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  1. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Aww, it was nice and strange seeing Jason Bulmahn posting his farewell editorial on this issue. Did I ever mention here that before he went on to be a bigwig at Paizo, he was my DM in college? Yup. He got of my characters killed. I still have a picture that they commissioned of my main character...
  2. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Here here! After years of this thread, I have no idea what I'll be doing with my mornings. So do you have anything special planned this issue? Another set of video posts?
  3. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Ha! After watching Frozen, I have this image of a giant dragon roaring "Let it Go" in my head.
  4. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Really? Because I tried playing a few Expanded version psions. They might not have as much versatility or as many tricks as a regular spellcaster, but they are friggin' DEATH in terms of damage potential. That said, they have a few power/race/feat combos that seem almost obligatory, or at least...
  5. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Good thing the original comic doesn't have such a deadline; it just recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. God I feel old when I say that. This was a really welcome addition to the magazine for me, and a nice reversal on the general trend of each new comic being less interesting to me than...
  6. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Ah, Spawn of Kyuss. One of my favorite D&D stories involve those jerks. It was back in the 2nd ed days, when they were called Sons of Kyuss and Lightning Bolts still rebounded. I played a plucky yet extremely clumsy wizard in a town under siege by unpleasantness, notably the Kyuss guys. Even...
  7. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    It doesn't look like part 6 uploaded yesterday.
  8. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    I'm guessing a certain series of movies helped with that. Were the Pirates movies as big with you guys as they are here? Huh, I forgot that The Gamers movies got a mention in Dragon. And I didn't know it was eight years between films. Let's hope the fourth one doesn't take so long. I used...
  9. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Wow, moved it back down to the seven range! Nice job!
  10. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Also, the D&D movie sequel was a direct to DVD release. I'm not sure how these things are considered in the UK, but America treats direct DVD movies as a wasteland, where interminable series go to die. This was probably less about hope or raising the profile of gaming, and more about getting a...
  11. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Yeah, I was underwhelmed by the Class Acts as well, especially during my recapping read. Having eleven new articles every damn month just strikes me as overkill.
  12. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Which is kind of weird, when you think about it. Wasn't the original point of guns largely about their ease of use?
  13. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    I love how both articles did the "except paladins" thing, which isn't necessarily fair. I mean, Paladins won't lie, cheat or steal, but they still could have a useful place in a world like this. They could use stealth, or misdirection, or be the gang's "face." You'd be the equivalent of Carrot...
  14. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    So, unreason, did you ever try your hand at the infamous setting contest? I put forth four ideas myself. One I used as a single adventure in my current campaign, one became the basis of my next campaign, the third got sprinkled into that next campaign as well, and the last ... well, I'm...
  15. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    This issue wasn't particularly interesting for me the first time around, since I didn't really know anything about the series except that earlier fiction excerpt. I, err, still haven't read the books (I'll get to them eventually!) but I wonder how this will look after the HBO series. Did you...
  16. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Man, I don't care how many epic spells you have or how many drow you had to gut to get to the position, I'm never going to terrified of a wizard named GROMPH. Well, not a drow wizard, at least. Maybe an uncharacteristic ogre or troll wizard with that name would work.
  17. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Ah, I missed this thread. I appreciate you crossposting it on nearly every other rpg site out there, but I've been commenting here. As for this article, I enjoyed the content, but DEAR GOD the formatting is terrible. Who puts black font on a dark gray background? Or even worse, red on a dark...
  18. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Well, let me give it a shot. *cracks knuckles.* The drow demonstrate something bout nerds that I really like. As a general rule, we don't do universally evil races. It seems like as soon as some popular media says, "This race is evil. Absolutely evil in every circumstances. No exceptions," the...
  19. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    God, this article. I have a rant saved up for this that I'll write when I'm less recently conscious, but sufficed to say that this is my least favorite article in the entire history of the magazine.
  20. LordVyreth

    Let's read the entire run

    Did anyone ever try to use the Sphinx in a fight? I think I tried actually making a 100th level character once and couldn't figure out a way for even that to ever hit the thing.