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Invasion of Mori - Gallery [3.5][planar]


First Post
[sblock=Stats]Name: Arxas Gaalian
Class: Wizard 9 [Elf Wizard substitution level 1]/Fatespinner 4
Race: Tiefling
Hit Dice: 13d4+26, 61 HP
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft
Armor Class: 22 (10 +4 dex, +6 armor, +2 protection), touch 16, flat-footed 18
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Grapple: +6
Attacks: +1 light crossbow +10 (1d8+1, 19-20 x2)
Face/Reach: 5x5/5ft
Special Qualities: Resistance to cold, electricity, and fire 5, darkvision 60 ft, generalist wizardry
Special Attacks: Darkness 1/day
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +10, Will +11
Abilities: Strength 10, Dexterity 16 [18], Constitution 14, Intelligence 23 [29], Wisdom 10, Charisma 12
Skills: Concentration +18 [16], Diplomacy +10 [14] Knowledge (arcana) +25 [16], Knowledge (dungeoneering) +19 [10], Knowledge (local) +19 [10], Knowledge (nature) +19 [10], Knowledge (nobility and royalty) +14 [5], Knowledge (religion) +25 [16], Knowledge (the planes) +25 [16], Profession (gambler) +5 [5], Search +15 [12], Spellcraft +27 [16]
Feats: Arcane Mastery, Elven Spell Lore (sonic chain lightning), Extend Spell, Fell Drain, Greater Spell Penetration, Scribe Scroll, Spell Penetration
Languages: Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elven, Ignan, Infernal
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: None
Gender: Male
Age: 31
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 143 lbs

Spells Known:
O: All
1st: Charm person, comprehend languages, detect undead, disguise self, feather fall, identify, lesser orb of acid (CArc), mage armor, magic missile, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, ray of enfeeblement, shield, silent image
2nd: Alter self, bull's strength, command undead, false life, invisibility, mirror image, protection from arrows, resist energy, sadism (BoVD), scorching ray, tasha's hideous laughter
3rd: Dispel magic, fireball, fly, haste, hold person, nondetection, protection from energy, stinking cloud, suggestion, tongues
4th: Animate dead, assay resistance (CArc), celerity (PHBII), dimension door, dimensional anchor, enerviation, evard's black tentacles, orb of acid (CArc), polymorph, remove curse, scrying
5th: Break enchantment, cone of cold, dismissal, dominate person, friend to foe (PHBII), hold monster, magic jar, sending, teleport, wall of force
6th: Chain lightning, contingency, create undead, disintegrate, greater dispel magic, planar binding, true seeing
7th: Banishment, finger of death, limited wish, plane shift, project image, spell turning

Spells Memorized: 4/7/6/6/6/5/3/2
0: Arcane mark, detect magic x2, prestidigitation
1st: Identify, magic missile x2, protection from chaos/evil/good/law, ray of enfeeblement x2, shield
2nd: Alter self, false life, invisibility, mirror image, scorching ray x2
3rd: Dispel magic, fireball x2, fell drained magic missile x2, fly
4th: Animate dead, assay resistance, dimension door, enervation x2, orb of cold
5th: Cone of cold, dominate person, friend to foe, teleport, wall of force
6th: Disintegrate x2, true seeing
7th: Finger of death, project image, spell turning

Save DCs: 19 + spell level

Headband of intellect +6 (36,000 gp)
+2 twilight mithral chain shirt (10,250 gp) (PHBII)
Heward's handy haversack (2,000 gp)
Cloak of resistance +3 (9,000 gp)
+1 light crossbow (2,335 gp)
Dagger (1 gp)
20 bolts (2 gp)
20 silver bolts (42 gp)
20 cold Iron bolts (4 gp)
Ring of arcane might (20,000 gp) (CArc)
Spells learned [2 of 1st level, 5 of 2nd, 4 of 3rd, 5 of 4th, 4 of 5th, 1 of 6th, 3 of 7th] (18,775 gp)
Scrying mirror (1000 gp)
Empower metamagic rod (32,500 gp)
Gloves of dexterity +2 (4,000 gp)
Ring of protection +2 (8,000 gp)
Silk rope (10 gp)
Grappling hook (1 gp)
4 sunrods (8 gp)
2 acid flasks (20 gp)
Bedroll (.1 gp)
Waterskin (1 gp)
5 sacks (.5 gp)
5 vials (5 gp)
Empty flask (.03 gp)
Spellbook (-)
Spell component pouch (5)
Chalk (.01 gp)
2 torches (.02 gp)
Travler's outfit (-)
Courtier's outfit (30 gp)
Potion of cure serious wounds (750 gp)
3 potions of cure light wounds (150 gp)
Scroll of dispel magic (375 gp)
Scroll of dimension door (700 gp)
Soul in recepticle (200 gp) (BoVD)
3825 gp, 3 sp, 4 cp

[sblock=Background and Personality]Background:
Arxas' origins are unknown to him. The tiefling was adopted in infancy by a caravan of wandering elves, who raised him as one of their own. While he clearly had elven blood, it was dilluted with something else that diminished his elven traits. Gaalian grew up far quicker than the gypsies' young elves, and in his youth became dismissive of his former childhood friends. When the caravan passed through elven lands in his 17th year, he was amazed by the magic the race employed, and snuck away from his family in the night. Months later, his search for a master to teach him wizardry came to an end when he reached the tower of an old elven mage hidden deep in the elves' forest.

