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  1. Tom Servo

    Tales from the Ninth World

    Got it, read it, loved it. A nice little appetizer before the main course. August can't get here early enough!
  2. Tom Servo

    Monte Cook's new RPG: Numenera [UPDATED]

    The Kickstarter is about half way through so I thought I'd give this thread a bump. It has already been funded and is well into the stretch goals. The setting looks fascinating. I am really looking forward to getting this next summer.
  3. Tom Servo

    So the playtest packages coming online tonight at midnight or tomorrow?

    The dad in me won't let me let this pass. You should really go to school, the rules aren't going anywhere. Sorry, back to the topic at hand.
  4. Tom Servo

    D&D 5E Guidelines for D&D Next playtest/adventure discussion here at ENW

    I foresee some very strange threads in the next few weeks as we all dance around the issues and avoid speaking of things directly.
  5. Tom Servo

    Just Two... More... Days!

    Can't XP ya, but this made me lol.
  6. Tom Servo

    Just Two... More... Days!

    I will be making a point of staying away from here until my group gets it's first solid game in and we've had a chance to discuss it. I want a solid opinion of the materials both as a document and as a play experience before I read any reviews or opinions by the community at large.
  7. Tom Servo

    Just Two... More... Days!

    Yeah, I'm genuinely excited about trying out the next version of D&D. Even if I hate the mechanics and new rules we'll still have fun. Good friends, dice, adventure, laughter. What's not to look forward to? Bring on the playtest!
  8. Tom Servo

    Skills... WoTC Blog Post

    I actually really liked what this article was saying. I think it will allow for more flexibility and creativity at the table. With the 6 ability scores being so important (to all three "pillars") I am curious how determining them will be handled. It seems that there might be even more...
  9. Tom Servo

    Did you sign up to be a part of gaming history?

    I actually really liked what was said there. This is disappointing. I guess that is the price we pay to have the honor of being a "part of gaming history". Beer...check, pizza...check, snacks...check, dice...check, paper and pencils...check, okay guys lets play some D&D! Oh wait, has...
  10. Tom Servo

    D&D 5E How are people currently feeling about 5e?

    Extremely curious and hopeful, though expecting to be disappointed. The information released so far has been hit and miss for me. Some of it I really like. The flatter math thing in particular, also the latest post regarding skills looks awesome. Some of it I really don't like. The recent...
  11. Tom Servo

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    I don't believe I was trying to impose my tastes on anyone, I was simply stating them. But, I don't believe you were actually trying to single me out, so I take your point. Options are a good thing. The original L&L article didn't make at-will offensive magic sound very optional though, in...
  12. Tom Servo

    Did you sign up to be a part of gaming history?

    Wouldn't copyright cover that? I'm hoping I don't have to ask my players to enter into some legal arrangement before testing the game next week, I'm really not sure how well that would go over. I guess we'll see on the 24th.
  13. Tom Servo

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    I think a couple of us have expressed this, in different ways, throughout this thread. It is not to some people's taste. Do you not believe us?
  14. Tom Servo

    Did you sign up to be a part of gaming history?

    Hold on, I might have to accept an NDA for my entire group? I'll have to get them to agree to it before we play? Wow, that's going to be tough to swallow for the casual gamer.
  15. Tom Servo

    Did you sign up to be a part of gaming history?

    Has anybody received emails regarding the playtest? Most of my group "signed up" and nobody I know has received any info. Weird since it's less than two weeks until the big day. The only reason my group even knows it is coming is because I am so active in staying up to date on 5e...
  16. Tom Servo

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    Yeah, but unless I am reading the latest L&L wrong, both versions are not going to be options within the rules. Your preference definitely looks to be the default. Great for you (I don't say that in a begrudging way), not so much for some of us.
  17. Tom Servo

    [Ro3 5/15] Traits? lol wut?

    Sort of. I really wish a character creation element was a part of the initial playtest. My players were pretty bummed out to hear they would be playing pre-gens. Anyways, I liked what I read in this article.
  18. Tom Servo

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    Sure, to your fellow companions in your adventuring party your tricks become predictable. But the group of you are on the front lines against the forces of evil on a regular basis. Extreme circumstances require everyone using their best abilities to survive. In that post I was responding to...
  19. Tom Servo

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    I love that quote, the sledgehammer must be nerfed! I say let's have lock smashing as a sledgehammer daily power. My problem here is that using magic in this way takes the "magic" away from magic. Magic just becomes another tool in the toolbox. A glowing purple ray of energy is just another...
  20. Tom Servo

    [L&L] Balancing the Wizards in D&D

    Wow, I am really of two minds about this article. On the one hand I don't have any major problem with any particular thing mentioned in the article. I might not agree with all of them, but I understand where most of the proposed solutions are coming from. On the other hand, when all the...