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Blackdirge's Suped Up Monster Thread: Monster Column Updated 06/26/06!


Been on a dragon kick lately, so I decided to create th direct antithesis of the last critter in this thread. Nezzok is a half-fiend draconic cloud giant with levels in cleric and two prestige classes from the Draconomicon. For those of you wanted a CR 70+ critter, sorry, I just couldn't pull it off on this one. He's only a paltry CR 45. :p


Nezzok, “The Harbinger of Tiamat”

Draconic Half-Fiend Cloud Giant Cleric 10/Dragonslayer10/Talon of Tiamat 10
Huge Outsider
Hit Dice: 37d8+370 plus 10d10+100 (728 hp)
Initiative: +9 (+4 Dex, +5 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares), fly 50 ft. (average)
AC: 51 (-2 size, +5 Dex, +14 natural, +8 bracers, +6 ring), touch 37, flatfooted 46
Base Attack/Grapple: +34/+62
Attack: Wyrmskewer + 59 melee (3d8+36 plus 3d6 unholy/19-20 x3) or claw +52 melee (1d8+20) or rock +37 ranged (2d8+20)
Full Attack: Wyrmskewer + 59/+54/+49/+45 melee (3d8+36 plus 3d6 unholy/19-20 x3) and bite +47 melee (2d6+10) or 2 claws + 52 melee (1d8+20) and bite +47 melee (2d6+10) or rock +37 ranged (2d8+20)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft. (25 ft. with spear)
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, damage bonus, dominate dragon, rock throwing, improved critical, smite good, spell-like abilities, spells, true strike
Special Qualities: Aura of courage, damage reduction 10/magic and 3/-, darkvision 60 ft., domain powers, frightful presence, immunity to magical sleep and paralysis effects, immunity to poison, immunity to fire, low-light vision, overcome draconic spell resistance, resistance to acid 20, cold 20, electricity 20, and sonic 10, rebuke undead, rock catching, spell resistance 35, voice of the dragon.
Saves: Fort +40, Ref +23, Will +32
Abilities: Str 51, Dex 20, Con 32, Int 18, Wis 22, Cha 20
Skills: Bluff +29, Concentration +26, Climb +33, Craft (weapon smith) +32, Diplomacy +24, Intimidate +41, Knowledge (arcane) +31, Knowledge (religion) +23, Listen +20, Search +26, Sense Motive +33, Spellcraft +13, Spot +22, Tumble +23
Feats: Cleave, Devastating Critical (longspear), Dodge, Dragonthrall, Great Cleave, Improved Critical (long spear), Improved Initiative, Improved Trip, Ironwill, Lightening Reflexes, Mobility, Over Whelming Critical (longspear), Power Attack, Spring Attack, Weapon Expertise, Weapon Focus (longspear).
Environment: The Nine Hells
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 45
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Possessions: Wyrmskewer +6 gargantuan draconic dread unholy power longspear, bracers of armor +8, ring of protection +6, ring of vampiric regeneration

Aura of Courage (Su): Nezzok is immune to fear, magical or otherwise. Allies within 10 feet of Nezzok gain +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects.

Breath Weapon (Su): Nezzok can make use of five breath weapons; a cone of frost for 3d6 points of damage, a line of acid for 8d4 points of damage, a cone of corrosive gas for 10d6 points of damage, a line of lightening for 12d6 points of damage, and a cone of fire for 14d8 points of damage. He can use each of these breath weapons once per day. A successful Reflex saving throw at DC 31 halves the damage for any of the breath weapons. Nezzok must wait 1d4 round between breath weapons.

Cleric Spells: (Caster level 20, spell DC = 16 + spell level); 6/7+1/7+1/6+1/6+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/4+1/4+1

Damage Bonus (Ex): Nezzok gains a +10 bonus on weapon damage rolls against dragons.

Dominate Dragon (Su): Once per day Nezzok can attempt to dominate any dragon (as the dominate monster spell). The target may attempt a Will save to negate the effect at DC 25.

Frightful Presence (Ex): Nezzok can unsettle foes with his mere presence. All creatures with fewer hit dice that Nezzok, within 150 feet, are subject to his frightful presence. A potentially affected creature that succeeds at a Will save of DC 25 remains immune to Nezzok’s frightful presence for 24 hours. On a failure, creatures with 4 or fewer hit dice become panicked for 2d6 rounds and those with 5 or more hit dice become shaken for 2d6 rounds.

Improved Critical (Ex): Nezzok gains the effect of the Improved Critical feat on any weapon he uses against dragons.

Overcome Draconic Spell Resistance (Su): Nezzok adds 10 to any caster level checks made to overcome a dragon’s spell resistance.