Easily passing the mage's tests, he began to master the principles of arcane magic, but his studies were slowed by the old elf's caution. In particular, he forbade his fiend-blooded apprentice from perusing his library of tomes on the planes. The aging wizard's forbiddance did little to deter Arxas, who learned the passphrases to bypass his master's wards and began studying accounts of planeswalking sorcerers and infernal planar intrusions, drawn to any information about what demon's blood runs in his veins. His extracurricular studies caused him no difficulties in soaking up the knowledge his teacher willingly gave until a poorly chosen tome, cursed by an unknown power, summoned a powerful demon into the library. Recklessly seizing the opportunity, Arxas bargained with the fiend to dispose of his over-cautious master. However, he did not anticipate the price the outsider would charge: service in the Abyss.

His studies cut short, his planar heritage gave Arxas enough leverage to avoid being thrown into the Blood War. The tiefling was conscripted into the service of an ambitious marilith. The wizard's explorations of magic took a decidedly practical turn, and he was used to aid assassinations, support units of demons, and deal with traitorous underlings. He was traded from one master to another, until he finally found himself in the employ of Loxakathormi, who recognized his growing power and allowed him to undertake missions outside of the Abyss. Arxas grasped his newfound status and held on tightly, making sure to produce satisfactory results for his dread lord. His dedication and powerful magic have earned him an honored place in the invasion of Mori.

Personality: Arxas may not be as overtly evil as many denizens of the 666 layers of the Abyss, and less prone to blind ambition and impulsive rage, but his ruthlessness can match any demon's. Unlike many fiends, he does not find the horrific or grotesque particularly amusing; he murders, tortures, and steals, but always with a purpose and a gain in mind. His familiarity with mortal races is unusual, and his childhood and apprenticeship give him an appreciation for the accomplishments of the elven race, coupled with a deep distain for them on an individual basis--he believes them to be either weak and foolish, or overbearingly arrogant.

While adept with words, Arxas uses them judiciously. He has little patience for wasted time and idle chatter, and while he is confident in his power, his self-assuredness comes from careful attention to his defenses--from magic, equipment, and allies.[/sblock]
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First Post
Kaelvorr, Kaorti Overmind

Phrenic Kaorti Cleric 1/Warlock 1/Fiend of Possession 6/Hexblade 1 (2 Outsider HD, +2 LA)

Strength 11  +0 (0 cost 8 base -3 Racial [+6 Divine Power])
Dexterity 10 (0 cost 8 base +2 Racial)
Constitution 20  +5 (6 cost 14 base +6 Enhancement)
Intelligence 18  +4 (10 cost 16 base +2 Racial)
Wisdom 16  +3 (8 cost 15 base +1 Levels)
Charisma 34  +12 (16 cost 18 base +6 Racial +2 Levels +6 Enhancement +2

Initiative 24 [20 no roll, Sign]
AC 22 (10 base +4 Armor +3 Enhancement +2 Natural +3 Deflection) (20% miss vs. ranged)
HP 97 [[url=http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=949621]89[/url]  (levels 1-10) + 8 ([url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1592862/]Hit Point roll (1d10=4)[/url] die roll +4 Con at 11th) + +23 Temporary (d10+9 False Life +7 Divine Power)]

Fort +19 (10 base +5 Con +3 Resistance +1 Luck)
Ref +12 (8 base +3 Resistance +1 Luck)
Will +32 (14 base +3 Wis +3 Resistance +12 Luck) 

Attack (melee) +0 [+10 Divine Power]
Attack (ranged) +3 [+10 Divine Power]

Improved Initiative (Domain Bonus)
Skill Focus: Hide
Improved Cohort (9th lvl human artificer, now reduced to 8th from crafting and transformed into a kaorti)

Autohypnosis +6 (0.5 ranks +3 Wis +2 Synergy +1 Luck)
Bluff +23 (10 ranks +12 Cha +1 Luck)
Concentration +10 (7 ranks +4 Con -2 Feeble +1 Luck)
Disguise +23 (10 ranks +12 Cha +1 Luck)
Hide 32 (14 ranks +0 Dex +3 Skill focus -4 Armor -2 Feeble +1 Luck +20 Forestfold) or 42 (13 ranks +4 Int +3 skill focus +1 Luck [+20 Forestfold])
Intimidate +23 (10 ranks +12 Cha +1 Luck)
Know: Arcana +11 (6 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Know: Architecture +5 (0.5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Know: Dungeoneering +5 (0.5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Know: Planes +10 (5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Know: History +5 (0.5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Know: Local +5 (0.5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Know: Nobility +5 (0.5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Know Religion +5 (0.5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Move Silently +16 (0 ranks -4 Armor +20 Forestfold)
Psicraft +5 (0.5 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Sense Motive +10 (6 ranks +3 Wis +1 Luck)
Spellcraft +16 (11 ranks +4 Int +1 Luck)
Spot +14 (10 ranks +3 wis +1 Luck)
UMD +30 (7 ranks +12 Cha +10 Competence +1 Luck)

Invocation: Dark One's Own Luck (Cha to one save)

