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The prophesy of the Child [Recruiting till 26-01-07]

Amazing Triangle

First Post
Rino said:
triangle:I have taken a look af the feats and I decided not to allow them because of I set this game in the general settings and IMHO using all these other settings is a form of powerplay
so I deny Ashbound (Eberron Camp. Setting) and Greenbound (Lost Empires of F)

It was not a power play and in that same vein there are not a lot of good feats for a druid for casting. Yet as the player the answer to it is ok i will find two more:
Summon Elemental (reserve) (Complete Mage)
Extend Spell

[sblock=Wizard Spells known]Cost 2,100gp
	(4)		0-level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Resistance	Abj	VSm	1a	Touch	1 min	None	Yes	272	Subject gains +1 resistance bonus on saving throws
			Acid Splash	Con (Creation) [Acid]	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	None	No	196	Ranged touch attack deals 1d3 acid damage
			Caltrops	Con (Creation)	VS	1a	55 ft.	13 rd	None	No	SC43	Caltrops in (5) 5' square(s) do 4 dmg, slow
			Detect Magic	Div	VS	1a	60 ft.	13 min*	None	No	219	Sense presence & strength of magic w/in 60' cone
			Detect Poison	Div	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	None	No	219	Determine if target is poisonous/is poisoned
			Read Magic	Div	VSf	1a	Personal	130 min	None	No	269	Read scrolls and spellbooks, 250 wpm
			Daze	Enc (Compulsion) [Mind]	VSm	1a	55 ft.	1 rd	Will Neg 19	Yes	217	Medium humanoid w/<5 HD loses next action
			Dancing Lights	Evo [Light]	VS	1a	230 ft.	1 min*	None	No	216	Up to 4 illusionary lights, all within a 10' radius area
			Electric Jolt	Evo [Electricity]	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	None	Yes	SC78	Ranged touch does d3 electricity damage
			Flare	Evo [Light]	V	1a	55 ft.	instant	Fort Neg 19	Yes	232	Dazzle 1 target (-1 attack/spot/search) for 1 minute
			Light	Evo [Light]	Vm	1a	Touch	130 min*	None	No	248	Object gives off 20' bright light, addtl 20' dim light
			Ray of Frost	Evo [Cold]	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	None	Yes	269	Ray deals 1d3 cold damage.
			Sonic Snap	Evo [Sonic]	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	Will Part 19	Yes	SC195	Target takes 1 pt sonic damage, deafened
			Ghost Sound	Ill (Figment)	VSm	1a	55 ft.	13 rd*	Will Dis 19	No	235	Any sound equal to 20 humans in volume
			Silent Portal	Ill (Glamer)	S	1a	55 ft.	13 min*	Will Neg 19	Yes	SC190	Negates sound of door, window, etc. opening
			Disrupt Undead	Nec	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	None	Yes	223	Ray deals 1d6 damage to one undead.
			Touch of Fatigue	Nec	VSm	1a	Touch	13 rd	Fort Neg 19	Yes	294	Melee touch attack fatigues target for duration
			Amanuensis	Tra	VS	1a	55 ft.	130 min	Will Neg 19	Yes	SC9	Copy nonmag text 250 wpm, triggers traps
			Launch Bolt	Tra	VSM	1a	Touch	instant	None	No	SC130	Launch crossbow bolt as if from crossbow
			Launch Item	Tra	S	1a	Touch	instant	None	No	SC131	Launch Fine item up to 230'
			Mage Hand	Tra	VS	1a	55 ft.	Conc	None	No	249	Lift nonmagical object up to 5 lbs.; moves 15'/rd
			Mending	Tra	VS	1a	10 ft.	Instant	Will Neg 19	Yes	253	Minor repair, 1 object of up to 1 lb.
			Message	Tra [Lang]	VSf	1a	230 ft.	130 min	None	No	253	Whisper messages and replies between 13 subjects
			Open/Close	Tra	VSf	1a	55 ft.	Instant	Will Neg 19	Yes	258	Open or close objects or doors weighing up to 30 lbs
			Repair Minor Damage	Tra	VS	1a	Touch	instant	None	Yes	SC173	Repair 1 dmg to construct with at least 1 hp
			Stick	Tra	VSm	1a	Touch	instant	Will Neg 19	Yes	SC206	Affix 5-lb nonmagical object to another object
			Arcane Mark	Uni	VS	1a	0 ft.	perm	None	No	201	One personal rune or mark, must fit in 1' sq.
			Prestidigitation	Uni	VS	1a	10 ft.	1 hr	Special	No	264	Perform minor tricks
	(7)		1st level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Endure Elements	Abj	VS	1a	Touch	24 hr	Will Neg 20	Yes	226	Exist comfortably between -50 & 140 degrees F
			Shield	Abj [Force]	VS	1a	Personal	13 min*	None	No	278	Block magic missile; +4 shield bonus to AC
			Mage Armor	Con (Creation) [Force]	VSf	1a	Touch	13 hr*	Will Neg 20	No	249	Target gains +4 AC; also against incorporeal
			Orb of Acid, Lesser	Con (Creation) [Acid]	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	None	No	SC150	Ranged touch deals 5d8 acid damage
			Summon Monster I	Con (Summoning) [Special]	VSfm	1 rd.	55 ft.	13 rd*	None	No	285	Summon extraplanar creature to attack
			Identify	Div	VSM	1 hr.	Touch	Instant	None	No	243	Determine all properties of 1 magical non-artifact
			True Strike	Div	Vf	1a	Personal	spec	None	No	296	Adds +20 bonus to your next attack roll
			Blood Wind	Evo	VS	1sa	55 ft.	1 rd	Will Neg 20	Yes	SC33	Unarmed/natural weapons gain 20' range inc
			Magic Missile	Evo [Force]	VS	1a	230 ft.	instant	None	Yes	251	1d4+1 damage, 5 missiles, max. 15' apart.
			Expeditious Retreat	Tra	VS	1a	Personal	13 min	None	No	228	Increase base land speed by 30'
	(6)		2nd level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Summon Monster II	Con (Summoning) [Special]	VSfm	1 rd.	55 ft.	13 rd*	None	No	286	Summon extraplanar creature(s) to attack
			Ray of Ice	Evo [Cold]	VSm	1a	55 ft.	instant	Special	Yes	SC167	Ranged touch: 5d6 dmg; frozen on failed save
			Scorching Ray	Evo [Fire]	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	Ref Half 21	Yes	274	3 rays; ranged touch; 4d6 dmg to tgts 30' apart
			Blur	Ill (Glamer)	V	1a	Touch	13 min	Will Neg 21	Yes	206	Subject gains concealment (20% mischance to hit)
			Invisibility	Ill (Glamer)	VSm	1a	Touch	13 min*	Will Neg 21	Yes	245	1 thing, <= 1300 lb., 130 min. or direct attack
			Rope Trick	Tra	VSm	1a	Touch	13 hr*	None	No	273	Fix rope to extradimensional space; holds 8 creat.
			Wraithstrike	Tra	VS	1sa	Personal	1 rd	None	No	SC243	Melee attacks resolved as melee touch attacks
	(6)		3rd level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Dispel Magic	Abj	VS	1a	230 ft.	instant	None	No	223	Targeted, area, or counter magic; d20+10 lvl check
			Mage Armor, Greater	Con (Creation) [Force]	VS	1a	Touch	13 hr*	Will Neg 22	No	SC136	Target gains +6 AC; also against incorporeal
			Sleet Storm	Con (Creation) [Cold]	VSm	1a	920 ft.	13 rd	None	No	280	40'x20' sleet blocks vision, 10 Bal chk or can't move
			Summon Monster III	Con (Summoning) [Special]	VSfm	1 rd.	55 ft.	13 rd*	None	No	286	Summon extraplanar creature(s) to attack
			Tongues	Div	Vm	1a	Touch	130 min	Will Neg 22	No	294	Speak & understand any language
			Fireball	Evo [Fire]	VSm	1a	920 ft.	instant	Ref Half 22	Yes	231	10d6 damage, 20 ft. radius spread
			Hailstones	Evo [Cold]	VSm	1a	230 ft.	instant	None	Yes	SC109	2 hailstones do 5d6 cold damage
			Displacement	Ill (Glamer)	Vm	1a	Touch	13 rd*	Will Neg 22	Yes	223	Attacks miss subject 50%; True Seeing negates
			Blink	Tra	VS	1a	Personal	13 rd	None	No	206	Shift rapidly between Material & Ethereal planes
			Haste	Tra	VSm	1a	55 ft.	13 rd	Fort Neg 22	Yes	239	13 subs:extra ak, +1 atk/AC/reflex; speed bonus
	(6)		4th level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Stoneskin	Abj	VSM	1a	Touch	Spec	Will Neg 23	Yes	284	DR 10/adamantine, discharged after 130 damage
			Orb of Acid	Con (Creation) [Acid]	VS	1a	55 ft.	instant	Fort Part 23	No	SC150	Ranged touch does 13d6 acid dmg, sickens 1 rd
			Summon Monster IV	Con (Summoning) [Special]	VSfm	1 rd.	55 ft.	13 rd*	None	No	286	Summon extraplanar creature(s) to attack
			Force Missiles	Evo [Force]	VS	1a	230 ft.	instant	None	Yes	SC98	3 missiles do 2d6 dmg to 1st, half to 3 adj targets
			Ice Storm	Evo [Cold]	VSm	1a	920 ft.	1 rd	None	Yes	243	3d6 impact & 2d6 cold damage in 20' x 40' rad.
			Invisibility, Greater	Ill (Glamer)	VS	1a	Touch	13 rd*	Will Neg 23	Yes	245	As Invisibility, <= 1300 lb., attack & stay hidden
	(5)		5th level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Major Creation	Con (Creation)	VSm	10 min.	55 ft.	spec	None	No	252	As Minor Creation, plus mineral objects
			Summon Monster V	Con (Summoning) [Special]	VSfm	1 rd.	55 ft.	13 rd*	None	No	286	Summon extraplanar creature(s) to attack
			Firebrand	Evo [Fire]	VSM	1a	230 ft.	instant	Ref Half 24	Yes	SC93	(13) 5' rad bursts do 10d6 dmg, 5d6 dmg next rd
			Prismatic Ray	Evo	VS	1a	230 ft.	instant	Special	Yes	SC162	Ranged touch: <7 HD blinded 2d4 rds; other effects
			Blink, Greater	Tra	VS	1a	Personal	13 rd*	None	No	SC32	As Blink, but less error-prone
			Fabricate	Tra	VSm	Special	55 ft.	instant	None	No	229	Convert up to 130 cu ft. material into product
			Fly, Mass	Tra	VS	1a	55 ft.	13 min	Will Neg 24	Yes	SC96	13 targets fly at 60', 40' in med, heavy armor
			Nightstalker Transformation	Tra	VSM	1a	Personal	13 rd*	None	No	SC148	+4 Dex/+3 AC/+5 Ref saves, rogue-like abilities
	(3)		6th level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Starmantle	Abj	VSM	1a	Touch	13 min*	None	Yes	ED108	Cloak destroys nonmagical weapons/missiles
			Acid Storm	Con (Creation) [Acid]	VSM	1a	230 ft.	instant	Ref Half 25	No	SC7	13d6 acid dmg in 20' rad 20' high cylinder
			Chain Lightning	Evo [Electricity]	VSf	1a	920 ft.	instant	Ref Half 25	Yes	208	13d6 dmg to 1st target, half dmg to 13 secondaries
			Tenser's Transformation	Tra	VSM	1a	Personal	13 rd	None	No	294	+4 AC/Str/Dex/Con, +5 Fort saves, +13 BAB; see text
	(2)		7th level	School	Comp.	Cast	Range	Dur.	Save	SR	PHB	Effect
			Summon Monster VII	Con (Summoning) [Special]	VSfm	1Fa	55 ft.	13 rd*	None	No	287	Summon extraplanar creature(s) to attack
			Body of War	Tra	VSm	1a	Personal	13 rd*	None	No	SC35	Gain qualities and abilities of war-forged titan
Next time I will get a full sheet together is there a specific format you want them in?

