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Endur's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft

[size=+1]Alessandra Exaultiacien[/size]
Female Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height: 5' 5"
Weight: 120 lbs
Age: 20
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blonde
Patron Deity: Pelor
Classes: Cleric 6

[sblock=Basic Information]
Speed: 30’ / 20’ when wearing fullplate

HD: 6d8+6
HP: 34

Init: 4 [+0 Dex +4 Improved Initiative]

STR 12 (+1) [11 base (3 pts) +1 level]
DEX 10 (+0) [10 base (2 pts)]
CON 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]
INT 10 (+0) [10 base (2 pts)]
WIS 16 (+3) [16 base (10 pts)]
CHA 12 (+1) [12 base (4 pts)]
25 point buy

AC: 21
[10 base +9 armor +1 shield +0 Dex +1 deflection]

Fort +7 [5 base +1 Con +1 resistance]
Ref +3 [2 base +0 Dex +1 resistance]
Will +9 [5 base +3 Wis +1 resistance]

Languages Known:
~ Common

Base Attack: +4
Grapple: +5 [+4 base +1 Str]

+1 Heavy Mace: +6 [+4 base +1 Str +1 enhancement]
Critical: 20/x2
Damage: 1d8+2
Type: Bludgeoning

MW Light Crossbow: +5 [+4 base +0 Dex +1 masterwork]
Critical: 19-20/x2
Damage: 1d8
Range: 80 ft
Type: Piercing

Daggers (melee): +5 [+4 base +1 Str]
Critical: 19-20/x2
Damage: 1d4
Type: Piercing or Slashing

Daggers (ranged): +4 [+4 base +0 Dex]
Critical: 19-20/x2
Damage: 1d4
Range: 10 ft
Type: Piercing or Slashing

[sblock=Skills and Feats]
Concentration +9 [+1 Con +8 ranks]
Diplomacy +4 [+1 Cha +3 ranks]
Heal +4 [+3 Wis +1 ranks]
Knowledge (religion) +8 [+0 Int +8 ranks]
Ride +1/+3* [+0 Dex +1 ranks (cc) +2 saddle*]
Spellcraft +5 [+0 Int +5 ranks]

Skills Conditional
~ * Relates to checks for staying in saddle only. Also have 75% chance of staying in saddle if knocked unconscious.
~ -5 armor check penalty while wearing fullplate on Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Sleight of Hand, and Tumble. Double the normal armor check penalty is applied to Swim checks.

~ Improved Initiative (+4 to Initiative Checks) [Racial]
~ Extra Turning (Can turn undead +4 times/day) [1st Level]
~ Sacred Vitality (LM) (As standard action, spend 1 turn undead attempt to gain immunity to ability damage, ability drain, and energy drain for 1 minute) [3rd Level]
~ Quicken Turning (can turn undead as a free action) (Libris Mortis) [6th Level]

[sblock=Racial and Class Abilities]
Racial Abilities:
~ Size: Medium
~ Speed: 30 ft
~ 1 extra feat at first level
~ 4 extra skill points at first level
~ 1 extra skill point at each level beyond first
~ Automatic Language: Common
~ Favored Class: Any

Class Abilities:
~ BAB +3
~ F/R/W +4/+1/+4
~ Spellcasting (see next section); Caster level: 6
~ Domains: Sun (PHB), Glory (CD)
~ Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: All simple weapons, all types of armor (light, medium, heavy), all shields (except tower shields)
~ Class Skills: Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Knowledge (history) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Knowledge (the planes) (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int)
~ Skill Points: 2+Int per level (x4 first level)
~ HD: d8 per level
~ Turn Undead (Su): 3+Cha mod times per day
~ Aura (Ex): Good
~ Spontaneous Casting: Cure spells

[sblock= Spells and Spell-like Abilities]
Spells and Spell-like Abilities:
Spells from Cleric
Per Day: 5, 4+1, 4+1, 3+1
Memorized listed below

0th Level
~ Detect Magic (used to spontaneously cast Cure Minor)
~ Guidance (used to spontaneously cast Cure Minor)
~ Light
~ Resistance
~ Create Water (used to spontaneously cast Cure Minor)