* Exotic Weapon Proficiency (ribbon dagger)
* Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day alter self, color spray, feather fall, ray
of enfeeblement, reduce, spider climb Caster level 2nd DC 14+spell level
* Vile Transformation (Su): A kaorti can infuse any living creature with
otherworldly essense from the Far Realm, permanently transforming it into a
mockery of its previous form. The process takes 8 hrs, during which time the
kaorti's jaws must be locked onto the victim, who must be willing or
helpless for the duration. After 8hrs the victim must make a DC 11 Fort
save. Failure indicates that the victim transforms into a kaorti if
humanoid, or into a kaorti thrall. If the victim suceeds at the save, the
kaorti can attempt the tranformation again; each additional attempt raises
the save DC by +1. Creature tranformed into kaortis retain any class
abilities and modify their ability scores as follows: Str -4, Dex +4, Int
+4, Cha +6. They become neutral evil and embrace the racial ethos of the
kaortis. They gain all the other abilities and disadvantages of a standard
kaorti. This transformation is the only way the kaorti can propagate their
kind. A victim transformed into a kaorti thrall gains the fiendish creature
template, except that instead of gaining the smite good SA it gains the
ability to cast true strike on itself 1/day (the pseudonatural creature
template (Complete Arcane) may be used instead at DM discretion).
* Material Vulnerability (Ex): The material plain is painful to an
unprotected kaorti. An unprotected kaorti must make a Fort svae each hour
(DC 15 +1 per previous check) or take d6 subdual damage and become fatigued.
The fatigued condition persists until the kaorti recovers all the subdual
damage it took from exposure. If a kaorti is rendered unconscious from
subdual damage (from this or another source), the Material Plane environs
begin to deal normal damage at the same rate (Fort sve neg. DC continues to
increase as normal). A Kaorti wearing a resin suit, or a kaorti inside a
cyst is protected from the effects of the material plane.
* Outsider Traits: Kaortis have darkvision 60' and cannot be raised or
* +8 racial bonus to Heal
* 3/day—defensive precognition, empty mind, mind thrust, intellect
fortress 1/day – force screen, body adjustment, brain lock, aversion,
psionic blast, psychic crush
* 1 pp
* Power Resistance 20
* May take psionic feats
* Trickery Domain - Hide,Bluff & Disguise as class skills
* Time Domain - Improved Initiative as a bonus feat
* Eldritch Blast 1d6
Fiend of Possession
* Ethereal Form(Su): Become Ethereal at will as if casting Etherealness
(17th caster level). Possessing an object or creature effectively ends a use
of this ability, so time spent in another body or object doesn't count
against the duration of this ability.
* Hide Presence(Ex): When possessing an object or creature a FoP can
hide it's presence by making a special hide check, DC equals DC of spell[+4
bonus if FoP isn't controlling the object or creature. A successful check
allows the FoP to avoid virtually anything that would betray it's presence
in the possessed creature or object. Thus it can pass through a magic circle
against evil, enter a temple warded by a forbiddance, or escape detect via
detect evil. When possessing a creature a FoP can make this hide check to
protect the possessed creature from the full effects of alignment based
spells such as holy smite. If the fiend makes a successful hide check, then
the possessed creatures takes damage appropriate to it's actual alignment,
but if the check fails the creature is affected as if it were the fiend.
* Possess Object(Su): Possess item from Tiny to Colossal size,
unattended nonmagical items are automatically possessed, magic items and
attended items receive a save [DC28]. A FoP becomes part of the object it
possesses, so it is no longer ethereal. The FoP is aware of what is going on
around the object, it can see and hear up to 60 feet away. In any round in
which it takes no other action [such as using a spell-like ability], it
extends it's senses to twice it's normal range [120]. The fiend is
vulnerable to spells that specifically affect outsiders or creatures or the
fiends alignment such as holy word, holy smite etc, and is affected by
mind-affecting spells but not physical attacks. Harming the object does not
harm the fiend, although if the object is destroyed, the FoP is forced back
into it's ethereal form. When possessing an object a FoP can use any ability
it has that requires no physical action, such as using a spell-like ability
or telepathy. It can't cast spells, attack physically, or perform any other
physical action, until it reaches a high enough level to make the possessed
object perform these tasks.
* Curse(Su): Can cause items to radiate a corrupt and befouling nature,
anyone touching the item must make a will save [DC28] or be subject to a
bestow curse effect. The affected creature doesn't know that the curse came
from the item.
* Magic Item(Su): Can cause weapons or armour to function as magical
items. Powers up to the FoP class level[+6] can be bestowed upon the item,
if the item is already magical the FoP can increase the powers of the item
equal to his class level. If a FoP possessing an item attempts to possess a
creature that uses the item or keeps it on it's person, the target's save DC
increases by 1 for each day the possessed item has been on it's person [to a
maximum of +10]. A character making a search check [DC25] while examining
the possessed item can tell that there is something strange about it.
* Control Object(Su): When possessing an item with inherent mobility, a
FoP can control the objects movement. The FoP can cause the vehicle or
similar object to move at a speed up to the fiends own land speed in it's
corporeal form. Other moving parts such as a clocks hands or a crossbows
firing mechanism, are under the FoP control. Thus a FoP could make a wagon
steer towards a pedestrian, or roll out of a stable without a horse
attacked. It could make a crossbow arm and fire [but not aim itself].
Exerting control is a free action, though actually moving an object requires
a move action.
* Animate Object(Su): A FoP may animate [as the animate object spell] an
object with no inherent moving parts.
* Possess Creature(Su): A FoP may possess creatures as well as objects,
an unprotected target must make a will save [DC28, evil creatures have a -2
save], if the save is successful the target is immune to this ability for 24
hours. A FoP which possess a creature becomes part of the victim, thus it
can't be targeted by spells or attacks separately from the victim. Damage
taken by the possessed creature has no effect on the FoP. If the victim dies
the FoP is forced back into it's ethereal form. The FoP ca sense anything
the victim can, at any time the FoP can telepathically communicate with the
victim by projecting words in any language the victim understands. The FoP
is constantly aware of the victims current thoughts and it can choose to
probe it's memories as well, but the victim is allowed a Will save [DC24].
* Ally or Enemy(Su): A FoP may reward of punish any willing creature it
possesses, the FoP may bestow a +4 or -4 profane bonus to any of the
creatures ability scores as a free action.
* Possess Noncontinuous Object(Su): A FoP possess object ability becomes
more loosely defined, thus a FoP may possess a pool of water, a cloud of
dust, or a section of wall or floor.
* Control Creature(Su): A FoP may exert direct control over a creature
it is possessing. Attempting to establish control is a standard action, the
victim must make a Will saving throw [DC25 or DC27 buffed] each round until the FoP
abandons the attempt, or the victim fails the save or the victims make three
consecutive saves, indicating that the FoP can't control the victim that
day. Once control is established the FoP automatically maintains control for
12+ [6 + Cha mod + 1 for each previous occasion] rounds. When in control of
a victim, the FoP has access to all of the creatures skills, feats, and
spell knowledge. The fiend now acts as though it is the creature in all
respects. The FoP uses it's own Int, Wis and Cha scores, but adopts all of
the victims physical ability scores. The FoP can make use of it's own
spell-like abilities as well. The FoP retains the creatures type and is
affected by spells and other effects as if it were the possessed creature.
The Fiend can choose whether the possessed creature retains awareness of
it's bodies senses and actions, in which case it mentally communicates with
the fiend, or simply blacks out for the duration of the control.
Ending Possession: Spells such as dismissal and banishment are among the
only effects that can target a FoP separately from the object or creature it
inhabits. When these spells are directed against the FoP, the spell effect
is resolved as if the fiend were in its normal, corporeal form, using its
own Hit Dice, saving throws, ability scores etc. If successful, these spells
drives the fiend out of the victim and back to it's home plane. Holy Word
and similar spells can also drive out a possessing fiend and send it back to
it's home plane, but a FoP can hide it's presence to escape the effect of
such spells. Certain other special abilities (such as the granted power of
the Exorcism prestige domain) can force a FoP out of a victim and back into
it's ethereal form.[/sblock]