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First Post
no format that I prefer as long as I dont need to search the entire sheet to get something.
and dont use a lot of spoilers. it might be easier to look at but I use hardcopies over every PC


First Post
I've done the stats. All the stats under here are in hybrid form. I'll supply the human and dire wolf form anotehr time, after the review, but when the game will start, with his Silverstar powers, he will be able to stay in Hybrid form most of the time without too much problem (maybe some social problem if his reputation preceed him).

I've done it as a Favored Soul 9 / Silverstar 10 / Lycanthrope 2 / Dire Wolf 6, but I wanted to know if it would be possible to instead have some epic level to Silverstar. Prophet's Sight and Moon Hand would most likely be the only two powers increasing beyond 10. If you allow an Epic Progression, he will be instead Favored Soul 4 / Silverstar 15 / Lycanthrope 2 / Dire Wolf 6. Also note that the 2 level in Lycanthrope is only the Level adjustment of every afflicted lycanthrope.

[B]Name:[/B] Tabrin Silverfield
[B]Class:[/B] Favored Soul 9 / Silverstar 10 / Lycanthrope 2 / Dire Wolf 6
[B]XP[/B]: 378 000
[B]Race:[/B] Human (Afflicted Lycanthrope)
[B]Region of Origin:[/b]
[B]Size:[/B] Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Selûne

[B]Str:[/B] 24 (5 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +7
[B]Dex:[/B] 24 (5 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +7
[B]Con:[/B] 25 (6 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +7
[B]Int:[/B] 15 (2 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 0 Lvl + 0 Enh )  +2
[B]Wis:[/B] 31 (4 pt. + 2 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 6 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +10
[B]Cha:[/B] 25 (6 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +7

[B]HP:[/B] 25d8 + 175 = 303
[B]Fast Healing:[/B] 6 (Lose it if no wearing the Belt of Physical Prowess)		

[B]Speed:[/B] 30' (40', x5 while running)
[B]Init:[/B] +7	

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+13	+7	+3	-0	+10	+5	48
[B]Touch:[/B]	18	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 40
[B]Concealement:[/B] 20%
[B]ACP:[/B] -3	
[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 25%
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] 10/Silver

[B]	Base	Mod	Enh	Luck	Feat	Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] 	16 + 	 7 + 	5 + 	1 + 	0 = 	+29
[B]Refl:[/B] 	 9 +	 7 + 	5 + 	1 + 	0 = 	+22
[B]Will:[/B] 	16 + 	10 + 	5 + 	1 + 	2 = 	+34
[B]Spell Save:[/B] +2 vs Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy, Darkness
[B]Spell Res:[/B] 
[B]Energy Res:[/B] 30 against Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sonic

[B]BAB:[/B] +17
[B]Grapple:[/B] +24

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage		Critical	Range[/B]
Heavy Mace		+30	2d6+2d6+19	20 x2		-
Javelin, thrown		+29	1d8+1d6+19	20 x2		60ft
Dagger			+29	1d6+19    	19 x2		10ft
Full Attack in Humanoid Form:
Heavy Mace (+37/+37/+32/+27, 4d6+19)

[B]Languages:[/B] Common

Human Traits
Curse of lycanthropy
Alternate form
Wolf Empathy
Damage reduction 10/silver
Low-light Vision
Energy Resistance [Cold] 10
Greater's Moon Hand
Tears of Selûne
Prophet's Sight 2/day
Selûnite Lycanthrope
Moonfire 1/day

Freedom of Movement
Unlimited Jump Distance
Immune to critical strike and sneak
Spellturing 1/day

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 79	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 30/15
[B]Skills			Total	Ranks	Mod	Misc[/B]
Balance 		+27	 0	 +7	+20
Climb			+25	 0	 +7	+18
Concentration		+28	20	+7	 +1
Control Shape		+51	15	+10	+26
Diplomacy		+16	 8	 +7	 +1
Hide			+20	 0	 +7	+13
Jump			+25	 0	 +7	+18
Listen			+13	 0	+10	+3
Move Silently		+20	 0	 +7	+13
Sense Motive		+19	 8	+10	 +1
Spot			+18	 0	+10	 +8
Survival		+39	28	+10	 +1

[B]Feats: [/B]
HuB : Blind-Fight
1st : Dodge
3rd : Mobility
FSB : Weapon Focus [Heavy Mace]
WWB : Track
WWB : Iron Will
WWB : Weapon Focus [Bite]
6th : Spring Attack
9th : Power Attack
DWB : Run
DWB : Alertness
12th: Cleave
15th: Multiattack
18th: Improved Multiattack
21th: Fast Healing
24th: Fast Healing

[B]Spellcasting:[/B] (Save DC 20 + spell level)

0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
- Create Water 
- Cure Minor Wounds 
- Detect Magic  
- Detect Poison  
- Guidance  
- Light 
- Mending 
- Purify Food and Drink 
- Read Magic 
1st-Level Cleric Spells
- Comprehend Languages 
- Cure Light Wounds 
- Divine Favor 
- Endure Elements 
- Hide from Undead 
- Sanctuary 
B - Faerie Fire
2nd-Level Cleric Spells
- Align Weapon 
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Shield Other (F)
- Silence
- Spiritual Weapon
- Status
B - Moonbeam
3rd-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Invisibility Purge
- Prayer
- Protection from Energy
- Searing Light
- Water Breathing
B - Moon Blade
4th-Level Cleric Spells
- Air Walk
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Death Ward
- Freedom of Movement
- Restoration (M)
- Sending
B - Good Hope
5th-Level Cleric Spells
- Break Enchantment
- Cure Light Wounds, Mass
- Flame Strike
- Inflict Light Wounds, Mass
- Plane Shift (F)
- Righteous Might
B - Moon Path
6th-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
- Dispel Magic, Greater
- Find the Path
- Harm
- Heal
- Word of Recall
B - Permanent Image
7th-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Serious Wounds, Mass
- Destruction (F)
- Ethereal Jaunt
- Regenerate
- Restoration, Greater (X)
B - Insanity
8th-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
- Discern Location
- Fire Storm
- Spell Immunity, Greater
B - Animal Shapes
9th-Level Cleric Spells
- Energy Drain
- Heal, Mass
- True Resurrection (M)
B - Moonfire 

[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Amount: 2,900,000
Spent : 2,872,935
Adamantine Heavy Mace +5		203 312
 of Frost
 of Ghost touch
 of Speed
 (of Shocking Burst)
Cold Iron Dagger +4			128 302
 of Ghost Touch
 of Undead Bane
 of Holy
Javelin +5					128 301
 of Distance
 of Returning
 of Shock
Mithral Plate Mail +5 			510 850
 of Fortification, Heavy	
 of Acid Resistance, Greater
 of Cold Resistance, Greater
 of Electricity Resistance, Greater
 of Fire Resistance, Greater
 of Sonic Resistance, Greater
 of Glamer
 of Shadow, Greater
 of Silent Move, Greater
Mithal Large Shield +5			101 170
 of Reflection
Ring of Freedom of Movement		 40 000
Ring of Protection +5			 50 000
Circlet of the Moon			224 500
 act like a Periapt of Wisdom +6
 act like a cloak of Charisma +6
 gives +25 to Control Shape skill
Eyes of Eagle				  2 500
Amulet of the Animal			225 000
 act like an Amulet of Migthy Fist +5
 act like an Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Cloak of Displacement			 24 000
Belt of the Physical Prowess		 90 000
 act like a Belt of Stength +6
 act like an Amulet of Constitution +6
Vest of Resistance +5			 25 000
Bracelet of Friendship			 19 000
Glove of Storing				 10 000
Glove of Storing				 10 000
Boots of Swiftness			256 000
Stone of Good Luck			 25 000

Taken at level 20:
Manual of bodily health +5 		137 500 
Manual of gainful exercise +5 	137 500 
Manual of quickness in action +5 	137 500
Tome of clear thought +5 		137 500
Tome of leadership and influence +5 137 500
Tome of understanding +5 		137 500

