• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. G

    Increasing Massive Damage Threshold

    You no longer need to make the first feat stack - they just take the second feat and they're immune. And it still seems like requiring Great Fortitude *and* Toughness (a mediocre and poor feat, respectively) is a bit much. But it's a good idea, just needs tweaking.
  2. G

    Buffy the Vampire Slayer

    I'm gonna have to say you're taking the wrong approach to this. D&D is a system designed for fantasy medieval stuff. Buffy that is not. Buffy RPG from Eden Studios is a fabulous product. One of the best RPG purchases I've made in my 10 years playing tabletop games. It's easy, slick, handles...
  3. G

    Epic Spellcasting

    Spells are about a lot more than doing damage. Epic Spells shouldn't just be higher damage attack spells than 1st-9th level ones. Bigger guns is not the answer. Cool :):):):) is the answer. That's one reason the Epic Spellcasting system is so damn neat. You can do stuff like create a whole...
  4. G

    Any character generators that handle epic and divine characters?

    Yep, I've posted the question there, no response so far. I will just have to cross my fingers. But I figured I'd post it here on ENB too just in case different people might see it.
  5. G

    Any character generators that handle epic and divine characters?

    PCGen is turning out to do basically everything I want. But there's one thing that miffs me. I can't override the "no retroactive skill points from INT after 1st level", and I basically need to do this, since it's a house rule I use. I wouldn't think it'd be that hard to implement, and I...
  6. G

    Woe is Me! (KotoR Specs for PC)

    Not to turn this into a religious debate about processors, but newer Pentiums have done quite well against AMDs. The problem with buying a new mobo/proc now is that you probably have PC133 RAM (or maybe even PC100, depending on age). Newer mobos use DDR RAM, so you gotta buy new RAM too, and at...
  7. G

    Any character generators that handle epic and divine characters?

    Does PCGen do Deities & Demigods support? Like, all the effects of Divine Rank, and all the Salient Abilities and such? I need that functionality as well.
  8. G

    Any character generators that handle epic and divine characters?

    Ah, dang, I was almost sorta hoping that something was needed. I could use a good programming project. My PCs are epic and divine, and as such I need both capabilities. I'd also like 3rd party data support, but I can enter stuff myself if need be. Also, another big thing is price. I'm all...
  9. G

    Any character generators that handle epic and divine characters?

    I'm looking for a character generator of some type that can handle epic level charactersr, and also characters with Divine Rank. Any software like this exist? 3.0 is preferred, but I suppose 3.5 could work. If no such software exists, I intend to write my own and make it available to...
  10. G

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Threat ranges no longer stack!

    Zhure - you stated in your massive example that assassin's senses would take the threat range from 10-20, to 8-20. Incorrect. Assassin's senses increases threat range by 1 and multiplier by 1. So it'd be 9-20, but he gets his multiplier taken up by 1 as well. Just thought I'd point that out...
  11. G

    What is the most damage you've ever seen a character do in one round?

    In the ongoing campaign, the most is 1000 points even, thanks to your friend and mine, Creeping Doom. Damn that spell's nasty to poor baddies without DR. In a one-shot, it was hundreds of millions. Use a wish to wish for a giant log of wood worth 15,000gp (or whatever the most wish can do...
  12. G

    [non d20] Buffy RPG

    I bought this book since I'm a huge Buffy fan-boy, and even if you discount that, I still say it's one of the finest game products I've ever purchased (I've been playing for about 10 years, to give perspective on that). I got it at GenCon last year, after hearing about it at the Buffy CCG...
  13. G

    Ever gotten 'emotional' over a game event?

    Never really gotten choked up during a tabletop game, but at LARP? Hoo-boy. This story is from a Vampire LARP and it sums up "getting emotional at a game" for me... I was playing a female character for about 9 months and there were some striking similarities between the plot things happening...
  14. G

    What's NOT being fixed in 3.5?

    Take a look at Mongoose Publishing's "Encyclopaedia Arcane : Crossbreeding" - I haven't had a lot of time to look through it yet, but it may do exactly what you want, or nearly so.
  15. G

    The Path of the Sword

    I also recently got this book (got it for 60% off, too - sweeeet!). It's a damn great book, I'll agree. But can you be more specific on which feats you think don't do anything? I took a (very) brief glance at them, and the ones I saw did indeed seem to let you do something that you couldn't...
  16. G

    Help fixing skill-boosting items

    I know there are surely threads around here that talk about the problems of magic items that boost skills, but since I am not a community member, I can't do a search, and I'd really rather not search through all the threads in here given that it's finals week and that'd take, well...forever...
  17. G

    To Fractal Terrains users

    Hi, I'm looking for some help with using Fractal Terrains. I recently bought it, and so far I'm very pleased with it, thought the learning curve is taking me a while. However, I was wondering a few things, maybe someone can help me: 1) How do you get it to generate rivers, or is this...