Spell-like Abilities: 3/day – darkness, levitate, obscuring mist, poison, unholy aura. 1/day – blasphemy, contagion, desecrate, destruction, fog cloud, horrid wilting, summon monster IX, unholy blight.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day Nezzok can make a normal melee attack to deal 20 points of extra damage to a good aligned foe.

True Strike (Sp): Nezzok may use the spell true strike once per day as a move action.

Voice of the Dragon (Ex): Nezzok gains a +6 bonus on Bluff and Intimidate checks.

Long has Tiamat, goddess of chromatic dragons, yearned to strike at her draconic enemies on the prime material plane. The laws that bind all deities from directly influencing the mortal realm prevent Tiamat from slaking her thirst for destruction and vengeance personally, but she has many servants to carry out her nefarious bidding. Of these servants, her most prized is in fact one of her own offspring. Tiamat's fecundity is legendary, and she has mated with many creatures, from demons to mortals, to produce a wide variety of monstrous progeny. But her most successful coupling was with an evil cloud giant centuries ago, and it has yielded a most potent hybrid. This hybrid, Nezzok, is a blasphemous mingling of giant, fiendish and draconic essences, and is a most terrible adversary of all good dragons.

Endowed with many powerful abilities, Nezzok is a nigh unstoppable force of evil. In addition to his physical might, he is also a powerful cleric and can access the most devastating of spells. Nezzok’s entire existence has been devoted to the study of good dragons, and more to the point the methods of dispatching these mighty beasts. In this, he has no equal, and even the most ancient of gold wyrms is no match for Tiamat’s spawn. Nezzok has slain literally hundreds of powerful good dragons, along with their servants and guardians, in the pursuit of his mother’s aims.

In truth Nezzok has few ambitions of his own, and seems quite content to be his mother’s harbinger of destruction. He spends most of his time in Avernus, the first layer of the nine hells, and Tiamat’s home plane. Here Nezzok acts as an enforcer of his mother’s will, and occasionally a diplomatic envoy to the various Archdukes of the hells. It is only when Tiamat wishes to strike at a mortal dragon, especially a follower of Bahamut, her most hated rival that Nezzok is sent to the prime material. On these excursions, Nezzok seeks out his target and attacks with as much haste as possible, hoping to gain the element of surprise upon his draconic foes before allies and supporters can be gathered.

Appearance and Tactics

There is little that could strike fear into the heart of a gold or silver dragon, but the appearance of Nezzok has been known to send even these noble creatures fleeing for their lives. Nearly eighteen feet of solid muscle and scale, Nezzok is a paragon of diabolical might. His body is covered with a mosaic of black, red, white, green and blue scales, all arranged in flawless geometric patterns. A pair of mammoth bat wings sprout form his massive shoulders, and his head is a crowning nightmare of horns, fangs and glaring malevolence.

Nezzok’s most prized possession is a gift from his mother, a gargantuan spear named Wyrmskewer. A magic weapon of epic proportions, Wyrmskewer has been specifically created to slay dragons. Armed with Wyrmskewer, and a formidable array of spells and special abilities, Nezzok is absolutely fearless in combat. Although he is a skilled tactician, and a crafty combatant, Nezzok rarely needs to do little more than engage his foes in a single, devastating frontal assault to achieve victory.

On the rare occasion Nezzok is confronted with an adversary on par with himself, he will bolster his combat prowess with spells and spell-like abilities. Favorites include, unholy aura, dispel good, and righteous might.

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Hey BD, I had this idea and I'm not sure how to stat it. My players are in an abandonded temple to Abbathor. I was looking at the web enhancement to the FR god book, and it suggested rust monsters as appropriate creatures as servants of that god.

I was thinkign of making The Beast of Abbathor, a half-fiend advanced rustmonster, but that doesn't get the damn thing up to the CR I wanted, around 13.

So if the idea interests you, that's cool, or otherwise just some suggestions on how to make it a CR13 creatrue?


Olive said:
Hey BD, I had this idea and I'm not sure how to stat it. My players are in an abandonded temple to Abbathor. I was looking at the web enhancement to the FR god book, and it suggested rust monsters as appropriate creatures as servants of that god.

I was thinkign of making The Beast of Abbathor, a half-fiend advanced rustmonster, but that doesn't get the damn thing up to the CR I wanted, around 13.

So if the idea interests you, that's cool, or otherwise just some suggestions on how to make it a CR13 creatrue?

Yeah, I'll take that on.

I have been meaning to do a rust monster anyway.

Give me a day or so.



I have been meaning to do a rust monster anyway.

Cool. I was thinking advanced half-fiend, monster of legend but from memory that still only gets it to cr7 or 8.

Looking forward to it!