1st Level
~ Protection from Evil (cast)
~ Shield of Faith (used to spontaneously cast Cure Light)
~ Bless (used to spontaneously cast Cure Light)
~ Divine Favor (used to spontaneously cast Cure Light)
Domain: Disrupt Undead (cast)

2nd Level
~ Hold Person (used to spontaneously cast Cure Mod)
~ Restoration, Lesser (used to spontaneously cast Cure Mod)
~ Shatter (used to spontaneously cast Cure Mod)
~ (not yet mem)
Domain: Bless Weapon

3rd Level
~ Visage of the Deity, Lesser (CD) (used to spontaneously cast Cure Serious)
~ Daylight (used to spontaneously cast Cure Serious)
~ (not yet mem)
Domain: Searing Light (cast)

Granted Power: Once per day, you can perform a greater turning against undead in place of a regular turning. The greater turning is like a normal turning except that the undead creatures that would be turned are destroyed instead.
1 Endure Elements
2 Heat Metal
3 Searing Light
4 Fire Shield
5 Flame Strike
6 Fire Seeds
7 Sunbeam
8 Sunburst
9 Prismatic Sphere

Granted Power: Turn undead with a +2 bonus on the turning check and +1d6 on the turning damage roll.
1 Disrupt Undead
2 Bless Weapon
3 Searing Light
4 Holy Smite
5 Holy Sword
6 Bolt of Glory
7 Sunbeam
8 Crown of Glory
9 Gate

[sblock=Turning Information]
Turning undead is a supernatural ability that a character can perform as a standard action. It does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must present your holy symbol to turn undead. Turning is considered an attack. (Now a free action with Quicken Turning feat.)

Times per Day: 3 + 1 Cha mod + 4 Extra Turning = 8 times/day

Range: You turn the closest turnable undead first, and you can’t turn undead that are more than 60 feet away or that have total cover relative to you. You don’t need line of sight to a target, but you do need line of effect.

Turning Check: The first thing you do is roll a turning check to see how powerful an undead creature you can turn. Check: 1d20 + 1 Cha mod + 2 Glory Domain +2 synergy from Knowledge (religion). See the Table: Turning Undead to see what the result is.

Turning Damage: If your roll on Table: Turning Undead is high enough to let you turn at least some of the undead within 60 feet, roll 2d6 + your cleric level + your Charisma modifier +1d6 for the Glory Domain for turning damage. That’s how many total Hit Dice of undead you can turn. You may skip over already turned undead that are still within range, so that you do not waste your turning capacity on them.

Effect and Duration of Turning: Turned undead flee from you by the best and fastest means available to them. They flee for 10 rounds (1 minute). If they cannot flee, they cower (giving any attack rolls against them a +2 bonus). If you approach within 10 feet of them, however, they overcome being turned and act normally. (You can stand within 10 feet without breaking the turning effect—you just can’t approach them.) You can attack them with ranged attacks (from at least 10 feet away), and others can attack them in any fashion, without breaking the turning effect.

Destroying Undead: If you have twice as many levels (or more) as the undead have Hit Dice, you destroy any that you would normally turn.

~ +1 Heavy Mace (2,312 gp) (carried; 8 lb) Continuous glow as per the Light spell
~ MW Light Crossbow (385 gp) (carried; 4 lb)
~ Dagger x2 (4 gp) (carried; 2 lb)
~ Bolts x30 (3 gp) (carried; 1 lb)
~ +1 Fullplate (2,650 gp) (worn; 50 lb) 
~ MW Light Steel Shield (159 gp) (carried; 6 lb)
~ Golden Holy Symbol (50 gp) (worn; 1 lb)
~ Ring of Protection +1 (2,000 gp) (worn; > lb)
~ Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000 gp) (worn; > lb)

~ Belt Pouch (1 gp) (worn; 0.5 lb)
    ~ Flint & Steel (1 gp) (> lb)
    ~ Holy Water flask (25 gp) (1 lb)

~ Light Warhorse (150 gp)
    ~ Military Saddle (20 gp)
    ~ Bit and Bridle (2 gp)
    ~ Saddlebags (4 gp)
       ~ Bedroll (1 sp)
       ~ Lantern, Hooded (7 gp)
       ~ Oil, 5 pints (5 sp)
       ~ Silk Rope, 50 ft (10 gp)
       ~ Trail Rations, x7 days (3 gp 5 sp)
       ~ Cleric’s Vestments (5 gp)
       ~ Holy Water x2 flasks (50 gp)

~ Initiation to Lightbringers Guild (100 gp)

* All items which do not list a weight or wear location are stored in the saddlebags.