[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXXlb	[B]Money:[/B] XXXgp Xsp Xcp

[B]			Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	233	466	700	1400	2800

[B]Age:[/B] 32 years old
[B]Height:[/B] 11'7" 
[B]Weight:[/B] 1732 lbs.
[B]Eyes:[/B] Silver
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] White fur
[B]Name:[/B] Tabrin Silverfield
[B]Class:[/B] Favored Soul 9 / Silverstar 10 / Lycanthrope 2 / Dire Wolf 6
[B]XP[/B]: 378 000
[B]Race:[/B] Human (Afflicted Lycanthrope)
[B]Region of Origin:[/b]
[B]Size:[/B] Large
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Selûne

[B]Str:[/B] 38 (5 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 14 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +14
[B]Dex:[/B] 28 (5 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  4 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )   +9
[B]Con:[/B] 31(6 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  6 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +10
[B]Int:[/B] 15 (2 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  0 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 0 Enh )  +2
[B]Wis:[/B] 31 (4 pt. + 2 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  0 Lyc. + 6 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +10
[B]Cha:[/B] 25 (6 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  0 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )   +7

[B]HP:[/B] 25d8 + 250 = 378
[B]Fast Healing:[/B] 6			

[B]Speed:[/B] 30' (40', x5 while running)
[B]Init:[/B] +9	

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+13	+7	+3	-1	+10	+5	47
[B]Touch:[/B]	17	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 39
[B]Concealement:[/B] 20%
[B]ACP:[/B] -3	
[B]Spell Fail:[/B] 25%
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] 10/Silver

[B]	Base	Mod	Enh	Luck	Feat	Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] 	16 + 	10 + 	5 + 	1 + 	0 = 	+32
[B]Refl:[/B] 	 9 +	 9 + 	5 + 	1 + 	0 = 	+24
[B]Will:[/B] 	16 + 	10 + 	5 + 	1 + 	2 = 	+34
[B]Spell Save:[/B] +2 vs Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy, Darkness
[B]Spell Res:[/B] 
[B]Energy Res:[/B] 30 against Acid/Cold/Electricity/Fire/Sonic

[B]BAB:[/B] +17
[B]Grapple:[/B] +35

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage		Critical	Range[/B]
Bite (Trip)		+37	1d8+19    	20 x2		-
Claw			+36	1d6+19    	20 x2		-
Heavy Mace		+37	2d6+2d6+19	20 x2		-
Javelin, thrown		+36	1d8+1d6+19	20 x2		60ft
Dagger			+36	1d6+19    	19 x2		10ft
Reach of 10'
Full Attack in Hybrid Form:
Heavy Mace (+37/+37/+32/+27, 4d6+19), Claw(+36, 1d6+12), Bite(+37, 1d8+12 + Trip)

[B]Languages:[/B] Common

Human Traits
Curse of lycanthropy
Alternate form
Wolf Empathy
Damage reduction 10/silver
Low-light Vision
Energy Resistance [Cold] 10
Greater's Moon Hand
Tears of Selûne
Prophet's Sight 2/day
Selûnite Lycanthrope
Moonfire 1/day

Freedom of Movement
Unlimited Jump Distance
Immune to critical strike and sneak
Spellturing 1/day

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 79	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 30/15
[B]Skills			Total	Ranks	Mod	Misc[/B]
Balance 		+29	 0	 +9	+20
Climb			+32	 0	+14	+18
Concentration		+31	20	+10	 +1
Control Shape		+51	15	+10	+26
Diplomacy		+16	 8	 +7	 +1
Hide			+22	 0	 +9	+13
Jump			+32	 0	+14	+18
Listen			+13	 0	+10	 +3
Move Silently		+22	 0	 +9	+13
Sense Motive		+19	 8	+10	 +1
Spot			+16	 0	+10	 +6
Survival		+39	28	+10	 +1

[B]Feats: [/B]
HuB : Blind-Fight
1st : Dodge
3rd : Mobility
FSB : Weapon Focus [Heavy Mace]
WWB : Track
WWB : Iron Will
WWB : Weapon Focus [Bite]
6th : Spring Attack
9th : Power Attack
DWB : Run
DWB : Alertness
12th: Cleave
15th: Multiattack
18th: Improved Multiattack
21th: Fast Healing
24th: Fast Healing

[B]Spellcasting:[/B] (Save DC 20 + spell level)

0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)
- Create Water 
- Cure Minor Wounds 
- Detect Magic  
- Detect Poison  
- Guidance  
- Light 
- Mending 
- Purify Food and Drink 
- Read Magic 
1st-Level Cleric Spells
- Comprehend Languages 
- Cure Light Wounds 
- Divine Favor 
- Endure Elements 
- Hide from Undead 
- Sanctuary 
B - Faerie Fire
2nd-Level Cleric Spells
- Align Weapon 
- Cure Moderate Wounds
- Shield Other (F)
- Silence
- Spiritual Weapon
- Status
B - Moonbeam
3rd-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Serious Wounds
- Invisibility Purge
- Prayer
- Protection from Energy
- Searing Light
- Water Breathing
B - Moon Blade
4th-Level Cleric Spells
- Air Walk
- Cure Critical Wounds
- Death Ward
- Freedom of Movement
- Restoration (M)
- Sending
B - Good Hope
5th-Level Cleric Spells
- Break Enchantment
- Cure Light Wounds, Mass
- Flame Strike
- Inflict Light Wounds, Mass
- Plane Shift (F)
- Righteous Might
B - Moon Path
6th-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Moderate Wounds, Mass
- Dispel Magic, Greater
- Find the Path
- Harm
- Heal
- Word of Recall
B - Permanent Image
7th-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Serious Wounds, Mass
- Destruction (F)
- Ethereal Jaunt
- Regenerate
- Restoration, Greater (X)
B - Insanity
8th-Level Cleric Spells
- Cure Critical Wounds, Mass
- Discern Location
- Fire Storm
- Spell Immunity, Greater
B - Animal Shapes
9th-Level Cleric Spells
- Energy Drain
- Heal, Mass
- True Resurrection (M)
B - Moonfire 

[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Amount: 2,900,000
Spent : 2,872,935
Adamantine Heavy Mace +5		203 312
 of Frost
 of Ghost touch
 of Speed
 (of Shocking Burst)
Cold Iron Dagger +4			128 302
 of Ghost Touch
 of Undead Bane
 of Holy
Javelin +5					128 301
 of Distance
 of Returning
 of Shock
Mithral Plate Mail +5 			510 850
 of Fortification, Heavy	
 of Acid Resistance, Greater
 of Cold Resistance, Greater
 of Electricity Resistance, Greater
 of Fire Resistance, Greater
 of Sonic Resistance, Greater
 of Glamer
 of Shadow, Greater
 of Silent Move, Greater
Mithal Large Shield +5			101 170
 of Reflection
Ring of Freedom of Movement		 40 000
Ring of Protection +5			 50 000
Circlet of the Moon			224 500
 act like a Periapt of Wisdom +6
 act like a cloak of Charisma +6
 gives +25 to Control Shape skill
Eyes of Eagle				  2 500
Amulet of the Animal			225 000
 act like an Amulet of Migthy Fist +5
 act like an Amulet of Natural Armor +5
Cloak of Displacement			 24 000
Belt of the Physical Prowess		 90 000
 act like a Belt of Stength +6
 act like an Amulet of Constitution +6
Vest of Resistance +5			 25 000
Bracelet of Friendship			 19 000
Glove of Storing				 10 000
Glove of Storing				 10 000
Boots of Swiftness			256 000
Stone of Good Luck			 25 000

Taken at level 20:
Manual of bodily health +5 		137 500 
Manual of gainful exercise +5 	137 500 
Manual of quickness in action +5 	137 500
Tome of clear thought +5 		137 500
Tome of leadership and influence +5 137 500
Tome of understanding +5 		137 500

[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXXlb	[B]Money:[/B] XXXgp Xsp Xcp

[B]			Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	1600	3200	4800	9600	24000

[B]Age:[/B] 32 years old
[B]Height:[/B] 11'7" 
[B]Weight:[/B] 1732 lbs.
[B]Eyes:[/B] Silver
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] White fur
[SBLOCK=Dire Wolf]
[B]Name:[/B] Tabrin Silverfield
[B]Class:[/B] Favored Soul 9 / Silverstar 10 / Lycanthrope 2 / Dire Wolf 6
[B]XP[/B]: 378 000
[B]Race:[/B] Human (Afflicted Lycanthrope)
[B]Region of Origin:[/b]
[B]Size:[/B] Large
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Alignment:[/B] Neutral Good
[B]Deity:[/B] Selûne

[B]Str:[/B] 38 (5 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. + 14 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +14
[B]Dex:[/B] 28 (5 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  4 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 0 Enh )   +6
[B]Con:[/B] 31(6 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  6 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +10
[B]Int:[/B] 15 (2 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  0 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 0 Enh )  +2
[B]Wis:[/B] 31 (4 pt. + 2 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  0 Lyc. + 6 Lvl + 6 Enh )  +10
[B]Cha:[/B] 25 (6 pt. + 0 Rac. + 5 Inh. +  0 Lyc. + 0 Lvl + 6 Enh )   +7

[B]HP:[/B] 25d8 + 250 = 378
[B]Fast Healing:[/B] 6			

[B]Speed:[/B] 40' (x5 while running)
[B]Init:[/B] +6	

[B]	Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Size	Nat	Misc	Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]	10	+0	+0	+9	-1	+10	+0	28
[B]Touch:[/B]	18	[B]Flatfooted:[/B] 19
[B]Dmg Red:[/B] 10/Silver

[B]	Base	Mod	Enh	Luck	Feat	Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B] 	16 + 	10 + 	5 + 	1 + 	0 = 	+32
[B]Refl:[/B] 	 9 +	 6 + 	5 + 	1 + 	0 = 	+21
[B]Will:[/B] 	16 + 	10 + 	5 + 	1 + 	2 = 	+34
[B]Spell Save:[/B] +2 vs Enchantment, Illusion, Necromancy, Darkness
[B]Energy Res:[/B] 10 against Cold

