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Search results

  1. O

    Villains Villains Everywhere, and not a way to use...

    Check the Villain Design Handbook by Kenzerco. It has lots of ideas on how to create villains for any genre. The book has archetypes which represents the villains driving force and subtypes which are how the villain expresses the driving force. The book covers the criminal psychology and...
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    Looking for feat

    Yes The Kingdoms oF Kalamar Players Guide (by Kenzerco)has the feat Noble Bearing which gives +2 to Diplomacy and Intimidate. There is another feat called Reagal Bearing where the bonus increases to +4.
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    Calculate your own DnD stats

    DUH I've noticed that the IQ part of the intelligence section is broken. IF you enter an IQ at all your int turns out low. The IQ part also over-rides the education part.
  4. O

    Calculate your own DnD stats

    Hoody Hoo Sweet Str: 15 Int: 12 Wis: 18 Dex: 17 Con: 16 Chr: 18
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    What module?

    The Lost Tomb of Kruk Mal Kali by KenzerCo
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    What fantasy setting do you use?

    The Kenzer otter jokes started because of a typo for a message board thread. Instead or typing other stuff they typed otter stuff. Since then it's just snowballed, and the kenzer fans love the inside joke. And yes the Ring of Otter Control was ment as a joke. Andy
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    What fantasy setting do you use?

    I guess I'm another Kalamar "ballot stuffer" I lurk here a lot but don't post much. I have read most of the 3E campaign settings and I think that Kalamar is by far the most versitile, and is therefor the best for my games. Andy
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    Wicht! [KoK]

    I don't think that the regional maps are all quite the same scale however I do know that at one point Kenzer had a few extra maps that they were selling. I also know that the Atlas will be out before Christmas.
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    Books Books Books

    Kenzer has put out the Kalamar Players Guide and The Villain design Handbook, both with great PrCs. Other than that there are the basic WotC splat books and a few others that are good.
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    The Kalamar Players Guide and the Villain Design Handbook (Both from Kenzer) Have feats to improve your familiar.
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    Sil-karg...or my version of half-hobgoblin...

    Neither, use the Sil-Karg
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    Toronto Gamers! (Or Ontario Gamers) Introduce Yourself

    I'm up in Sault Ste. Marie
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    Reusable villains: how? (Another "101 ideas" thread)

    All of this and much more ic covered in great detail in Kenzer's Villain Design Handbook.
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    The best Villian

    You should read Kenzer's Villain Design Handbook which covers all of the above and more.
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    Thoughts about the nature of evil

    Read the first 5 chapters of Kenzer's Villain Design handbook, which delves into this topic in great detail.
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    Do familiars get darkvision/lowlight vision

    Kenzers Kingdoms of Kalamar Players Guide, and the VIllain Design Handbook have a series of Enhance Familiar feats that allow a spellcaster to buy additional abilities for their familiars.
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    [OT] Could a Canadian explain this to me?

    Okay here is the real answer. The Canadian government has two categories for winning stuff, contests and loteries. The loteries cover things like casinos, lottery tickets, scratch and win cards, etc. A lot of work goes into making sure that there is little to no cheating involved here as...
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    Advice on a Necromancer Character

    Kenzer's Villain Design Handbook has a section on designing Necromancer so they are not stereotypical.
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    Kenzer Villain Design Handbook reviews?

    Read the other review the link is above your post.
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    Kenzer Villain Design Handbook reviews?

    Here is another review of the VDH http://www.dmshaven.freeservers.com/kenzer.html