GP: 57
SP: 9



Alessandra was given to the Temple of Pelor to raise when she was just an infant. She doesn’t remember anything of her parents or family, and all she knows of them is what the Temple has told her – that they were the victims of a bandit raid on their merchant caravan, and that help arrived too late for her young parents. It is not surprising, given that she was raised in the faith that she chose to formally enter the church at the age of majority. Her passion for hunting undead is due to her view of them as being an unnatural perversion of the sanctity of life and death, of the natural order of things.
(Will expand upon)

~ Additional Resource: Complete Divine
~ Aiming for Radiant Servant of Pelor PRC from Complete Divine. Have all requirements, can take at 7th level[/sblock]
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First Post
Lightbringer Guild

Guild: The Lightbringers are an expansive guild of undead hunters that readily hands out charter memberships to anyone who wants to stamp out undead. The Lightbringers have no central headquarters. Generally affiliated good-aligned temples in large cities set aside meeting rooms. Pelor's temples are best known for hosting Lightbringers -- believers and nonbelievers alike.

Symbol: The Lightbringer's symbol is a stylized half-sun, half-moon disc.

Credo: "Suffer no false life."

The Lightbringers organization requires a prospective member to have 4 ranks in at least one of several associated skills. The guild accepts all classes, levels, and races. Initiation fee and annual dues are 100gp. Every guild member makes a comittment to slay undead (level of commitment is up to the member).

Associated skills: Concentration, Gather Information, Heal, Knowledge History, Knowledge Local, and Knowledge Religion.

Guildmembers receive the following benefits:

1) Food and lodging at an affiliated Temple in a large city;
2) 10% discount on guild services;
3) One free restoration spell per week from an affiliated temple;
4) +2 bonus on diplomacy and gather info on fellow guild members;
5) Can request aid from affiliated temples to fight undead;
6) Bards, Clerics, Paladins, and Rogues receive optional substitution levels.

Cleric Substitution levels

Cleric level 1: Destroy Undead replaces Turn Undead, see Complete Divine p. 87 variant rule.

Cleric level 1: True Daylight replaces one domain granted power. Use one Turn Undead to power up your Daylight spell (level 3 cleric spell). Daylight spell lasts d4 rounds and has only 10' radius. Acts like daylight for affecting vampires.

Cleric level 1: Positive Healing replaces one domain granted power. Use one Turn Undead to gain fast healing 2 for five rounds.

Paladin Substitution levels
1st: Detect Undead replaces Detect Evil. Finds undead only. Similar to detect evil, except that you don't need to concentrate for multiple rounds to determine exact number/location instead information is immediately available.

3rd: Pelor's Blessing replaces Divine Health. Smite Evil gets an extra bonus vs. undead, +2 to attack and +1 point of damage per two paladin levels.

6th: Warded Special Mount replaces one weeklly use of remove disease. A lightbringer's paladin mount is immune to all death spells, magical death effects, energy drain, and any negative energy effects.

Rogue Substitution levels

Rogue level 3: Penetrating Strike replaces trap sense. Whenever you flank a creature that is immune to sneak attack damage, you still inflict half of your sneak attack damage as bonus dice. If you can't flank them (i.e. Beholders, etc.) or they are flat-footed, then you do not get bonus damage dice -- you must flank the creature which is immune to sneak attack in order to get bonus damage under this rule.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Lia Nailo
Female elf ranger 5

Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Corellon Larethian
Height: 4' 9''
Weight: 96lbs
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Green
Age: 136

Str: 11 (+0) [3 points]
Dex: 17 (+3) [6 points, +2 racial, +1 level]
Con: 10 (+0) [4 points, -2 racial]
Int: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 8 (-1) [0 points]

Class and Racial Abilities: +2 Dex, -2 Con, immune to sleep spells and effects, +2 to saves versus enchantments, low-light vision, proficient with longsword, rapier, longbow, and shortbow, +2 bonus to Listen, Search, and Spot checks, can make a Search check just for passing within 5 ft. of a secret door. Favored enemy (undead +4, vermin +2), Track, wild empathy (+8), archery combat style (Rapid Shot and Manyshot), animal companion, divine spells, proficient in all simple and martial weapons, light armor, and shields (excluding tower shields).