[B]BAB:[/B] +17
[B]Grapple:[/B] +35

[B]Weapon			Attack	Damage		Critical	Range[/B]
Bite (Trip)		+37	1d8+19    	20 x2		-
Claw			+36	1d6+19    	20 x2		-
Claw(+36, 1d6+12), Bite(+37, 1d8+12 + Trip)

[B]Languages:[/B] Common

Human Traits
Curse of lycanthropy
Alternate form
Wolf Empathy
Damage reduction 10/silver
Low-light Vision
Energy Resistance [Cold] 10
Greater's Moon Hand
Tears of Selûne
Prophet's Sight 2/day
Selûnite Lycanthrope
Moonfire 1/day

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 79	[B]Max Ranks:[/B] 30/15
[B]Skills			Total	Ranks	Mod	Misc[/B]
Balance 		 +7	 0	 +6	 +1
Climb			+15	 0	+14	 +1
Concentration		+31	20	+10	 +1
Control Shape		+51	15	+10	+26
Diplomacy		+16	 8	 +7	 +1
Hide			 +7	 0	 +6	 +1
Jump			+15	 0	+14	 +1
Listen			+13	 0	+10	 +3
Move Silently		 +7	 0	 +6	 +1
Sense Motive		+19	 8	+10	 +1
Spot			+16	 0	+10	 +6
Survival		+39	28	+10	 +1

[B]Feats: [/B]
HuB : Blind-Fight
1st : Dodge
3rd : Mobility
FSB : Weapon Focus [Heavy Mace]
WWB : Track
WWB : Iron Will
WWB : Weapon Focus [Bite]
6th : Spring Attack
9th : Power Attack
DWB : Run
DWB : Alertness
12th: Cleave
15th: Multiattack
18th: Improved Multiattack
21th: Fast Healing
24th: Fast Healing

[B]Equipment:		Cost	Weight[/B]
Amount: 2,900,000
Spent : 2,872,935
[S]Adamantine Heavy Mace +5		203 312
 of Frost
 of Ghost touch
 of Speed
 (of Shocking Burst)
Cold Iron Dagger +4			128 302
 of Ghost Touch
 of Undead Bane
 of Holy
Javelin +5					128 301
 of Distance
 of Returning
 of Shock
Mithral Plate Mail +5 			510 850
 of Fortification, Heavy	
 of Acid Resistance, Greater
 of Cold Resistance, Greater
 of Electricity Resistance, Greater
 of Fire Resistance, Greater
 of Sonic Resistance, Greater
 of Glamer
 of Shadow, Greater
 of Silent Move, Greater
Mithal Large Shield +5			101 170
 of Reflection
Ring of Freedom of Movement		 40 000
Ring of Protection +5			 50 000[/S]
Circlet of the Moon			224 500
 act like a Periapt of Wisdom +6
 act like a cloak of Charisma +6
 gives +25 to Control Shape skill
Eyes of Eagle				  2 500
Amulet of the Animal			225 000
 act like an Amulet of Migthy Fist +5
 act like an Amulet of Natural Armor +5
[S]Cloak of Displacement			 24 000[/S]
Belt of the Physical Prowess		 90 000
 act like a Belt of Stength +6
 act like an Amulet of Constitution +6
Vest of Resistance +5			 25 000
[S]Bracelet of Friendship			 19 000
Glove of Storing				 10 000
Glove of Storing				 10 000
Boots of Swiftness			256 000[/S]
Stone of Good Luck			 25 000

Taken at level 20:
Manual of bodily health +5 		137 500 
Manual of gainful exercise +5 	137 500 
Manual of quickness in action +5 	137 500
Tome of clear thought +5 		137 500
Tome of leadership and influence +5 137 500
Tome of understanding +5 		137 500

[B]Total Weight:[/B]XXXlb	[B]Money:[/B] XXXgp Xsp Xcp

[B]			Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]	1600	3200	4800	9600	24000

[B]Age:[/B] 32 years old
[B]Height:[/B] 11'7" 
[B]Weight:[/B] 1732 lbs.
[B]Eyes:[/B] Silver
[B]Hair:[/B] Black
[B]Skin:[/B] White fur

-=-=-= Story =-=-=-
[SBLOCK=Story]-=-= Prelude =-=-

My name is Volindar. I am a storyteller. I'll tell you the story of a wanderer that came many years ago, in this small town. He was only travelling, between two points. Where did he came from, I do not know. Where he was heading, the story doesn't tell. But I know one thing, here, some event important in his life happen.

He was suppose to just pass the night here and leave the day after. Talk to Conrad, the old Innkeeper, he will tell you I am not lying, as it was Conrad who received him. But a messenger came to him. The messenger was coming from anotehr direction. He gave him a letter. After he has read it, the wanderer entered some fury. He smashed a table in two. His anger was so great that everyone in the room was scared by his reaction. He returned to his room and awaited there. He spend a whole week in his room. Conrad never bother him, he was only hoping his customer would leave without doing further damage. He didn't even asked for a meal. Only a few faint sound once in a while could tell he was still there. On the ninth night, just as the moon was full, as it was litghing the bottom of of teh well with her rays, he exit his room. He walks on the central place and await next to the well.

He didn't await long. A cloaked figure came to him. The cloaked figure started to talk to him. The wanderer was boiling with anger. At a moment, he raised his hand and hit the cloaked figure falled on the ground under the hit. The hit was so violent that the hood falled. The figure was a lovely lady. Her light and golden hairs was reflecting the moonlight. Her eyes was silvery and was enough to seduce the first man coming. But the wanderer wasn't the first man, and didn't seemed affected by her charm, and she didn't seemed hurt by his punch. She simply standed up and stared a moment at the wanderer. She handed him a silvery object and stared at it a moment. He closed his hand over the object and put it in his pocket. From that moment, the wanderer lost something of himself. His anger changed into some sort of despair. The lady left him and he stayed by the well for hours. when the moon was about to dissapear at the horizon, he simply throwed a silver coins into the well and returned to his room.

The day after, he left the village without a word. He turns back on the road he came. Before leaving, he left over an hundread gold pieces to Conrad. He was never seen again in this village. I'll tell you more about him another day.

-=-= Waning =-=-

I remember the first time I have spoken to that wanderer. It was a few months after he came to our small village. After a visit to my family, I left our village in direction of the north. I haven’t been cautious and I have fallen in a trap set by some bandits. They appeared out of no where. They were four, two on each side. The road was blocked. I had no way to escape except the forest. They seemed only interest to loot my death body, so I flee. I ran for an hour. I think the stopped to follow me long time before that, but I was too scared. When I finally stop to run, I found myself in the middle of a forest I didn't know anything about that place. I was lost.

I wandered during hours. I was losing hope to find my way. I was thinking that savage animals would feast on me during the night when I fall on a small shack lost in the wood. No trails lead to this house. I thought I could at least find shelter in it for the night. When I arrive next to it, I saw some light inside. I hesitate to approach. And if that was my bandit's hideout? The darkness was falling pretty fast, and the sky was covered by cloud, but if we could see the stars, the moon would be about to show it face. I had nothing much to lose now, so I knock. I heard a noise inside and then it was a complete silence. After a moment, I knocked again. No one answered. I pled to the door, I told I was scared and would surely die if he wouldn't at least give me shelter for the night.

The door opened. I was looking at a man in good help. My first thought was he was most likely a lumberjack. He was looking strong and healthy. A few scars could be seen on his hands, most likely from hard labor. His face was dirty. He was wearing simple clothing. His long black hairs were messy and dirty and attached in pony tail. But then I saw his eyes. Silver eyes! They were beautiful, but they were showing a mix of hatred, anger and fear. I made a step back. I wanted to present myself, to break the ice, but the words were stuck in my throat. It is him who spoke first.

"Leave, it is not safe here." he told me. His voice was deep. It was the voice of someone who is suffering.

"If I leave, I'll die under the claw of the wild beasts. My only hope is in your shelter." I answered.

"Leave!" he shouts. Suddenly, a faint silvery light pierce the clouds and light his face. His face had become red. It looks like I didn't exist anymore for the man. I was fascinated and scared to death by that man. I stood there and stared at him. He was fighting a battle that seems above my understanding. He suddenly slammed the door and then he starts to shout. A moment later, the silence was back. I was still standing there, trying to understand what I had seen. It is the cry of a wolf from some distance that reminds me where I was standing. I approach the door and slowly try to open it.

Inside the small shack was a simple bed, a chest, a fire pit with a lighted fire and the death body of a deer. The smell of the fresh meet was floating in the air. The man was kneeling in front of the fire. He seemed absorbed by some thing. I slowly close the door and sit down on the bed and wait. I think I have waited an hour before the man finally stood up.

"You'll be safe tonight. Tomorrow morning, I'll show you the way to road. From there, you should be able to find the nearest village. It is at a day of walk from here. You want some roasted deer?"

"Yes." I answered "Thank you for your help. I fled some bandits and lost my way. I was lucky to fall on you."

"Yes, you are lucky..." he repeats, but he seems to know something I didn't when he said that.

He opened the chest. I saw inside a beautiful mace. I didn't recognize it at first. He took a knife and closes the chest back. As he was preparing the meat, I wondered what a lumberjack could do with a heavy mace. As he was preparing the meat, I saw his face lighted by the fire. It is there I remember him. I remember to have seen him in the Inn a few months earlier at the Inn, by the fire pit. Because of that, I decided to break the silence.

"I'm Volindar. I am a storyteller."

He came back to his chest without answering me. I look again inside. He took two plates. I was still fascinated by the mace. It seems as if the edge of the mace had the form of the different phase of the moon. He closed the chest and stared at me. My eyes quickly flee and I stared at the fire. I felt like if I was caught at doing something forbidden. He places the roasted meat in the plate and gives me the best piece. I felt even guiltier. He was receiving me like a good host and I was spying over his privacy.