[sblock=Items]Crown of Artifice (+10 UMD,hat of disguise) 12,700 (3,572) 1st
Cloak of Charisma +6 36,000 (10,125) 8th
Tome of Leadership and Influence +2 55,000
Vest of Resistance +3 9,000 (2,531) 9th
Amulet of Health +6 36,000 (10,125) 8th
Phylactery of Change (Arms&Equipment p135) 11,200 (3,150) (unlimited
duration polymorph self 1/day, dismissable) 7th
Stone of Good Luck 20,000 (5,625) 5th
Resin Armor +3 9,400 (3,375)
Spiked gauntlet +1 Spellblade: Dismissal 8,305 (7,055)
Spiked gauntlet +1 Spellblade: Banish 8,305 (7,055)
3 Wands of Lesser Vigor 2,250 (844) 1st
Handy Haversack 2,000 (563) 9th
Blindfold of True Darkness (Arms&Equipment p130) 9,000 (2,531) (blindsight
60', immune gaze&eye contact spells) 3rd
Belt of Deflection +3 27,000 (7,594)
75 suits of Resin Armor 18,750 (7,125)
Wand of Divine Power 21,000 (7,875)
Eternal Wand of Expeditious Retreat 820 (308)
Wand of False Life 9th CL 6,750 (2,531)
Eternal Wand of Sign 820 (308)
Eternal Wand of Entropic Shield 820 (308)
Eternal Wand of Acorn of Far Travel 4,420 (1,658)
Wand of Forestfold 21,000 (7,875)
Wand of Major Resistance CL8 9,000 (3,375)*
Wand of Bear's Endurance 4,500 (1,688)*
Wand of Eagle's Splendor 4,500 (1,688)*
4 pairs of Sending Stones (MIC) 5,600 (1,575)*
Helm of Teleportation (20,672)
Bracers of Charisma +6 54,000 (15,188)
Cube of Force 62,000 (17,438)
23,993gp in gems

