, which is owned by all of the players and the DM. Thus, despite...
  10. DanteHayes

    The druid is not fighting!!! LONG!

    If you would like to avoid the "derision and disrespect" that Necrogorgon spoke of, perhaps you you should consider revising this "talking down to" tone you've affected. I don't need anything re-explained to me. I understand what you are saying. I just think you are wrong. First off, attaining...
  11. DanteHayes

    The druid is not fighting!!! LONG!

    As opposed to a healer who doesn't heal when you need it but, still syphons off a share of the treasure? If by compromise, you mean that 75% of the players bend their will to 25% of the players wishes then, no. Anything else would require that the player of the Druid alter his precious presona.
  12. DanteHayes

    The druid is not fighting!!! LONG!

    I mention this because it speaks to the player of the Druid's motivations. He doesn't avoid conflict because of any high-brow reasons. He avoids it so he wont die. So, he can enjoy the benifits of being a high-power character. I would hardly allow this attitude to be defended as quality...
  13. DanteHayes

    The druid is not fighting!!! LONG!

    Was retreat an option? I don't believe I've read one way or another so, I will refrain from gross speculation. No, if I worked for big business or government, I would document their bad behavior 3-5 times and turn that over to HR, then fire them. Clearly there is conflict over one player's...
  14. DanteHayes

    The druid is not fighting!!! LONG!

    Now, to address some of this “role-playing” drivel… First off, the people that believe that this Druid should be allowed to make whatever character choices he wants to and the rest of the party should just deal with it…. You are wrong! This idea is tantamount to allowing Paladins and...
  15. DanteHayes

    The druid is not fighting!!! LONG!

    *sigh* So many points to make. Where to start? If you'd like to opine about the Role-playing vs. Roll-playing, fine, I know I will. But, if you want to express an opinion about the specific situation, make certain that you've read all of the posts by Arbados, the DM. It has been made...
  16. DanteHayes

    Bracers of Epic Armor

    My apologies if this has already been asked and answered (I suspect it has) In the DMG Bracers of Armor have a cap at +8. In the ELH, they begin at +11. What happened to +9 and +10? Are those bonuses Epic or no? This was not mentioned in the errata for the DMG and, I was unable to find errata...
  17. DanteHayes

    Kansas City Game Day - A success! Photos on page 12.

    Just had a last minute thought.... I'm supposing that over the course of the day, some of you may want to eat. Since I only live about three blocks from the store, i thought I'd give a little run down on some of the near-by restaurants. For Breakfast (hey, you never know): There is a Le Peep...
  18. DanteHayes

    Kansas City Game Day - A success! Photos on page 12.

    Well, it depends on where you are coming from really. But, mostly...no. If you are on I-35 and you exit onto 75th Street, you will want to head West (which is a left IF you are coming from the South). Head West until you get to Quivira, then take a LEFT heading Southward. It is in a stripmall...
  19. DanteHayes

    Kansas City Game Day - A success! Photos on page 12.

    Zombies, eh? Ya'know, that's not a bad idea. If there is any concern that we might have more gamers than games, bringing along some "classic" board games might just be the ticket. I haven't met a game group yet where at least a few members didn't own a bunch of Avalon Hill games or...Talsiman...
  20. DanteHayes

    Kansas City Game Day - A success! Photos on page 12.

    For what it's worth, I'll be showing up late and will miss the early slot and, plan on participating in the Convention Discussion so, for my dollar, I wont be playing any "formal" games. I'll bring some Magic decks if anyone wants to play some informal games there. Someone should definatly have...