We start to eat. The meat was good. The man sat down on the ground. The man didn't seem hungry and barely touch his piece. He stood up once to put some wood in the fire. As he sat back down, he leaned his back on the wall.

"My name is Tabrin Silverfield." he told me. I interrupt my meal and look at him. He seemed disturb by some thought. He stayed silent a moment before he continue to speak to me. "I am born in a small village in the north. I am the son of a hunter, the eldest one. I was supposed to become one myself. I must tell I have become one, but it is not really the one I thought I would become. The gods have played me a strange trick."

I didn't know what to tell, so I took another bite. My piece of meat was growing cold, but I didn't care much. I felt like if that I didn't arrive here by luck, or bad luck, depending the way you see it. I felt I came here to be some kind of confident. Some god or the destiny has put me on his path to listen to him. He had changed since he opened the door. It was a broken man I was looking at, an empty shell. It seemed the battle he was fighting inside of him had exhausted him. So I kept listening.

"I was only ten years old when my destiny was revealed. A large man came to my town. He stayed there for a few days. He told he was seeking someone. On the third night, the man starts to wander outside the Inn, under the light of the full moon. I met him. It was in the middle of the night. I was with my father. Our cow was about to give birth to a veal. He heard the sounds and came to us. He offered us to help. My father accepted, the cow wasn't in good shape. The birth was difficult, but we saved both the veal and the cow. My father thanked him and offered him something to eat and drink. He refused, but he asked us to talk with him. My father is a good man and accepted to give him some time. He told us he was a follower of Selûne, and that's why he was wandering under the full moon. He was praying his goddess. But she had revealed him that he would find that night a kid that would give the gift of life to an animal, and that kid would be important to her.

My father only smiled. He respects a lot Selûne. My father had traveled a lot and asked her protection many times he had to sleep outside. She never failed him. But I don't think he had believed the man. He thanks him and the man left, but just before he turned to me and add 'Kid, Selûne have chosen you, you can't escape your destiny, you like it or not. The day after, I seek the man at the Inn to ask him more about Selûne, but he had left. My father told me not to bother about that, which he was a good man but I don't need to believe all that I hear."

The man paused. Something passes in his mind as he smiled for a moment but he told nothing about what it was. He just continued. "Three years after, the prediction of that man became true. I started to dream every full moon about a woman. She was a traveler that was stopping by our house. I was alone in it, so I offered her to stay for the night. She accepted. She entered our home and put a heavy mace shaped like the four moons. She sits at the table and we start to speak, and to speak about many thing. Each dream was different. She told me that I could become more than what I was. I would just need to put the will in it.

That summer, there was a drought. Our crops were barely surviving and our well didn't give enough water. The veal that was now a cow was suffering from the heat. I was taking care of her. I took the bucket and put some water in it and offered the cow to drink. It was far from enough. It would have barely quenched my thirst. I remembered what the woman in my dream told me, and what the large man told me. If Selûne had really chosen me, I thought she could surely offer me a little something. I wasn't asking much, simply a bucket of water. I wish it strongly. I didn't wanted that cow to die. I was there at her birth. I have taken care of her during three years, everyday. Selûne listen to my prayer. She filled the bucket. I was amazed. I quickly fetch my father and show him the feat I just did. It disturbs him. During all the summer, once per day, I was filling the bucket for cow. She stayed healthy while all was barely surviving under this heat. I was happy.

When the winter arrived, my father spoke to me. He told me that it would be a waste to use my gift here. He told me he knew a temple of Selûne. It was at one month of walk. I would have to go visit it and seek advice to the high priestess. But my father couldn't come with me, he had to take care of the farm and my brothers were too young to help. He told me that Herbert had to go in that direction, and would take me. Herbert was a trader that was born in our small town and because of that, he always stop in our town for a week before continuing his travel.

I was anxious of this departure. It was the first time I would leave the town, and it would be with a man I was considering almost a stranger. So I left and travel for over a month, as we had to stop to sell and buy an items here and there. After two weeks of discovery and interest, I start to miss my family. After a month, I wanted to come back home. After six week, I finally arrive at the temple. Herbert led be in there. I walk at his side, scared by everything. Missing so much my family, I had imagined that the people at the temple were ugly and evil cultist that would prevent me to see again my family. I just wanted to run. But if my father would have heard that i would have fled, after he sent me here, he would have been angry, so I kept my courage.

I met in the garden a beautiful woman. She was tall and lovely. She had blond hair like the golden wheat in the end of the summer, like the sun, and she had silver eyes, just like mine. I think I felt in love right there." A smile appeared on his face. He sighs and felt silent for a moment, absorbed by his thought.

It is there I risked a question. "Is it the same which you spoke with by the well in a small town south of here?" Once I finish asking the question, I knew I made a mistake. His sight was on me. I could see the knife in his eyes. I had spied on him that night, I had been curious to know what he was doing outside. I should have spied on him. But today, my curiosity had made me revealed the only secret I knew about him. I had gone too far by spying him. I thought a moment he would just throw me out of his shelter.

"How do you know that?"

"I live in that small town. I spied on you. I was curious to know what a man who spends a week in his room could seek outside the Inn in the middle of the night."

"What have you seen?"

I hesitated, but I thought the truth would be the only acceptable answer. "All. I have seen all but heard nothing, I was too far. I saw both you talking, I saw you hitting her and I saw her giving you a silver object..." The man had closed his eyes. He seemed but angry and sad. What could torment a man like that? I was wondering. He stood up and open his chest again. When I saw the heavy mace again, I knew why it was familiar. The mace was the symbol of all the warriors of Selûne. So my lumberjack, the same farm boy have spoken about, the wanderer who visit my town was a follower of Selûne.

He took a silver circlet out of his chest. It was a simpel item, decorated with a simple waxing moon. "The moon of hope.” He told me as he stared at the circlet. He put it on his head and he closed his eyes. He seemed like he was released of some weight. A peacfull emotion filled him and he stayed like that a moment. He returned to his place and sit back on the ground. I look back into the chest he had left open but I quickly turn back my attention to him, as if I was guilty of some crime. He smiled and asks me to close it. I obeyed. I didn't want to contradict him.

He then, he answered my question just as if our conversation hadn’t been interrupt. "Yes, it is her. She is an elven maiden dedicated to Selûne, the high priestess of the temple I was received in. When she first saw me, she looked at me like as if I was some kind of sacred artifact. She ignored Herbert for a moment. I felt uneasy as she was staring at me, but at the same time, I like to be the center of her attention. I had forgotten all the idea I made of the cult of Selûne. How could such beautiful creature do any harm..." Something was sarcastic in this last sentence. I felt it. But I had to agree. How could she do anything harmful? "She told Herbert she would take care of my education. That I would return to the farm on the first day of the seed-time and I would come back here by the last day of the crop, and it would be herself that would take care of that. Herbert bowed and left me there. I felt sad to know I wouldn’t be with my father for all the winter, but I thought it would be even worst to be away from her during the summer.

I spent the next 10 years in this temple. On my 7th year, I stop to travel back to my farm. I pass the last three years to train and learn to focus my powers. At first, I was happy to be there, but it isn't her who took care of my teaching, it was the large men who took care of my education. His name is Barton. He is a Lycanthrope, a werebear and a great healer. He is a kind man and took great care of me. He thought me how to channel the gifts of Selûne and how to fight with a mace and how to use my speed against his strength. But even then, I was happy to come back home, as I found it boring after a few months. It is the great priestess who carry me to my home and back to the temple by the mean of magical travel.

With the time passing, I felt that m love wasn't returned by the high priestess. So I start to lose interest in my training. I was training only for my father, so I could show him my progress. He was honored to have his son chosen by Selûne, but as the time pass, I felt I wasn't quite in my place in the temple and I started to lose contact with my family. After the three last years, I never felt so lonely. The big Barton couldn't do anything. He was a nice man, but he was my mentor. I never really made a friend at the temple. I felt like if I was wasting my life there. At least, my training was finished, so I decide to come back home, by my own mean. I needed to think before I arrive back to my home town. I left the temple the day before the high priestess was supposed to send me back home.

I walked the same road I did with Herbert. I wondered where he was now. I didn't saw it in the last five years. I also asked myself what I could do with my gift. Selûne gave it to me, but never told me why, so I was guessing it would be to my own judgment to use it. But what could I do with it? I was imagining myself opening a small chapel in my home town and welcome the travelers. I was thinking my father would be proud of that idea." Something was troubling him. He seems attached to his father. Each time he speaks of him is with emotion. But I feel in his voice that he speak in the past... what has happen to his father I asked myself?

"One night, I met four men on the side of the road. The darkness was coming. I decided to stop and ask them if I could joint them for teh night. As I asked that, I saw there weapons. One of them was wounded. They were mercenaries. Probably they got into a fight during the veening and they were resting, unable to come back in time to some village because of there wounded companion. One of them look at me with suspicion. He stared at me, as if he wanted to evaluate me. He told me that I was welcome if I could offer something. I told them I could heal there wounded friend. They weren't convinced, but they told nothing, I just felt it. Suspicions were floating in the air. As no one had made any protest, I approach the wounded and put my hand on his wound. He never react to the pain. I asked Selûne to heal the man, what she has done. The atmosphere changed at that moment, and there leader welcome me for the night. His name was Darion. The day after, he offered me to join them on there road to the city.

I've never been to the city, and I told myself I would have to stay in my town to take care of the chapel I want to build, so the chance might not present itself before a long time. I choosed to follow them to city. I never thought it could be so big, so I stayed with them. They were amused by my reaction. They report to some trader about a group of bandits they got rid of. After that, they spend a week relaxing. For me, I was discovering the city. I completly forgot I was going back home. But I run out of gold. Darion offer me some and I accepted. I didn't knew what I did. A few day later, he came to see me. He told me I was in debt. They had a new contract. A ravaging band of orcs where raiding a mine for some ore. They were killing the miners. They had been hired to get rid of them, but his men wanted a healer. I followed them, Darion gave me little choice.