Ok, here you go Olive, one rust monster from hell. :)


Beast of Abbathor

Advanced Half-Fiend Rust Monster of Legend
Large Aberration
Hit Dice: 15d8+150 (271 hp)
Initiative: +13 (+9 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
AC: 31 (-1 size, +9 Dex, +13 natural), touch 18, flatfooted 22
Base Attack/Grapple: +11/+28
Attack: Antennae slash +23 melee (1d8+13 plus rust)
Full Attack: 2 antennae slash +23 melee (1d8+13 plus rust) and bite +21 melee (2d6+5)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Breath weapon, rust, smite good, spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 15/wood, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, immunity to poison and mind affecting effects, resistance to acid 10, cold 10, electricity 10, and fire 10, scent, spell resistance 25
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +13, Will +11
Abilities: Str 36, Dex 29, Con 31, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Skills: Climb +28, Hide +20 Jump +28, Listen +19, Move Silently +24, Search +15, Spot +19, Survival +17
Feats: Alertness, Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Multiattack, Power Attack, Spring Attack, Track
Environment: Underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Breath Weapon (Su): Once per day a Beast of Abbathor can expel a 30-foot cone of corrosive gas, dealing 3d6 points of acid damage to all within the cloud. In addition those taking damage from the acidic vapors are also subject to a rusting effect identical to a touch from the beast of Abbathor’s antennae. A reflex saving throw at DC 27 is allowed for half damage, and to avoid the rusting effect.

Rust (Ex): Any victim struck by a Beast of Abbathor’s antenna slash will lose one randomly determined metal item immediately. The item will instantly corrode and rust away, falling to pieces and becoming completely useless. Magical items are allowed a Reflex saving throw at DC 31 to avoid the rusting effect. Alternately a Beast of Abbathor can specifically target a metal item, and produce the same effect as above with a successful melee touch attack. Metal weapons used to make successful melee attacks against a Beast of Abbathor also suffer the same effects as above.

Smite Good (Su): Once per day a Beast of Abbathor can make a successful melee attack against a good aligned foe to deal and extra 15 points of damage.

Spell-like Abilities: 3/day – darkness, poison, unholy aura. 1/day – blasphemy, contagion, desecrate, horrid wilting, unholy blight.

Abbathor, dwarven god of greed, is known to keep many hidden shrines and temples that serve as little more than repositories for the deity’s vast sums of ill gotten wealth. So paranoid and untrusting is Abbathor that not even his most senior priests know the location of these mysterious vaults, but all hunger after such knowledge voraciously. Because his followers are no trustworthier than he is, Abbathor must rely on other means to guard his hidden temples, and has used a bit of divine tinkering to create the perfect watch beast.

The fell Beasts of Abbathor are rust monsters infused with fiendish essence and a bit of Abbathor’s divine power. The result of this monstrous concoction is a terrifying creature that hungers not only for metal, but the flesh that it often encases. All Beasts of Abbathor are charged with the guarding of their creators secret wealth, and never venture far from the hoards they guard. They are under strict orders not to touch any of Abbathor’s own treasure, and so, are often mad with hunger by the time a party of unlucky adventurers stumbles upon their lair.

Appearance and Tactics

All Beasts of Abbathor appear slightly different, although they share certain similarities. They are uniformly larger than average rust monsters, nearing the size of draft horses, and are far more robust. Coloration varies from a deep burnt red to a livid gangrenous green, with all variations in between.

By far the most dangerous aspect of the Beast of Abbathor is its two tentacle like antennae, which sprout from the creature’s bulbous head above its eyes. Each antenna is nearly six feet long and has a razored barb of bone at the tip. A Beast of Abbathor can slash at opponents with its antennae to deal horrible lacerating wounds, in addition each strike from these nefarious appendages, carries with it the creature’s dreaded rusting ability. The Beast of Abbathor is also equipped with a powerful set of mandibles, allowing it to make a fearsome bite as a secondary attack.

The beast of Abbathor detailed above has access to a rusting breath weapon and the ability to inflict extra damage to good aligned foes. In addition it may call upon a number of spell like powers to smite and hamper its enemies. A thick scaly hide coupled with high resistance to most forms of energy make this beast a difficult creature to damage. In addition this specific beast of Abbathor is resistant to attacks made with metal weapons, ignoring all but the most telling blows.

Since they are rarely fed, Beast’s of Abbathor attack all entering their lair immediately. Although intelligent enough to communicate with adventurers, a beast of Abbathor is concerned with little more than protecting its horde and gaining a meal. Thus, its tactics are very straight forward; attack the largest source of metal first, followed by the second largest, and so on.


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Hmm... This thread appears to be worth archiving. ;)

Wow, that's a lot of monsters... Let me just zip those up...

I just grabbed the monsters and dropped them in an RTF. Didn't do any formatting or checks for typos. :cool:

Blackdirge, any interest in doing some kind of Bacchus-like satyr?


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