Persistent Spells
Divine Power
Entropic Shield
Expeditious Retreat

Other Common Buffs
Major Resistance (6hr dur)
Bear's Endurance (3 min dur)
Eagle's Splendor (3 min dur)[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Kaelvorr thrilled as the otherworldy energies began to course into his body,
but soon after he went into convulsions. The kaorti hesitated, displeased at
the unexpected reaction, but continued as their numbers were depleted and
the territory had already proven quite hazardous. As they worked, their
charge's body shrivelled and elongated as normal but the brain case also
swelled in a curious fashion. As the newly transformed Kaelvorr came to its
senses, it knew that its parturition heralded a great and terrible new dawn
for the kaorti. It took little time to wrest control of the depleted
fledgling cyst. Once that was accomplished, Kaelvorr set about making
alliances that might provide the leverage to bring it and its brethren to
greater prominence. A pact with a rading band of githyanki began as an
unrewarding venture. But soon the astral raiders let their guard down and
the kaorti were able to increase their numbers. Before being converted, one
of the githyanki was 'convinced' to inform Kaelvorr of a sacrificial ritual
believed to contact certain entities in the Abyss. After some guesome trial
and error the psychic fiend was able to reach a nameless abyssal denizen
willing to teach new methods of establishing mental control in return for a
steady trickle of kaorti slaves. The powers provided by the tutelage
allowed kaelvorr to swell the ranks of its cyst, some of whom were in turn
sent off to serve its demonic mentor. And when offerred a piece
to an entirely new Prime Material, in return for help subjugating the new
world, Kaelvorr jumped at the chance.[/sblock]

[sblock=Cohort]Tellairnys LE Human (Kaorti transformed) Artificer 8 (9 before crafting
caused level loss)

Str 4 -3 (0 cost 8 base -4 kaorti)
Dex 16 +3 (4 cost 12 base +4 kaorti)
Con 16 +3 (10 cost 16 base)
Int 24 +7 (8 cost 15 base +4 kaorti +1 level +4 Enhancement)
Wis 10 0 (2 cost 10 base)
Cha 24 +7 (16 cost 18 base +6 kaorti)

AC 21 (10 base +4 Armor +2 Enhancement +2 Natural +2 Deflection +1 Luck)
HP 2d8+7d6+58

Fort +9 (2 base +3 Con +3 Resistance +1 Luck)
Ref +9 (2 base +3 Dex +3 Resistance +1 Luck)
Will +10 (6 base +0 Wis +3 Resistance +1 Luck)

Flaw: Inattentive
1st Extraordinary Artisan, Legendary Artisan, Luck of Heroes
3rd Magic Artisan: Craft Wonderous
4th Extend Spell (artificer bonus)
6th Chain Spell
8th Persistent Spell (artificer bonus)

Skills 74pts (15 Int Human lvls 1-3, 16 Int 4-7)
Appraise 17 (10 ranks +7 Int)
Craft: Alchemy 17 (10 ranks +7 Int)
Craft: Armor 17 (10 ranks +7 Int)
Disable Device 17 (10 ranks +7 Int)
Know: Arcana 17 (10 ranks +7 Int)
Know: Planes 11 (4 ranks +7 Int)
Spellcraft 17 (10 ranks +7 Int)
UMD 29 (10 ranks +7 Cha +2 Artificer +10 Competence)

Vest of Use Magic Device +10 15,000 (4,219)
Headband of Deceit (+4 Int, hat of disguise) 18,700 (5,259)
Amulet of Heath +6 36,000 (10,125)
Resin Armor +2 4,400 (1,700)
Cloak of Resistance +3 9,000 (2,531) 9th
Wand of Invisibility 4,500 (1,688)
Phylactery of Change (Arms&Equipment p135) 11,200 (3,150) (unlimited
duration polymorph self 1/day, dismissable) 7th
Boots of Speed 12,000 (3,375)
Gloves of Deflection +2 12,000 (3,375)
Wand of Vigor 750 (281)
[sblock=1st level followers]Kaelvorr's generic followers
NE Human (Kaorti transformed) Marshal 1

Str 6 -2 (10 base -4 kaorti)
Dex 14 +2 (10 base +4 kaorti)
Con 10 +0 (10 base)
Int 14 +2 (10 base +4 kaorti)
Wis 10 +0 (10 base)
Cha 16 +3 (10 base +6 kaorti)

AC 16 (10 base +4 Armor +2 Natural)
HP 16

Fort +2 (2 base)
Ref +2 (0 base +2 Dex)
Will +2 (2 base)

Attack (melee) -2 d4-2 20X4
Attack (ranged) +2 d8

Dauntless, Toughness

Diplomacy 5 (0 ranks)
Handle Animal 7
Intimidate 7
Know: Planes 6
Listen 4
Spot 4
Survival 4