The live of a mercenary isn't what I wanted, but I was stuck with them. When I arrived at the mine, the orc had done a new raid the day before. I start to help with my healing but Darion stop me. He told to keep some for his men and to prepare for the day after. We left the miners, some on the edge of death, and we start to hunt the orcs. Darion had recruited four more men, so we were nine in total. After a few days, we found there camp. It was hidden in teh mountain, and they were climbing down once in a while. Under the cover of the night, they attacked. I was behind and I had to take the falen out of the fight and make sure they doesn't die. Three men felt, on of them beheaded. His head rolled to my feat. I was sure I would faint at that moment, but somehow, I stayed couscious, but an orc attacked me, so I had to defend myself. Barton had showed me how, but training and real life wasn't the same. I was pityfull. I survived, because Darion came to my help. I pull out the two fallen that was still alive and healed them. It was my first contract.

I made a few more with Darion. It was my way of living. Between each contract, I came back to the city. I finally decided to visit teh temple of Selûne in it. I found it bigger than the one where I was trained. I was well received. What I didn't expect, it is to see Loren, the high priestess my temple. I pay my repsect to her, but the love I had for her was long gone. That was I thought, but I was so naive. She asked me to see her later tonight, after the prayer. As she asked, I came to her room. She told me whe was now based in this temple, that Barton have taken the lead of the other temple. I told her my few adventures I had during the month I didn't saw her. She finally reveal me that she was liking the man I had became. During our conversation, my memories was awaking and it only needed that to light up the fire in me. I felt in love, again, with her, but that time, she gives it back.

The next month, I was continuing my job with Darion, always coming back to Loren. I was in paradise. She had been my first love and it became true. Two years like that until I came back from another contract. It was my final, I told Darion I didn't wanted to continue. I decided to come back directly after the contract and not with the group. I wanted to see Loren as soon as possible..." In his voice, there was anger. He tigthen his fist. He was containing his rage. "I'll never forget when I found her in the arms of Elias. He was an elven diplomat establish in teh city. I was a fool to think an elf could fall in love with a human. I must have been a little adventure. Two years in the life of an elf, it is nothing. I found them in the garden of the temple. She saw me. She looked at me, and only saw pity. I tured around and I left." His head down, his eyes closed, his fist was open again. I felt some pity for him. I tried ot hide it, I don't think it would have been the best thing to do.

"I came back to my village" he continued. "I was broken, teared apart. I remember to have thought nothing worst could happen to me. I was wrong, it was just the start. When I arrived in my home town, people didn't recognize me at first. They thought I was a traveler. I stop by the Inn. I found Tobias there, a friend I had when I was young, the son of teh Innkeeper. He had taken the establishment as his father was starting to be old. When he saw me, his eyes became wide and his face fall apart. I thought he had seen a ghost. I asked him if he was alright. He asked me to sit down and he offered me a mug of ale. He then told me. A wolf was hunting the countryside for a month. It was strange, as he was alone. One person had seen it, and he had told he was as large as a veal. Some footprint was found and confirm that. He first only hunt beef and cows, but last week, he have attacked a farm. He killed all the family. As he told this, understood what he meant. He killed all MY family. I didn't let him finish and I ran out of the place. I ran up to my home.

The door was broken and wide open. I entered the place and saw the trace of blood, the sign of fight. I fall on my knee and I cried. cried all my tears. I stayed like that for 2 hours at least. The night had fallen. I stood up and saw the waning moon in the sky. I prayed Selûne and left to hunt. I remembered a few things my father told me about hunting. I put them to good use. I was so eager to find him that i even cut myself, in hope the blood would attract him to me. In my search, I fall on a stranger. He was looking like a beggar. He told me he was lost and wanted my help. I told him to walk in a direction, that he would find the road and I ignore him. That was a mistake, I was attcked by him as soon as I turned my back. As I face him, I saw a large devilish wolf. The warm blood was slowly flowing in my back. I attacked him with all my rage and despair. I've been lucky and knock him unconscious on a lucky strike. Harmless, I quickly killed him.

I thought it would at least bring me some confort, but no, I was even more desesperate. During a week I stayed in my old house, but I finally left. I travel south. I am not sure where I was heading. It is there I make an halt in your village. A messenger found me. He was carrying a letter from Loren. She only told me she wanted to speak to me, it was very important. And that she will be coming soon, to wait for her. How did she knew I would be there, I didn't knew, but after what she did to me, I let my wrath go on the table next to me. I broke it and I confine myself to my room, eating some dry ration and drinking the water I create myself. I await a whole week for her. On one night, my dreams was disturb. I didn't knew why, so I decided to walk out some fresh air. The moon was full, and for teh first time, i found it disturbing. I rest a moment at the well and someone approach. When she started to spoke, I knew it was Loren. I wanted to confront her. She said she was sorry but that love isn't something people can control. I couldn't control myself. I hit her. She fall on her back. I saw her face. She was cold. I just broke her heart there. Maybe we could have been friend but now it was too late. She stood up and told me that it wasn't for that she was here, but to give me a gift from Selûne. I have been afflicted by Lycanthropie. Selûne decided I wouldn't be cured, but she was giving me a circlet that would help me to control myself."

As he explain it to me his situation, I undertsood why he had received me like he did. He wasn't cured, he could have killed me if he had turned. The moon was full tonight. And then I was scared again. I was scared to see him turn into a wolf and kill me. I imagine him feasting on my death body. He perceived my thought. "You have nothing to scare for tonight. If I had to turn into a wolf, it would already have been made."

"I was borken. I had lost my love, I had lost my family and now I lost my freedom. I didn't knew what to do. The only thing I knew, it is I couldn't stay any longer here. Loren told me Selûne was preventing my transformation for thsi full moon, but ti wouldn't be the case the month. She left me there. I finally go back to my room. I left the village, leaving all my money to the Innkeeper, as I wouldn't need it anymore. I came here, at a day of walk of any civilization. Too far to do any harm to anyone. Selûne have turned her back to me and I am today without any power. I built that small house and I live form the hunt. Every full moon, I bring a fresh deer here to feast on it if I ever transform, to reduce the temptation to wander away..." And then he felt silent.

The fire was almost death, but the sky was dark blue. One more hour and the day would be there. I didn't beleived I had spent the night with a werewolf. I didn't know what to tell him either, so I stayed silent. I stayed like that and stared at him. He was still looking at the ground. He finally stood up and he opened the door. The sun was entering the room. "Come on, I lead you to the road."

As we walked in the forest, he told me "Thanks to have listened. I was forgetting how it was to have company."

"Thanks to you, to have received me. I will keep your secret with me. But now, what will you do?"

He stop and looked at me. He was confused. "Stay here..." he finally answered me.

"You look like a good man. Why couldn't you do something good with that curse? Or maybe get rid of it yourself." I suggested.

"It is too dangerous. I shouldn't have told you that finally." And he led me. We stay silent for anotehr hour. We finally reach the road. "The nearest village is a few hours north. You'll reach it a bit after noon. Good luck." And he left me without another word. I think I've stayed a good half an hour there thinking. And then, I start to walk, south. I had a temple to find, and a werebear to question. If someone could help Silverfield, it was Barton.

-=-= New Moon =-=-
It has been two month since I left Silverfield in his small house in the middle of the wood. When I came back, I was with Barton, the large man; head of the temple where Silverfield had pass so many years and his old master. It was many hours that we were wandering in the forest. I had attempted to guide Barton to the small house, but I had forgotten the directions, so I was lost. Barton doesn’t seem to care much, he was following. I had told him after two hours of walk that I didn’t knew much, but he told me to lead the way. Another three hours later, we were still searching. It is at that moment that a he put his large hand on my shoulder.

"Wait a moment. I smell something."

Smell? I though. I didn't know what he was talking about, but I trust him. After all, he was also a shapeshifter and animals have a great smell. Without adding a word, he starts to walk toward my left. I followed him. Ten minutes later, we had found the small house... or what remained of it. It was half destroyed. When I saw that, I felt my heart becoming heavy as lead. If I had known what would have happen, I would have tried to convince him to follow me, but how could I knew that. I enter the ashes of the building. My feet hit an item. I looked at my feet. A large metal ring, dirty and dark because of the ashes that have stick to it. I took it and polish it. Silver! The circlet he had shown me and put on his head. I turned around and show it to Barton. At his look, I understood whatever that has happen here; it was a bad thing for Silverfield.

It is only years later I would learn what have happen doing the time I was traveling to the temple of Selûne, but I'll tell it to you now. When I met Silverfield, it was the fool moon. As a lycanthrope who doesn't control himself, the full moon give a lust to the werebeast that he can hardly control? Many are overcome by it. I had been lucky that he didn't turn into a werebeast while I was with him. A month after my visit, the full moon come again, as she do every month, guiding the women in there cycle of life. It is during the day all the trouble happened. A small group of man found Silverfield small house. Probably my bandits. They found the small house empty, as the owner had been hunting, as he does each full moon. Silverfield always kill a large prey so if he succumb to his curse, he would feast on the prey instead of hunt humans.

When Silverfield arrived with the deer no his shoulder, he saw the open door. He throws the prey on the ground and rushed to the door. He saw the four bandits. The bandits saw him and decided that they wanted no witness, so they attacked him. His weapon and armor was in his chest, and so he was unarmed. He tried to defend himself against the three that was on him. He was seriously wounded and he saw his death coming, but the fourth man, who didn't take part of the fight, just had found the silver circlet. It is at that moment Silverfield made a dire choice. Instead of losing his life at the hands of these bandits, he decided to lose his soul. A lycanthrope that have been afflicted by the curse and succumb to the curse can do hideous things. But once the curse end and the day come back, he is the same man than the day before and generally isn't aware of the crime he had done. But when that lycanthrope forces himself the change, his soul will be forever corrupted. It is what has happen to Silverfield. He didn't want the artefact of his goddess to fall in the hands of the bandits, even if she had turned her back to him. The fight suddenly changes. The bandits were ripped alive. In the fight, one of the bandits fell in the fire and the burning ashes put the fire to the house. The werebeast, out of control and with all his opponent death, wanted more blood and left.