Hit Dice: 5d8
HP: 24
AC: 18 (+3 Dex, +5 armor) [Touch 13, flat-footed 15]
Init: +3 (+3 Dex)
Speed: 30ft

Fortitude +4 [+4 base, +0 Con]
Reflex +7 [+4 base, +3 Dex]
Will +3 [+1 base, +2 Wis]

BAB/Grapple: +5/+5
Melee Atk: +9 (1d8/19-20/x2/S, MW longbow)
Ranged Atk: +9 (1d8+1/x3/100 ft./P, +1 longbow)
Ranged Rapid Shot or Manyshot Atk: (2 arrows) +7 (1d8+1/x3/100 ft./P, +1 longbow)
Ranged Rapid Manyshot Atk: (four arrows) +5 (1d8+1/x3/100 ft./P, +1 longbow)

Heal +10 [8 ranks, +2 Wis]
Hide +11 [8 ranks, +3 Dex]
Knowledge (religion) +6 [8 cc ranks, +2 Int]
Listen +10 [8 ranks, +2 Wis]
Move Silently +11 [8 rank, +3 Dex]
Search +10 [8 ranks, +2 Int]
Spot +10 [8 ranks, +2 Wis]
Survival +10 [8 ranks, +2 Wis]

Track (ranger bonus 1st level)
Unquenchable Flame of Life [LM] (1st level) [+4 on saves vs. extraordinary or supernatural abilities of undead due to favored enemy bonus]
Rapid Shot (ranger combat style bonus 2nd level)
Point Blank Shot (3rd level)
Precise Shot (6th level)
Manyshot (ranger improved combat style bonus 6th level)

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Goblin

Spells Per Day
Save DC +2
1st - cure light wounds x2.

+1 Mithral chain shirt – 2,100gp
+1 longbow – 2,318gp
Quiver of Ehlonna – 1,800gp
Wand of cure light wounds – 750gp
MW longsword – 315gp
2 daggers – 4gp
Traveler’s outfit (Free)
Cloak of resistance +1 – 1,000gp
Backpack - 2gp
Everburning torch – 110gp
Military saddle – 20gp
Light warhorse – 150gp
Bit and bridle – 2gp
Saddlebags – 4gp
Bedroll - 5sp
Waterskin - 1gp
50 ft. silk rope - 10gp
Trail rations (20 days worth) - 10gp
Belt pouch - 1gp
Cold weather outfit - 8gp
2 potions of cure light wounds – 100gp
2 potions of protection from evil – 100gp
2 potions of shield of faith +2 – 100gp
1 potion of remove fear – 50gp

44gp, 5sp

Sikilar, hawk animal companion: Tiny animal; HD 1d8: hp 8; Init +3; Spd 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average); AC 17 (+2 size, +3 Dex, +2 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14; Base Atk +0; Grp -10; Atk: talons +5 melee (1d2-2); full Atk: talons +5 melee (1d2-2); Space/Reach 2 ½ ft./0 ft.; SQ low-light vision, link, share spells; AL NG; SV Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2; Str 6, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 6.

Skills and Feats: Listen +2, Spot +14; Weapon Finesse.

Tricks Known: Come, Fetch, Defend, Attack, Down, Guard, Warn


Appearance: Lia is slender and petite elf with a braid of golden-blonde hair wound around her head. Her emerald green eyes are large and bright, and her skin shows both the bronze of the sun and the pink of eager and passionate nature.