* Exotic Weapon Proficiency (ribbon dagger)
* Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day alter self, color spray, feather fall, ray
of enfeeblement, reduce, spider climb Caster level 2nd DC 14+spell level
* Vile Transformation (Su): A kaorti can infuse any living creature with
otherworldly essense from the Far Realm, permanently transforming it into a
mockery of its previous form. The process takes 8 hrs, during which time the
kaorti's jaws must be locked onto the victim, who must be willing or
helpless for the duration. After 8hrs the victim must make a DC 11 Fort
save. Failure indicates that the victim transforms into a kaorti if
humanoid, or into a kaorti thrall. If the victim suceeds at the save, the
kaorti can attempt the tranformation again; each additional attempt raises
the save DC by +1. Creature tranformed into kaortis retain any class
abilities and modify their ability scores as follows: Str -4, Dex +4, Int
+4, Cha +6. They become neutral evil and embrace the racial ethos of the
kaortis. They gain all the other abilities and disadvantages of a standard
kaorti. This transformation is the only way the kaorti can propagate their
kind. A victim transformed into a kaorti thrall gains the fiendish creature
template, except that instead of gaining the smite good SA it gains the
ability to cast true strike on itself 1/day (the pseudonatural creature
template (Complete Arcane) may be used instead at DM discretion).
* Material Vulnerability (Ex): The material plain is painful to an
unprotected kaorti. An unprotected kaorti must make a Fort svae each hour
(DC 15 +1 per previous check) or take d6 subdual damage and become fatigued.
The fatigued condition persists until the kaorti recovers all the subdual
damage it took from exposure. If a kaorti is rendered unconscious from
subdual damage (from this or another source), the Material Plane environs
begin to deal normal damage at the same rate (Fort sve neg. DC continues to
increase as normal). A Kaorti wearing a resin suit, or a kaorti inside a
cyst is protected from the effects of the material plane.
* Outsider Traits: Kaortis have darkvision 60' and cannot be raised or
* +8 racial bonus to Heal

* Skill Focus: Diplomacy
* Minor Aura: Various auras chosen, providing Cha bonus to various abilities, all activated as a swift action. 60' range. Auras include:
- bonus to confirm crits
- bonus to disarm/bull rush/sunder/trip
- bonus to Fort saves
- bonus to Ref saves
- bonus to Will saves
- bonus to overcome SR
- bonus to AC vs. AoO's
- bonus to damage while flanking
- bonus to stat checks and skills
- bonus to damage when charging

Resin armor (all but 18)
Ribbon Dagger
Light Crossbow
20 bolts[/sblock][sblock=Stats while Possessing]
Strength N/A or as possessed creature/object [+6 Divine Power]
Dexterity N/A or as possessed creature/object
Constitution N/A or as possessed creature/object
Intelligence 18 +4 (10 cost 16 base +2 Racial)
Wisdom 16 +3 (8 cost 15 base +1 Levels)
Charisma 34 +9 (16 cost 18 base +6 Racial +2 Levels +2

Initiative 24 [20 no roll, Sign]
AC N/A or as possessed creature/object
HP As possessed creature/object or 64 +23 Temporary (86 w/ Bear's End)

Fort As possessed creature/object or +19 (10 base +5 Con +3 Resistance +1 Luck)
Ref As possessed creature/object or +12 (8 base +3 Resistance +1 Luck)
Will +32 (14 base +3 Wis +3 Resistance +12 Luck)[/sblock]
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First Post
Drax (work in progress)

Name: Drax
Race: Changling(Eb) CryptSpawn(MoF)
Class: Paladin of Slaughter 2(UA)/Sorcerer 3/Abjur Champ 4(ComMage)/Recaster(RoEb) 5
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Deity: ?
Domains: NA

Str: 22 +6      Char Level: 14   XP: ?
Dex: 18 +4      BAB: +9/4        HP: 174  14d12+84
Con: -          Adj BAB: +14/9/4 Temp HP: 188    (BAB/HP When under Divine Power) 
Int: 14 +2      Grapple:         Dmg Red: 10/+3
Wis: 19 +4      Speed: 30'       Spell Res:  22
Cha: 24 +7      Init: +4         Spell Save: NA
                ACP: ?           Spell Fail: NA    Turn as: 18 hd, 14hd + 4 Resistance

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
Armor:              10    +8    +0    +4    +0    +4    +0    26
Touch: 26           Flatfooted: 22
* When hasted: +1/+1/+0

                         Base   Mod  Pal Crpyt Misc  Total
Fort:                     +6     +0   +7  +2    +3   +18
Ref:                      +3     +4   +7  +2    +3   +19   Has Evasion (Ring)
Will:                     +11    +4   +7  +2    +3   +27
Special: Undead Traits, Immune to Disintigrate, Turn as 22 HD undead

Weapon              Attack     Damage   Type  Critical   Notes
Great Sword         +16/11     2d6+10                    +1 Adamantine, Sure Striking, Life Drinker
" " w/Divine Pwr    +21/16/11  2d6+14            

Comp Long Bow, L    +           d8+4   P     20x3       
" " w/Divine Pwr

Haste adds: +1 AB, +1 attack at highest AB


Skill         Rank Adjustments  Total Modifers
Concentration  0    -            4     +4 Combat Casting
Spell Craft    8   +2 int       12     +2 syn
Know: Arcane   5   +2 int        7
Know: Religion 5   +2 int        7
Know: Planes   8   +2 int       10
Know: Strategy 8   +2 int       10
Prof: Stratgst 6   +4 wis       10

Bluff          5   +7 cha       12    
Diplomacy      6   +7 cha       17     +4 syn
Disguise       5   +7 cha       22    +10 race shape shift
Intimidate     5   +7 cha       20     +6 race and cryt spawn templates, +2 Syn
Sense Motive   7   +4 wis       15    +2 Race, +2 Syn