But when I was standing on the cold ashes of that house, I looked at Barton with little idea that the true drama that happen where I stood a month earlier. I just asked him what next. "We must find Loren... before he finds her."

Barton feeling was true. As we were heading toward the city, Silverfield was already there and planning his vengeance. He had never accepted her treachery. He always loved her and only his moral was keeping him away from her, knowing that his rage would be dangerous near her. But the moral was gone with the life of the bandits. As we headed toward the city, we heard that a few murders had happened in the last month. Two men and a young girl had lost there life under the claw of a beast. I had my doubt but I preferred not to speak about it, but I saw in Barton's eyes that my doubt was shared.

We finally arrived in the city. Barton quickly learned that Loren was traveling and should come back in a few days from her travel. Impossible to know where she had been heading and when exactly she would come back. We hoped that Silverfield had been just as successful. We had no news of him, so we didn't knew if he was in the city, but he could easily hide without being recognize, the city was large enough for that.

It is a week later that Loren came back. Barton quickly asked for an audience that was granted. He explained what happen and asked me to confirmed all and tell what happen a few month in the frest to Loren. Loren was a beautiful elf, with charming silver eyes. But she was still young for her kind. It didn't surprise me much, her love for Silverfield must be the same than our first love. A bonefire that burn so high that it died out as quickly as it came. For us, human, these loves survives a few weeks, sometimes a few months. For an elf, two years is two week for us, but two years for a human, it is long, and a love that can survive that long is more than a simple passion. I started to understand more what had happen in the heart of Silverfield when he found her with her new lover.

She told Barton that she didn't fear him, that Selûne would ward her. I found her too pretentious, but she is an important woman in this church, and she must be wise enough to hold that position. So I didn't protest. She offered us to stay at the temple for the night. She wanted to talk to Barton on other matter, so I left their company.

During the night, I didn't found the sleep, so I left my room. I walked into the silent corridor. My foot led me to the garden of the temple. It is there the altar is. Followers of Selûne tells that anywhere where you can see the stars and the moon is a place to worship Selûne, so all temple offer a place where you can see the sky. I heard a noise so I stop and move into the shadow. I saw Loren who was speaking with an elf. It must be her lover. It is at that moment I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Silverfield. I was paralyzed by the fear of being killed right now. I saw in his eyes some surprise. He didn't expect me to be there. He only told me with a threatening voice: "Leave and don't think to speak to anyone." My eyes followed him as he entered the garden. I was paralyzed by the fear and my curiosity was also too great. I had to see that confrontation. How a corrupted soul will avenge his broken heart.

Loren heard him approaching. Her smiles disappeared from her beautiful visage and her look became serious. She lost all her joyous beauty to replace it with an intimidating presence that would hold anyone to respect. But Silverfield’s heart had forged an armor against her during all that time where he was hiding in the forest.

"If you have come to pray, we can leave you in peace." offered Loren.

"I've come to talk." he replied.

"Talk? You aren't serious. You've come for vengeance, I feel it."

"I've come to make an offer. It could end like that, but it will depend on you."

"You know already my answer, and it isn't something to ask, love cannot be control and my heart is for him."

That brought him into a fury "Leave him and come back with me, or you'll live happy together, at the side of your goddess."

"She is also yours. Selûne is still at your side."

"Don't turn the conversation. Answer my question."

"Don't you feel her? Or have you close your heart to the point to be deaf to her call. She is trying to speak to you. She will need you. You might be her only chance; she won't abandon you like that."

"Stop that!" he said with a maddening voice. What I saw was something impressive, scary. He starts to grow. His muscles were developing, furs were growing and his teeth were sharpening. For the first time, I was seeing him as the monster he had been trying to control and hide from me during our first meeting. I saw the hatred in his eyes. He was jealous, but he wasn't anymore in love. His corrupted soul was confused, mixing love and possession. He looked at the elf behind Loren. The poor elf was scared to death, and I understood him. I was even wondering how I could still stay there. Silverfield tried to jump at the throat of the couple, but Loren raised her hand, which was holding her holy symbol. The werebeast was standing less than a meter away from Loren but wasn’t moving, only growling.

"She will forgive you. Forgive the crime you have done in the last month, forgive you to have turned away from her. She will even help you to become a stronger person out of the sad events that have marked your life in the last years. She will even help you to control your curse. Just listen, she is calling you." tells Loren to him with a gentle voice, the same voice a mother would use to her kid.

"I don't want her help. I only want your death!" shouts Silverfield.

"Tomorrow, you'll remember all what happened, but you're soul will be no more under the curse, only your body. And tomorrow will start your redemption. Tomorrow will begin your new life, but for now, you need to rest." With her other hand, she made a gesture. A silver light surrounded the werewolf and the large beast falled gently on the ground and Silverfield turned back to his human form. Loren turned her attention to me. "You still have the circlet you have found in the ashes?" I nod to her. "Go take it, and awake Barton. We will carry this poor soul to an empty bed."

-=-= Waxing =-=-

I can't remember why I have decided to stay, but neither Barton or Loren seems to object my presence. It took a week before he open his eyes. It happen to be me who was watching over him. I was reading a book Loren lend me on the story of the Selûnite. I almost step on my seat when I head him whispering.

"Why am I here?"

I close my book and stayed silent a moment, not sure what I should answer. I was wondering why he was asking that. Did he thought he should be death or did he forgot what happen in the last days, or even month. Before I decide to ask him a question hewhispered again. "Volindar?"

"Yes." It was the only thing I found to tell.

"Did... did it really happen?" he asks me, with fear in his voice. It was the first time I saw him so weak, both in his body and soul. Surprisingly, I find my repsect grow toward him. If I had lived all he had done, I would have surely never woke up. I slowly node. I saw him close his eyes and the pain filled his visage. And a few tears showed up. I was paralyzed by the his pain. After a moment, he fall back into his slumber.

Three days later, I saw him again. He was in teh common room, taking his first true meal. I saw him broken. He had made things he couldn't forgave himself. I sit in front of him and smile to him. He returned my smile and we ate silently. Before we finish, Loren came next to us. "After your meal, I would like to speak to you."

"If you want to speak to Silverfield now, I can leave."

"No, I want to speak to both of you. Coe to my room after you have finish. There is no hurry." I looked confused at her, but she show no reaction to my confusion. She just left. I stared a moment to Silverfield, in hope to understand what she wanted, but he simply smiled at me before finishing his meal. I immitate him and we both go to Loren's chamber.

She was sitting in front of a large oak deak finely decorated. On it was the book I read a few days before and some papers. She was writting a letter. After a few minutes, she signed the letter and sealed it. She then turn to me.

"What do you know about Youral?"

I stayed a moment silent. What did she wanted? I knew what i have red about it in the book she lend me. "Youral was a follower of Selûne and a hero in the war against Shar. Shar had sent a were tiger against this man to kill it, but he barely survived, but he was striken by the curse of lycanthropie. Selûne didn't forget his dead in her combat and he became the first Silverstar. He died against an archmage who banished him in another plane of existance where he never came back. The archmage died from his wounds. That day, the war between Shar and Selûne take a new turn, as the greatest hero of both side disappeared."

"Is that all?" she ask, staring at me. I felt like she knew more what I know then myself. So I took a moment.

"With Youral's dissapearance, the Selûnite also lost two great artefacts. The Silver Ward, a suit of armor, and the eclipse, an heavy mace that had been both created by a high priest of Selûne to be wield by the champion of Selûne. Many priest tried to find this artefact, but no one have brought even a clue about these artefact."

Loren smiled. "Almost true. I have the confirmation these artefact have come back into this world. But it seems Shar have heard of it too, and she will try to find it and destoy them before we can get the hand on these artefacts. Silverfield, it will be your responsability to find these artefact."

"Are you sure. I know little about these artefacts and I am still weak." answers Silverfield

"You are recoveing quickly, and it is exactly why i asked to talk to both of you. Volindar, I have no authority on you, so you are free to choose, but I would ask you to go with Silverfield on his quest."

"What?" I was so surprised by her request, but now I understood why she had given me that book, she had accepted for me to stay here. She had been preparing me to that quest while Silverfield was recovering. I stared at her and then Silverfeld. Both was waiting for my answer. I was scared to death. And still don't know what happen, but I after a moment, the only word I told was "O.K."

During on year, we have been travelling teh world in search of a clue. We visited the forgotten tower where Youral and teh archmage fought. I saw Silverfield fithing undead who had establish themselves in that tower, releasing them from there eternal torment and we found a reference of the last fight in the archmage personal notes. Then we found a our way to the hideout of a cult of Shar, there we found notes about a ritual. The ritual, in itself, semmed to be meant to summon a creature from another plan, but cross refering with the archmage notes, we found the gate would open on the same plane than where Youral had been banished. We finally find ourselves in an old druid circle, where the ritual was meant to be done. The circle had been corrupted and then use for the summoning. By the note we had, the ritual had been used almost a yera ago, around teh time I met Silverfield for the first time. From there, we found an item that had been use during the ritual. With the powers of Selûne, we were able to track the one who did it. We didn't knew what was awaiting us.

As we were getting nearer, I find the landscape familiar, and I felt Silverfield was anxious about something. As the night was coming, I saw why he was so anxious. We found ourselves in front of the same monastery where Silverfield had pass so many years under the tutelage of Barton and the eyes of Loren. But why were we there?

"Do you think it is a mistake?" I asked him.

"There is only one way to find out."

We head into the monastery. in teh inner court, Barton was giving a small ceremony to Selûne with a few followers. It was almost finish, so we wait and prayed with them. After teh ceremony, barton came to welcome us. We spoke to him about what we had found.

"If these artefact were here, I would be the first to know it. But I trust your flare, Silverfield, so we will search this temple." he told us.

