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  1. E

    Do you have any dice superstitions

    My Players I game with folks from a crime lab. They all have, or are working towards, advanced degrees in hard sciences. And they are the worst dice ritual people I’ve seen. They start the evening my rolling their entire collection of d20s and plucking out the ‘bad’ ones. They argue about...
  2. E

    The Pinnacle of your Collection

    The girl. The boy has such a quick smile that's he's probably going to grow up to be a politician or a LARPer. :eek:
  3. E

    Going back in time to play your novice days again

    I wouldn't want to replay the game, as that sense of wonder and discovery is what I fell in love with. I'd like to go back in time and have a talk with myself when I started to DM, though. One good thirty minute conversation could have proactively prevented a slew of less than optimal...
  4. E

    Forget the Mule: Why Must My DM Restrict Chicken Ownership?

    And a thousand CharOp posters just died a little. Good work!
  5. E

    Worst fantasy names in our Real World

    I apologize for everything that's about to follow There's a Dongo in the Congo, a :):):):):)bong in Australia, and you can pull your own (beets) in Wankendorf, Germany. Although it sounds like something for which I would take my dog to the vet, Lickey End is actually a village in England...
  6. E

    Forget the Mule: Why Must My DM Restrict Chicken Ownership?

    Anyone cooped up with me deserves pity.
  7. E

    males playing females and the other way around, opinions?

    TWMAGCC (That Would Make A Good Character Concept): a vampiric female robot made in Japan that's programmed to think it's a Wookie Now I just need to find a cyberpunk game with an inattentive GM ...
  8. E

    High Magic Wizardry novels?

    I second In the Name of the Wind. An excellent book with an engaging protagonist. These are all good suggestions, though. Now I have to go spend more money at the bookstore ...
  9. E

    Forget the Mule: Why Must My DM Restrict Chicken Ownership?

    I've given him the dungeon master equivalent of post-traumatic stress disorder. Now I just ask him if my character can buy the most random things just so I can see his eye twitch. Seriously, what does he think I'll do with four hundred fish hooks and twenty five pounds of lard?
  10. E

    Forget the Mule: Why Must My DM Restrict Chicken Ownership?

    When he gets peckish I just flip him the bird.
  11. E

    A New Monster Idea

    My players would either purposefully drain or accidentally defile the pools as soon as they came into contact with them ... It's good to know your players!
  12. E

    Forget the Mule: Why Must My DM Restrict Chicken Ownership?

    If shoving a hundred chickens at a time into a trap filled dungeon is wrong then I do not want to be right. Just cast enlarge on a few and spook them in the right direction. Pro-Tip: Before letting them go, baste them in Forgotten Realms BBQ Sauce (or Oriental Adventures Teriyaki)...
  13. E

    Are you in the RPG closet?

    I recently had a job interview. I already have a job and the position pays a bit less, but I’ve wanted to find out more about that company, so in I went. I brought up the fact that I write applications at home and they asked about the last application I had written. If I had actually needed...
  14. E

    Your favorite character advancement scheme

    I run two games with very different advancement schemes. In my 4e campaign the players advance according to the story. In our last session they freed a bunch of priests of different religions from a prison. The passion of the prayers of thanks coming from all those priests caught the gods’...
  15. E

    males playing females and the other way around, opinions?

    In the game I DM I have a guy that plays a girl, a girl that plays a guy, and a girl that plays a dwarf that has an undisclosed gender. My only problem is that the guy playing the girl character used a male mini for the first three or four sessions and it's thrown me completely out of...
  16. E

    I could use ideas for a high magic zoo

    Short version: The charaters are heading to a zoo in a high magic fantasy setting. Any ideas you have for exhibits in a zoo catering to wealthy patrons in a fantasy setting would be appreciated! The characters are in a huge city that is under siege. Each night the city has been ravaged by...