• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    [White Wolf, and own-horn-tooting] Their end, my beginning

    Congrats on the book Mouseferatu. I got the hardback Gehenna book, but I haven't picked up the novel yet. I'll make sure to do so now. The gehenna hardback presents 4 different scenarios for the end of the cainites, I was wondering if your book follows along one of these four scenarios, and if...
  2. M

    D&D Miniatures - Thumbs up or down?

    I voted thumbs up. I'm still no fan of the random packs, but they do end up being a good way to fill the mini collection. They don't prevent me from picking up a reaper mini for any of the important characters or specific creatures that I want to look really good. I actually prefer to just get a...
  3. M

    Book of Exalted Deeds - I don't get it...

    I believe it's for " mature audiences" because it contains descriptions of what is considered "good" in d&d. This may be different from what any given individual may feel to be "good" and may conflict with many people's takes on morality and ethics. Since it contains a detailed stance on...
  4. M

    generic module recommendations

    "The Forge of Fury" seems like it'd be what you are looking for as well. It is the 2nd part of WotC's adventure path series and is quite a dungeon crawl.
  5. M

    Are you a Roll-Player or a Role-player?

    I'm split about 50/50.. I like to have well designed and functional rules, but I need a character (not a mere collection of numbers) to work with in the rules. So I guess I get filed away as another " not voting because there isn't an option for being both.":D
  6. M

    Scoop: Dungeon/Polyhedron Changes

    Curses, by reducing the size of poly and guaranteeing multiple adventures they are quickly disposing of my reason for not subscribing. Soon they may have me in their evil clutches, I fear. :D
  7. M

    Everyone, Tell us about your games, please!

    Re: Lurkers, Non-Genconners, Tell us about your games, please! 1) 5 total 2) 90 % of the time, but right now we are playing Exalted and I'm not GMing 3) Yes, 3 of them do besides me, but very rarely. 4) 100% male 5) Yes, the Warroom in Norcross, GA. 6) I mostly do homebrew with a few modules...
  8. M

    Credit cards and Debit cards question

    I'll just put another vote in here for writing " Check I.D." on the back of my cards. Oddly enough, the only people that ever do are game store clerks.
  9. M

    Every DM wants a chance to play...?

    I have a very similar problem. I really want to play in a game, instead of GMing it, but I have the toughest time just focusing on one character. I have pretty much always GMed with my group, in various games. Occasionally someone will run a game of something-or-other, but otherwise I'd always...
  10. M

    What DnD book of yours is the most damaged?

    The book thats in the absolute worst shape in my collection is the D&D Rules Cyclopedia. Its held together by masking tapes rather than a real spine. My 3e books are a bit roughed up as well, which was one of my incentives for buying the 3.5e books.
  11. M

    Do your characters have phobias?

    One of the PCs in my game has a fear of acid after a few unpleasant experiences. The first one was being struck by Seething Eyebane ( from the BoVD) and having his eyes popped in a spray of acid. Then a few sessions later he was nearly pummeled to death by a fiendish Ooze elemental. Now any time...
  12. umbra3.jpg


  13. M

    piratecat paranoia(pictures, ot, weak humor and cats, beware)

    The return of VampireCat! ....... what?
  14. M

    Here is to all the Lurkers on the boards!

    I too am a lurker, and I am going to take this chance to get another post to my name.
  15. M

    [OT] Geek Test

    Aww, I'm only 27 % geek. I feel so ashamed. :(
  16. M

    [WOTC] Minis Spotlight

    I was tentatively looking forward to this new line of minis, in that I was going to consider buying a case ( or large number of boosters, at least) to fill up my less-than-amazing d&d mini collection, for npcs and monsters. My players would still be using Reaper. However, after this "spotlight"...
  17. M

    Looking for new fantasy RPG - story & roleplay oriented !

    Well, I'm not here to try to change you mind by countering your anecdotes with my anecdotes, but I can offer a system that seems like you'd like it. Its called The Riddle of Steel. Its a game that has a very good combat system, and a much lauded Spiritual Attributes system that gives you...
  18. M

    Favorite Storyteller system?

    My favorites are Vampire (both Dark Age and the Masquerade) and Exalted. Mage is good as well, but I never dug it as much the other two above.
  19. M

    Guardians of Order gets Song of Ice and Fire RPG license

    I honestly was sort of hoping that there would end up being a GURPS book for it, since that would mean a good source book that could be easily transfered to any system. I hope GoO can provide the same. Also, I'm not a huge fan of tri-stat ( its not bad, just not my cup of tea) and while i love...
  20. M

    Greyhawk being dumped as the core setting in 3.5

    Scarred lands has 9 gods( well 8 and 1 turn coat titan), each matching an alignment. Then there are 10 demigods, each ruling over some unusualy aspect of life (shadows, dreams, spiders). There are of course the titans ( parents of the gods ala greek mythology) but they aren't really worshipped...