Ability Gen:
40 points assigned as follows: STR 14 [6], DEX 14 [6], CON 8 [0], INT 14 [6], WIS 16 [10], CHA 16 [10] 
Leveling: +1 WIS, +2 CHA
Going Undead: +8 Str, +4 Dex, Con -, d12 HP +6 HP/HD (desarcrate, corpscrafter(cohort), dread necro(cohort))
Items: Cloak of Charisma +6, Pariapt of Wisdom +2

HP: max first + 1/2 there after

Ongoing Spells


Magic Vestments - CL17, rod + prayer beads, alternte days on shield and armor, +4 enhance each
Greater Magic Weapon CL17 - prayer beads, morning star, Bow, +4 enhance each
Divine Power CL17 - prayer beads, Divine MM + Persistant Spell, +6 str, 14 BAB, +17 temp HP
Hero's Feast CL13 - 12 hours for party, served at breakfast)
Iron Silence CL17 - CL 17

See Invisble CL17, prayer beads - made permanent via permenancy scroll - gotta luv UMD + Divine Insight!
See Invisble CL17, prayer beads - made permanent via permenancy scroll - gotta luv UMD + Divine Insight!


* Shapeshifter subtype
* Natural Lingist: Languages are class skills
* +2 save vs sleep and charm
* +2 on Bluff, Intimidate, Sense Motive
* Minor Shape Chage(SU) +10 disguise, alter as disguise self (features only, not magic, so proof vs true seeing)

Crypt Spawn (MoF 185)  created via Undeath after Death(Mof 129) from scroll, via UMD and Scroll Divine Insight cast by cohort

* No Constitution score. 
* Darkvision out to 60 feet. 
* Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). 
* Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, and death effects. 
* Not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution), as well as to fatigue and exhaustion effects. 
* Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence score, although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. The fast healing special quality works regardless of the creature’s Intelligence score. 
* Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). 
* Uses its Charisma modifier for Concentration checks. 
* Not at risk of death from massive damage, but when reduced to 0 hit points or less, it is immediately destroyed. 
* Not affected by raise dead and reincarnate spells or abilities. Resurrection and true resurrection can affect undead creatures. These spells turn undead creatures back into the living creatures they were before becoming undead. 
* Proficient with its natural weapons, all simple weapons, and any weapons mentioned in its entry. 
* Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep. 

* +2 Turn Resistance
* +4 Natural Armor
* +4 Intimidate

Spell Stitched (MMII)

* Spell Like Abilities:  Know:2/2/2/2/2 from conj, nec, evo schools Use:4/4/2/2/2
* Damage Reduction: 10/+3
* Spell Resistance: 15 + Cha modifier
* +2 Turn Resistance
* +2 Saves 

Paladin of Slaughter (SRD)

* Aura of Evil (Ex) The power of a paladin of slaughter's aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is 2nd Level, just as with the aura of a cleric of an evil diety
* Detect Good (Sp) At will, a paladin of slaughter can use detect good, as the spell
* Smite Good (Su) Once per day with a melee attack. +7 TH, +14 dmg 
* Deadly Touch (Su) cause wounds with a successful touch attack.  Each day she can deal 14 hit points of damage. An opponent subjected to this attack can make a Will save (DC 18) to halve the damage dealt. 
Alternatively, a paladin of slaughter can use any or all of this power to cure damage to undead creatures, just as an inflict wounds spell does. This power otherwise functions identically to the paladin's lay on hands ability. 

Abjuration Champion(Com MAge)

* Abjuration Armor(Su) +4 to AC provided by abjurations that give shield or AC bonus
* Extended Abjuration(Su) - all abjurations get extended for free
* Quicken Abjurations(Su) up to 2nd level for free
* Arcane Boost(Su) expend spell slot as a swift action to grant insight  1 round bonus of/to
  AB = +1/Level
  Weapon Dmg = +2/Level
  AC = +1/Level
  Saves = +1/Level
  Resisence = 5 * Level to acid, cold, electric, fire, sonic

Recaster (Races of Eberron)

* Expanded Knowledge(Ex) pick 2 spells any school/class and add them to your known spells
* MetaMorphic Spell(Su) grants
  Eschew materials for all spells w/o level change
  4/day silent spell or still spell w/o level change
  3/day quicken spell w/o level change but the duration is 1 round
* Sudden Metamagic(Su) 4/day with empower, 4/day with maximize w/o level or time change

Sorcerer (PHBII)

* Alternate - Cast Meta Magic spells 5/day with no extra time, but may never get a familiar

1  Combat Casting
3  Empower  
6  Maximize
9  Arcane Thesis - Hail of Stone (Com Arc)
12 Leadership

Spells Automatically in play 24/7:
Create Magic Tattoo - +1 AB Luck (CL14)
Create Magic Tattoo - +2 AB Luck (CL14)
Create Magic Tattoo - +1 CL      (CL14)
Draconic Sight      - 140' Darkvsion, 4xLow Light Vision, 2xNomral Vision, Blindsense 70' (Cl14)
Mage Armor, Mass    -            (CL14)

Spells Known   : 9 / 5 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
SP Known       : - / 2 / 2 / 2/  2 / 2 / 1
Spells Castable: 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 6 / 5 / 3 
SP Usable      : - / 4 / 4 / 2/  2 / 2 / 1