Personality: Lia is a fiery and enthusiastic young woman, for an elf. Compared to a human, she still has the incredible patience of her kind, but she shows lightning-like flashes of anger and even rage when certain things set her off. She seems to regard undead as a personal affront to the world at large.

Outside of those dark situations, she is generally cheerful, if dedicated. While she does like to sing and dance when the mood takes her, she will always delay such pleasures until duty is done.

Background: The first thing I recall is blackness, darkness such as I had never seen. I came to honor my great-great-great-grandmother’s shade at the willow tree planted at her grave. It was the farthest out from our village, a guardian of our borders, and a sacred place of great beauty. I wanted to meditate there, to seek a vision of my future. I was young, very young, just barely out of my second decade, but confidant that I knew how to avoid the dangerous things in the woods.

I waited and prayed at the willow, and soon a beam of sunlight shone upon it, revealing a hollow inside. Delighted at discovering a secret, I entered without fear. I never knew how long I stayed; the green light from inside was beautiful, it must have been hours. I awoke to horrible blackness; such as I had never seen in my life. Not just night, but darkness without a hint of moon or fire, magelight or candlelight, with not a breath of wind or a single forest sound. And cold, colder than I have ever imagined being. Fear rose within me, but I tried to concentrate on the feel of the forest, the faces of my parents, my older brother’s smile on the day of his wedding… Slowly the fear ebbed and I opened my eyes, not realizing I had closed them.

Now light flooded the tree, one an eerie cool greenish-white glow, the color of rot and unhealthy things. It was being shed by the faint form of an elf woman, her face twisted by hate, her flesh rotting and her bones protruding. The other light, a healthier golden glow, was coming from me, I realized with a start. The Other looked at me, its translucent face inches from mine. No breath issued from its lips, and it belatedly came to me that this was a creature of undeath, a groaning spirit, a banshee. I screamed in its face, as much from startlement as anything else, and the spirit’s lips split in an ugly grin. Then it screamed back at me. Such a sound I had never heard, it seemed to crush my mind and spirit; willing me to die and die horribly.

I don’t know what possessed me, but I screamed back at it, far too stubborn to leave a world of light and sunshine for this creature’s cold grave. Light seemed to fill the tree, brighter and brighter, while the screams became louder and louder, until golden light suddenly flooded my eyes. When I could see again, the tree was once again a tree, and faint moonlight spilled inside it. I rose shakily, and spent the night in the clear moonlight, far too wobbly to move.

When the sun rose, I could see what had caused the banshee to appear. In the highest branches hung the body of an elf maiden. Apparently despondent over something she had hung herself from my grandmother’s spirit tree. I turned to the tree itself and placed my hand on the ground before it. Here I made a vow, to fight against those restless spirits that prowl the night, to help keep the light bright and pure for all those who live in it, and to rid the world of darkness.


First Post
Ismark the Lesser, human Fighter 6
Status 51/53 hit points
[B]Name:[/B] Ismark the Lesser, Burgomaster of Barovia
[B]Class:[/B] Ftr6
[B]Race:[/B] Human
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Lawful Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Pelor

[B]Str:[/B] 18 +4      [B]Level:[/B] 6        [B]XP:[/B] 15,000
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0      [B]BAB:[/B] +6         [B]HP:[/B] 53 (6d10+18)
[B]Con:[/B] 16 +3      [B]Grapple:[/B] +10/13 [B]Dmg Red:[/B] -/-
[B]Int:[/B] 12 +1      [B]Speed:[/B] 20ft     [B]Spell Res:[/B] -
[B]Wis:[/B] 13 +1      [B]Init:[/B] +0        [B]Poison/Spell Save:[/B] -
[B]Cha:[/B] 13 +1      [B]ACP:[/B] -6         [B]Spell Fail:[/B] -

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +9    +4    +0    +0    +0    +1    24
[B]Touch:[/B] 15              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 24

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      5    +3   +1     +9
[B]Ref:[/B]                       2    +0   +1     +3
[B]Will:[/B]                      2    +1   +3     +6

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]

+1 Longsword             +12/+7   1d8+7   19-20/x2
+1 Longsword (v undead)  +12/+7   1d8+11  19-20/x2
Morningstar              +10/+5   1d8+4     20/x2

throwing axe              +6      1d6+4     20/x2
sling                     +6      1d4+4     20/x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Common, Celestial.