We started to search every corner of the small monastery and we were about to give up when Tabrin found something. It seemed there was an hidden passage in the inner garden. Even him and Barton didn't seemed to know about it, so we head down, Tabrin first, me secodn and Barton follwoing. We found our way to a split. on seemed older than the other. the older was going back up, but in the opposite direction of the monastery. "It seemed that passage was used as an escape route time ago, but someone decided to make another use of it." We follow teh newer passage. We found ourselves beneath the monastery, in a large room. All was dark. Tabrin summoned the light of the moon. I couldn't beleived what I was seeing. Shar had build a temple beneath the monastery. I could see the dark moon that symbolize her on the roof of the room. We moved cautiously. All seemed empty.

"I feel it. The artefacts are near." told Silverfield

After that, I don't know what happened. I can't remember. I just remember to wake up with an headache. I was bound with some rope on a table. To the wall, Silverfield was chained. He was unconscious too. I was panicked. I tried to find Barton, but it seems he had more luck than us... or maybe less. I hope he was on his way to find us. It took not long that my hope was fulfill. He entered the room without a noise and close the door behind. I didn't spoke, in fear to alert any guard. I await for Barton to free me... but he ignored me. He head toward Tabrin and he slap him. Tabrin didn't react. Barton turned himself into a huge and muscular creature than has some ursin similarities. He slap Silverfield again. That time, it awaked himed.


"Traitor" Silverfield whispered. I was looking, confused and unable to understand.

"Smart boy. It is sad Loren healed you from your status. It took me so much time to make sure you would fall deeply in live with her, and even more to make sure she would have the same emotion for you, but more superficial. But once I saw it had worked, I had to put someone else in Loren's road for her to love, someone more like her, so she could break your heart. All work at the perfection, except one thing, you didn't attack her, you decide to exil yourself. But things didn't turned for the worst. When that guy came to me and spoke about you, I needed to come back and find you again, but what I wanted had finally happen, but I needed to be there for the final showdown of your love story. Didn't you ever wonder how you reach her so easily. I make sure your path was clear. But you had to speak to her..."

"Why have you done that?"

"You can't guess?"

"The artefact..."

"Smart boy. These items ar every powerfull. Too powerfull for me to destoy like that, I need to corrupt them. I needed her blood, but killed by one of her follower, a true follower, faithfull to Selûne and only her."

"But your soul was already sold to Shar."

"Yes, and I find interesting that it would be you, the chosen, to be the one who should kill her. Now that I have the artefacts, I need Loren's blood. The blood you would take from her."

"But you know I won't do it."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Barton walk next to me and looked at me. I was scared to death. Even against the undead and cultist, I wasn't very brave and Silverfield did most the combat. I was just behind to support and wish we would get out of such situation. Now, I would only pray Selûne. "Volindar will help me." My eyes become wide. Me? How could I help? I didn't wanted to help. "You see, you can't break these chain without changing into your werewolf form." He slowly put his claw on my throat. "And if you do so, you will come back into your dark side. But you see, it will be your only chance to save him, as I will kill him in 10 seconds. 9... 8..."

The panic override me. I tried to escape from my bound. All this seems so unrealistic. A werebear who was follwoing Shar and a werwolf, favored of Selûne. And I had to be between these two.

"7... 6... 5..."

It was useless, it was too tight, and I couldn't do something usefull. I was too scared. I thought it was done, I would die there.

"3... 2... 1..."

I closed my eyes and wait. I heard the sound of metal that break. I open my eyes and saw Silverfield in his werewolf form. I thought not only I would die, but he would have lost his soul again, and because of me. I couldn't tell which one would win, but either would have no more use of me after that. After a moment, both separate themselves. Barton was pretty hurt, but he was smiling.

"It is stupid to fight each other. Go for Loren, she is the one who has broken your heart."

"Loren have nothing to do between us."

"I'm stronger than you, you can't beat me. You will die here if you continue to fight. You are powerless, Selûne have nothing to do with your kind. She won't help you and without her, you are nothing."

"True." agreed Silevrfield. At that moment, a silverstar appear on his cheast and the moonlight flowed the room. Barton let out a shout of pain and try to avoid the moonlight. Silverfield take the moment to charge him and he quickly bit the werebear in the neck. The large man fell on the ground. I look at the scene, mute. What had happen? I didn't undertsand. I saw Tabrin turning his attention to me. He came next to me. He raised his claw... I thought I would die, but he simply cut my bound. "Stand up, we have these artefact to recover, and a temple to destroy."

"What happened?"

"Selûne gave me the power to control my nature. She is watching over me and on my soul, I'm looking on her and her followers. An exchange of services." he smiles. "The curse is no more, now it is a gift. It cost much to me, and it will take time to repay for what I have done, but in the end, I hope it would be only for the best."

I was starting to coem back from my emotion. "I don't doubt it." I answered him.

We found the artefact, and we make sure that no one would ever come back there, but we coudln't destroy it completly without destroying the monastry over it, but anyone who would like to find it would need an army of dwarf to dig back to that place. We came back to Loren to give back the artefact, but she told Tabrin to keep them, he would need them in the futur. A few days later, I wish farewell to Loren and Silverfield. All this had made me thought there was people I hadn't seen for too long, and I thought some rest would be welcome too. So I come back here, to my homeland. But I had a feeling that Tabrin Silverfield story is far from his end. Maybe someday, I'll be able to see him again and talk to him and learn what he would have done during all that time.

-=-= Full Moon =-=-

This will be for the description of this campaign[/SBLOCK]
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Amazing Triangle

First Post
Velmont said:
If you allow an Epic Progression, he will be instead Favored Soul 4 / Silverstar 15 / Lycanthrope 2 / Dire Wolf 6. Also note that the 2 level in Lycanthrope is only the Level adjustment of every afflicted lycanthrope.

You know you could take another level hit for Lycanthrope (LA +3) and then it would be natural and you could control your transformations otherwise it is up to the DM to roll when you go and come back from Hybrid form.

Just something to mull over nothing more than a helpful word


First Post
Vertexx69 said:
Nephtys your Eab should only be +1 and no epic save bonus as you only have 21 hit dice (you don't get levels for your +6 LA) :p

But even a character with LA counts as an epic level character from ECL 21, right? If not then I would only have one epic level feat, and instead gain the non-epic bab and saves from my pre-epic levels. It might not be such a bad deal for me (there are no really good epic level feats for my character), but other players with a higher LA wouldn't get any Epic feats at all and they might have the spellcasting ability or high Str to have made them useful. Pity.

The ELH:

Epic Save Bonus
A character’s base save bonus does not increase after Character Level reaches 20th. However, the character does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all saving throws at every even-numbered level beyond 20th, as shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses. Any time a feat, prestige class, or other rule refers to your base save bonus, use the sum of your base save bonus and epic save bonus.

Epic Attack Bonus
Similarly, the character’s base attack bonus does not increase after Character Level reaches 20th. However, the character does receive a cumulative +1 epic bonus on all attacks at every odd-numbered level beyond 20th, as shown on Table: Epic Save and Epic Attack Bonuses. Any time a feat, prestige class, or other rule refers to your base attack bonus (except for gaining additional attacks), use the sum of your base attack bonus and epic attack bonus.

I guess it could be read either way, but I believe Equivalent Character Level is pretty much the same thing as Character Level (them being equivalent and all). HD is, as far as I understand it, not relevant here.
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First Post
Amazing Triangle said:
You know you could take another level hit for Lycanthrope (LA +3) and then it would be natural and you could control your transformations otherwise it is up to the DM to roll when you go and come back from Hybrid form.

Just something to mull over nothing more than a helpful word

I don't need it, Selûne is taking care of that:

Faith and Pantheons said:
Selûnite Lycanthrope: Upon reaching 6th level, silverstars who contract any form of lycanthropy are treated as natural lycanthropes. There type change to shapechanger, and they can take the Improved Control Shape feat (See Monster Manual) or the Scent ability as a feat (See Monster Manual) at any point they can select a new feat. Silverstar do not change alignement due to contracting lycanthropy and are aware of there actions while in animal and hybrid form.

So, with this ability, I am considered full lycanthrope, which mean no need of Control Change Roll, a Damage Reduction of 10/Silver instead of 5/Silver. The two feats they are talking are obsolete feat from 3.0 version, as all lycanthrope have scent and full lycanthrope automatically control there shape.

Also, the high bonus in Change Shape is purely a background thing, as my character have been a long time in need to control his Shape.

Finally, all ways to remove lycanthropy need a save, and the character can always decide to fail a save. If, the master, as a plot, want to remove it to me, he will need to do a Break Enchantement or Remove Curse on a full moon night and mind control me so I can willingly do the save... after that, I'll need to hunt a new Dire Werewolf to get cursed again :p
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First Post
SRD said:
Level Adjustment
This line is included in the entries of creatures suitable for use as player characters or as cohorts (usually creatures with Intelligence scores of at least 3 and possessing opposable thumbs). Add this number to the creature’s total Hit Dice, including class levels, to get the creature’s effective character level (ECL). A character’s ECL affects the experience the character earns, the amount of experience the character must have before gaining a new level, and the character’s starting equipment.

If you have a LA +6 character, you create a level 21 character which starts with the gold of a 27th character and earn XP as a 27th character. So yes, you would have only 1 epic feat.

My character have an LA of 2, so he doesn't earn his epic feat of 27th level and also lack the +1 to BAB and saves he should have earn in this two levels.


First Post
Level Adjustment: is the price you pay for playing a non-standard race. You paid 6 XP levels for the increased stats and special abilities of an incubus. You don't get BAB and extra saves as well from those 6 levels (a succubus counts as ECL 12, but only a 6th level monster). I made the same mistake you did in another game, and voidrazor can back me up on that :D
My character ended up being about 15 ECL higher than the game because I wasn't aware that monstrous hit dice+level adjustment gave me it's true Effective Character Level
Your character is epic level, but only by 1 level. ie: only 1 epic feat, Eab 1, Esb 0, etc.

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