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Ever Dream Deity Roleplay(Always Open)


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Valkrath the Sublime ruled the universe for countless millenia with little or no contest. Then came Volkath, the Dark Master. Valkrath and Volkath battled eachother for thousands of years tyring to out do eachother, creating the other gods in the process. After they had slain eachother and turned into spirit form, the younger gods had fully formed. This world is formless, make one your own.

((This is an RP where characters play as gods and shape a brand new world from scratch. The gods were created as nothing so you can shape your god to be anything you want. No character sheets are needed but in your sign up post put a short description of what you expect your god to be as well as what your naming it. If you want to be good or evil then feel free. Your a god, no body bosses you around (except two gods.) The gods in this thread wouldn't be omnipotent but they have nearly omnipotent powers if not opposed by other gods. They're basically in line with the gods of polytheistic religions. All gods start out exactly the same in power but as gods start to define themselves and create a domain for themselves it will grant them power, and more power for a more powerful domain (i.e. the god of mushrooms is probally going to not be very powerful but the god of trees would have lots of power.) If a gods domain is a big part of the world then they would gain more power (so if the world is covered in mushroom fields and there are mushroom guardian spirits for every mushroom the mushroom god would actually be very powerful.) The world is currently completely empty, its blank. If you want to start making a land feel free. If you want to create life of any kind feel free.

All gods start out powerful, but they can't maintain a form above divine rank 15 on the world that has been made once the gods and races start to interact.

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First Post
I'll go first

K'netan, Shaper of Clay

While the world was still young, K'netan would draw clay from the earth. He added water to soften and shape it, applied fire to harden it, and allowed air to cool it. Many sculptures great and small did he create. Those sculptures he found most pleasing he gave the gift of movement, so they could travel the world for the other gods to admire.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Domains: Earth & Law
(As of post #4, this information may change)
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First Post
I'll give it a spin. I'll just follow the format of the gentleman above me.

(The) Algennis, Twisters of Forms, the Lord of Flux

Algennis was playful in the times when Creation was young. He would delight himself by taking the creations of other gods, such as the Shaper, and changing what they had wrought to suit his whims. He never was able to create anything of his own - only twist that which others had made. Some of his works were beautiful, but others were terrible perversions.

Somewhat fickle, he loses interest in his creations quickly. He would likely not even care if another deity were to snatch up what he'd crafted - for Algennis, it's all about the process of change, not about the final product.

Algennis is alternately reffered to in the singular and the plural, both by himself and others. It's unclear exactly what its/their nature is.
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First Post
Selaniel, Cosmic Steward

Selaniel is the steward of the cosmos. She reports to Valkrath for her duties. As the goddess of destiny, arcane Power, and dreams, she is a mighty foe and just as mighty an ally as well.(NPC Over deity)


First Post
Torrana Dual Deity of Concordant Opposition

Torrana is an interesting deity. Both male and female yet at times neither, Torrana claims domain over both war and peace. According to Torrana one can not exist without the other. Torrana favors no race specifically but will favor specific individuals who follow their beliefs no matter what their consequences are.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Shara, The Light Bringer

I'll give it a spin too.... :)

Shara, was born from the light that shone from the wounds of Valkrath and Volkath as they battled. In the aftermath of their destruction and the diffusion of their essences Shara was born, coalesced from the light of their wounds and the energies of their diffused spirits. She was of the first godlings to be 'born'.

Shara is formed from the very essence of our progenitors and she is takes this position seriously. She believes that she is the purest of the Godlings and looks to guide and enhace the works of the others.

Basic Alignment: N
Portfolio: Light, Life, and Wisdom
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First Post
colindownes said:
I'll give it a spin. I'll just follow the format of the gentleman above me.

Algennis, Twister of Forms, the Lord of Flux

Algennis was playful in the times when Creation was young. He would delight himself by taking the creations of other gods, such as the Shaper, and changing what they had wrought to suit his whims. He never was able to create anything of his own - only twist that which others had made. Some of his works were beautiful, but others were terrible perversions.

Why do I get the feeling that your deity & mine are not going to get along :p

Armin said:
Selaniel, Cosmic Steward

Selaniel is the steward of the cosmos. She reports to Valkrath for her duties. As the goddess of destiny, arcane Power, and dreams, she is a mighty foe and just as mighty an ally as well.(NPC Over deity)

We don't have any NPC's yet.

We don't have any "people" yet. ;)

TroyXavier said:
Torrana Dual Deity of Concordant Opposition

Torrana is an interesting deity. Both male and female yet at times neither, Torrana claims domain over both war and peace. According to Torrana one can not exist without the other. Torrana favors no race specifically but will favor specific individuals who follow their beliefs no matter what their consequences are.

Races? Until some god creates some races then I don't know where you will find individuals. I like the duality idea.

FreeXenon said:
I'll give it a spin too.... :)

Shara, was born from the light that shone from the wounds of Valkrath and Volkath as they battled. In the aftermath of their destruction and the diffusion of their essences Shara was born, coalesced from the light of their wounds and the energeis of their diffused spirits. She was of the first godlings to be 'born'

Shara is formed from the very essence of our progenators and she is takes this position seriously. She believes that she is the purest of the Godlings and looks to guide and enhace the works of the others.

Basic Alignment: N
Portfolio: Light, Life, and Wisdom

Very nice
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American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
The beginning...

[Armin, slap me around if I am out of line here.. :heh: But I think I can get this started? :uhoh: ]

Shara stands a mortal's 6' in height with long, straight white hair that occasionally curls here and there. White motes of divine light quickly fade in and wink out at random intervals as she stands there contemplating the nature of our existence. Her eyes are of a pure white light that reflects the purest divine energy that infuses her being. Deeply tanned skin, soft and supple like the softest and most nurturing light. Shara's vuluptous form is draped with a simple white toga that seems horribly out of place on her feminine form, covering a sublime beauty and wisdom that begs to be set free.

Shara meditates for a long while, pulling into herself as much of her progenators divine energy as she can hold. Her form, suffused with divine energy, malforms and seems to bubble and bloat, rays of light pierce through her material form and threaten to shatter her existence, but some how she holds it in for a moment longer. When it seems that the energies would over take her and destroy her she releases it in a great invigorating shockwave of life, creation, and existence which is felt by all godlings and reverberates throughout their very essences.

Shara's form pulses fades as she slowly crumples to the ground. She moans feebly, like she was involved in the Progenators War herself, torn, tattered and battered beyond recognition. Her bloated and wounded form slowly stands up and looks upon all of you with kind and gentle eyes knowing that you will all know what to do next. Shara, the Light Bringer, has given you meaning and a purpose. You all feel it. It has begun...
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