[B]Abilities:[/B] Bonus feat, bonus skill point per level, favoured class: any,
proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with all armor (light,
medium, and heavy armor) and all shields (including tower shields).

[B]Feats:[/B] Cleave, Iron Will, Necropotent (longsword), Power Attack,
Shield Specialisation, Shield Ward, Weapon Focus (longsword),
Weapon Specialisation (longsword).

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 36       [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 9/4.5
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Climb                      9    +4    -6    +7
Jump                       9    +4   -10    +3
Listen                     0    +1          +1
Ride                       9    +0          +9
Spot (cc)                  0    +1          +2
Swim                       9    +4   -12    +1

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
+1 Longsword           2315gp    4lb
Morning Star              8gp    6lb
Throwing Axe              8gp    2lb
Sling                     0gp    0lb
Sling bullets (10)        1sp    5lb

+1 Full plate           2650gp   50lb
+1 Heavy steel shield   1170gp   15lb

Gauntlets of Ogre Power 4000gp    4lb
Ring of Protection +1   2000gp    0lb

2x Potion Cure Light Wounds 100gp
2x Potion Mage Armor 100gp
2x Potion Lesser Restoration 600gp

Backpack                  2gp    2lb
Bedroll                   1sp    5lb
Belt pouch                1gp  0.5lb
50ft silk rope           10gp    5lb
Waterskin                 1gp    4lb
Whetstone                 2cp    1lb
Rations, trail (7)      3.5gp    7lb
Explorer's outfit         0gp    0lb

[B]Total Weight:[/B]111.5lb      [B]Money:[/B] 2pp 6gp 5sp 0cp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                100   200   300   300   1500


[SBLOCK=Background] A local nobleman. "My father is -- was -- Kolyan Indirovich, the burgomaster of Barovia. His body lies these ten days and more in the mansion. My sister, Ireena Kolyana, remains with him, barricaded there against the undead. She is alone, except for a few dogs. The walls and the doors are solid. I have more faith in the walls of my father's home then I have in the walls of this inn. My sister can be quite stubborn. She refused to leave my father's body to join us here in the inn for fear of it being desecrated while she was gone. I wish you luck, but I do not think you will be able to persuade her to abandon my father's body."

Danovich the priest used to ward the church and the village, reciting holy prayers from dusk to dawn while wearing the holy symbol of ravenkind, a legacy of the Church of Pelor that has protected this land as long as anyone can remember.

"Two weeks ago, fierce wolves attacked the village in broad daylight, slaying Doru, Danovich's son, and several other people. Danovich went mad with grief, and refused to bury his son or perform his holy duties, or even permit anyone else to conduct funerals.

"My father tried to persuade Danovich to see reason, but that failed. Finally, my father took the holy symbol of ravenloft back to our mansion and recited the prayers himself. [Centuries ago, an angel in the guise of a raven delivered the amulet to a local hero who was facing attack from evil spirits and the undead. In gratitude, the hero later built a castle named Ravenloft, and started an order of Knights known as the Knights of the Raven. This all happened long ago.]

"Twelve days ago, my father wrote a letter asking for the Church of Pelor to send a replacement priest.

"Ten days ago, my father died. Poisoned in his own home! And the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind was stolen!

"Two of my father's oldest friends disappeared that night and have not been seen since.

"My father's friends that went missing? Sir Urik and Varikov the trapper. Sir Urik was the last warrior of any significance to protect this area. My father called Sir Urik 'The last Knight of the Raven.'

"Count Strahd von Barovich was the most powerful warrior in the land when he was younger, but that was before I was born. Now our feudal lord is an aged recluse, living alone in his crumbling castle that overlooks the village, with no one but a manservant who is nearly as old as he is.

"Varikov was the best trapper I had ever seen or heard of. Everyone was certain that he would deal with the problem of the wolves of the Svalich woods. That is, they were certain until the day the wolves attacked Doru and the others. Never before have wolves entered the village during the day. Varikov must be hiding out of shame over his failure."[/sblock]

Edit Reasons:

Created 05Dec05
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First Post
Ashlyn, Female Human Paladin

[B]Name:[/B]   Ashlyn
[B]Class:[/B]  Paladin, Lightbringer Sub-levels 1, 3, 6
[B]Race:[/B]   Human
[B]Size:[/B]   Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Female
[B]Align:[/B]  LG
[B]Deity:[/B]  Pelor

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)        [B]Level:[/B] 6        [B]XP:[/B] n
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)        [B]BAB:[/B] +6         [B]HP:[/B] 49 (6d10+12)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)        [B]Grapple:[/B] +8     
[B]Int:[/B] 10 +0 (2p.)        [B]Speed:[/B] 30'       
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +0 (3p.+1 Lvl)  [B]Init:[/B] +0        
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 (6p.)        [B]ACP:[/B] -8         

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +9    +4    +0    +0    +0    +0    23
[B]Touch:[/B] 14              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 23

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      5    +2    +4    +11
[B]Ref:[/B]                       2    +0    +4     +6
[B]Will:[/B]                      2    +1    +4     +7
                           (+2 vs Ex & SU abilities of Undead)

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Longsword +1                +9    1d8+3         19x2
(Smite Evil: +2/+6, +4/+9 vs Undead)

[B]Languages:[/B] Common

[B]Feats:[/B] Sheild Spec, Shield Ward, Spurn Deaths Touch, 
Unquenchable Flame of Life

[b]Class Features:[/b] Aura of Courage, Detect Undead, Divine Grace,
Lay on Hands (1/12hp), Pelor's Blessing, Smite Evil (0/2/day), Special Mount, 
Turn Undead (5/day), Warded Special Mount

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 27/27    [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 9
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Climb*                     0    +2    -8    -6
Concentration              3    +2          +5
Diplomacy                  5    +2          +2
Heal                       1    +1          +2
Jump*                      0    +2    -8    -6
Kn(Arcana)*                1    +1          +2
Kn(Religion)               4    +1          +5
Listen*                    0    +1          +1
Ride                       3    +0          +3
Sense Motive               7    +1          +8
Spellcraft*                1    +1          +2
Spot*                      0    +1          +1
Swim*                      0    +2   -16   -14

*Cross-Class skill

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]

  Explorers Outfit        0gp    0lb

  Longsword +1         2315gp    4lb
    (Magic, S)
  Morningstar            16gp    8lb
    (Cold Iron, P/B)
  Dagger                 22gp    1lb
    (Silver, P/S)

  Hv Stl Shield +1     1170gp   15lb
  Full Plate +1        2650gp   50lb

  Chain Shirt Barding   400gp

  Cloak of Resist +2   4000gp
  Pearl of Power 1     1000gp

  Wand of CLW           750gp
   (50 Charges)

    Bless Weapon         25gp
    <Restoration        150gp
    <Restoration        150gp

  Backpack                2gp    2lb
    Bedroll               1sp    5lb
    Crowbar               2gp    5lb
    Hammer                5sp    2lb
    Piton x10             1gp    2lb
    Rations, Trail x6     3gp    6lb
    Rope, Silk 50'       10gp    5lb
    Sunrod x4             8gp    4lb
    Whetstone             2sp    1lb
    Winter Blanket        5sp    3lb

  Lightbringer Dues     100gp

[B]Total:[/B]      12,774.8gp  112lb      

[B]Money:[/B]         225.2gp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]                 58   116   175   350   875

[b]Spells/Day:	1    [/b]

[b]Prepared Spells:[/b]
  Lvl  1:  (1) Divine Favor

Large Magical Beast  
HD:             6d8+24 (51hp)   
Initiative:     +1
Speed:	        50 ft.	   
Armor Class:	22 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +4 Armor, +8 natural), T 10, FF 22   
BaB/Grapple:    +4/+12	   
Attack:	        2 hooves +8 (1d6+4), Bite +3 melee (1d4+2)     
SQ:             Low-Light Vision, Scent
                Empathic Link, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Share Saves
Saves:	        Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +3	   
Abilities:	Str 19, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 13, Cha 6	   
Skills:	        Listen +6, Spot +5  
Feats:          Armor Prof(Light), Endurance, Run
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First Post
[size=3][b][color=blue]Distributed Loot[/color][/b][/size]

[b]Lia Nailo, Elf Ranger (Isida Kep'Tukari)[/b]

[b]Alessandra Exaultiacien, Human Cleric of Pelor (Goddess FallenAngel)[/b]

- Scroll of Cure Light Wounds			25gp
- Scroll of Cure Light Wounds			25gp
- Scroll of Lesser Restoration			150gp
- Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds		150gp
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds		300gp
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds		300gp
- Handy Haversack				2000gp
				Total		2950gp

[b]Skorl Darkskull, Half-Orc Barbarian/Fighter (Rhun)[/b]

- Gauntlets of Ogre Pwr +2			4000gp
- Greatsword +2					8350gp
- Full Plate +1					2650gp
      				 Total		15000gp				

[b]Jack Morrow, Half-Elf Ranger (Voadam)[/b]

- Longsword +1					2315gp

				Total		2315gp

[b]Ashlynn, Human Paladin[/b]

[b]Cedric, Human Rogue (Hafrogman)[/b]

[b]Dareios, Human Fighter (Ivid)[/b]

- Full Plate +1					2650gp
- Potion of Lesser Restoration			300gp
- Heavy Steel Shield +1				1170gp
- Ring of Protection +1		      		2000gp
- Cloak of Resist +2   				4000gp
- Masterwork Morningstar			308gp
- Potion of Cure Light Wounds			50gp
- Sunrod x4
				Total		10478gp

[b]Willow, Elf Druid/Rogue (IndustryGothica)[/b]

- Dagger, Silver				22gp    
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds 		300gp
- Ring of Protection +1				2000gp
- Bracers of Armor +2

				Total		2322gp

[b]Ismark, Human Fighter (Legildur)[/b]

[size=3][color=red][b]Unclaimed Loot[/b][/color][/size]

- Morningstar (Cold Iron)			16gp
- MW Greatsword					350gp
- Light Crossbow				35gp
- 20 bolts
- Dagger					2gp

- Potion of Cure Light Wounds          		50gp
- Potion of Hide from Undead			50gp
- Potion of Magic Weapon			50gp
- Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds		300gp

- Chain Shirt +1				1250gp
- Mithral Buckler				1015gp         

[b]Miscellaneous Magic[/b]

Gp: 212
Sp: 12
Cp: 7

[b]Jewelry & Art[/b]
- Gold chalice					700gp
- Two silver bells				50gp each

[b]Miscellaneous Loot[/b]
- Danovich's stained journal
- Old vestments, paraments, and consecrated vessels that have outlived their usefulness but not been thrown away.
- Ashes of the burned Libris Blaspheme
- Alchemical equipment				2000 gp

[b]Salvaged Gear[/b]
- Crowbar               				
- Hammer                				
- - Flint & Steel x2        				
- Mirror, Sm Steel     				
- Piton x10             				
- Rations, Trail x10     				
- Rope, Silk 50'       				
- Whetstone  x2           			
- Winter Blanket        				
- Backpack	
- Common lamp
- 2 pts oil
- Belt pouch
- Rope, Hemp 50’
- Sack
- Waterskin
- Torch
- Spell comp pouch
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First Post
Ivid said:
FTR, I claimed the sunrods from Nikolai as well, and I had thought the ring I took was +2, not +1. :)

Dirk's ring was a +1 ring, not +2. The cloak of resistance you took was +2. I'll add the sunrods. Also, please make the rest of these posts in the OOC thread, so we don't muck up the Rogue's Gallery with idle chit-chat.



First Post
Alessandra's spell list (as of 30.03.07)

O Level
Detect Magic
Read Magic

1 Level
Remove Fear
Shield of Faith
Hide from Undead
D: Disrupt Undead

2 Level
Shield Other
Restoration, Lesser
Remove Paralysis
Spiritual Weapon
D: Bless Weapon

3 Level
Remove Disease
Searing Light
Summon Monster III
D: Searing Light

Voidrunner's Codex

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