0th: DC 17 Save
_Arcane Mark(SRD)
_Amanueses(Spell Comp 9)
_Detect Magic(SRD)
_Mage Hand(SRD)
_Read Magic(SRD)

1st:  DC 18 save
_Hail of Stone(Spell Cmp 55) 5d4 no save no SR 5' radius, 40' high
_Magic Missle(SRD)
_Protection from Good(SRD)

_Divine Favor(SRD)(1/day)  +3 AB/+3 Dmg
_Vigor, Lesser(Spell Cmp 229)(3/day) Fast Healing 1 for 15 rounds

2nd: DC 19 Save
_Arcane Turmoil(Com Mage 96) 
_Create Magic Tattoo(Spell Cmp 55)
_Wraith Strike(Comp Spl 243)
_Scortching Ray(SRD)
_See Invisibility(SRD)

_Command Undead(SRD)(2/day)
_Cause Moderate Wounds(SRD)(2/day)

3rd: DC 20 Save
_Invisiblity Sphere(SRD)
_Magic Weapon, Greater (SRD)  +3
_Mage Armor, Mass(Spl Cmp )
_Resist Energy, Mass (Comp Spl )

_Vigor, Lesser, Mass(Spell Cmp 229)(1/day) Fast Healing 1 for 22 rounds for up to 6 creatures
_Animate Dead(SRD)(1/day)

4th: DC 21 Save                          
_Divine Power(SRD)  +6 str, +14 hp, 14 BAB  -- From Recaster Prc spell pick
_Explosive Cascade(Comp Spl )

_Heart Ripper(Comp Spl 112)(1/day)
_Recitation(Comp Spl 214)(1/day)  +2/3 Luck bonus on AC, Saves, AB for 12 rounds

5th: DC 22 Save
_Draconic Polymorph(Draconomicon 79)
_Dragonsight(Comp Spl 73)  -- From Recaster Prc spell pick

_Plane Shift(1/day)
_Wall of Stone(SRD)(1/day)

6th: DC 23 Save

_Animate Dread Warrior(UnaprchEast xxx)(1/day)
alt: Summon Greater Elemental(Comp Spl 214) or Awaken Undead

2x AquaMarine of Spell Extending(PGtF)  1 used for dragon sight, 1 for mage armor, mass

Handy Haversack(SRD)          2.5k

Ring of Evasion(SRD)         19.0k   +
Ring of Arcane Might(CompArc)15.0k   + +1 CL

Vest of Resistance +3(ComArc) 4.5k   * - +3 enhancemnt bonus on saves
Boots of Speed(SRD)           6.5k   *
Winged Mask(MoF 168)          6.5k   * - Fly 60' good, glow as per light

Cloak of Charisma +6(SRD)    16.0k   *
Periapt of Wisdom +2(SRD)     2.0k   *

+1 Great Sword, Life Drinker, Sure Striking(PGtF), Shifting(Secrets of Xen'drik), Admantine, Spellblade(PGtF) - immune to disintigrate
                             30.0k   * - Can turn into any other weapon, usualy mighty comp LB in this case

mirror for scry           1.0k

Scroll of Undeath after Death 3.0k   - Used, MoF
Scroll of Divine Insight       .6k   - Used, CL 12th, Spell Compendium

Cost of Spell Stitching      36.5k   +   


* 120k enchanted by Knab)  balance from Kanbs starting funds, must deduct xp
+ purchased with Mercantile Background feat by Knab (cohort)

Fill in
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[sblock]Name: Rixek
Race: Babau
Class/Level: Fighter/2
Gender: Male
Exp: 102000

Desc: Rixek is fairly mundane as far as babaus go, doing whatever jobs suits the role he assumes whenever he is hired. But there is one thing that ever-so-slightly separates him from the rest of his kind. He is unusually strong for his kind, especially since he is nothing more than "expendable resources" as far as anyone higher in rank than him is concerned, and this has turned him away from the stereotype of his kind being nothing more than sneaky spies and assassins. He is instead a soldier, carrying little more than his weapon and armor. Well, I guess that is another quirk of his. He wears armor and therefore, the protective slime that coats his body is virtually eliminated as a threat. Beyond that, there is little to say except that he just wishes to do what any other soldier wants: fight and kill others, rise in rank, and assume as much power as he wants, and (this one is personal) all the while relishing the spattering of blood everywhere.

Strength: 32 +11
Dexterity: 12 +1
Constitution: 28 +9
Intelligence: 14 +2
Wisdom: 12 +1
Charisma: 16 +3

Alignment: Chaotic Evil
AC: 36 (10, +1 dex, +8 natural armor, +10 armor, +7 Shield)
Hit Points: 129/129
Movement: 40ft

Init: +1
Base Attack Bonus: +9
Melee Attack: +25
Ranged Attack: +10
Fort: +22
Reflex: +7
Will: +7

Race Abilities:
Damage reduction 10/cold iron or good
Darkvision 60 ft
Immunity to electricity and poison
Resistance to acid 10, cold 10, and fire 10
Spell resistance 14
Telepathy 100 ft
Protective Slime: (1d8 acid damage, Reflex DC 18)

Sneak Attack: A babau can make a sneak attack like a rogue whenever a target is denied their Dexterity bonus, or when they are flanked, dealing an extra 2d6 damage.

Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 7th.

At will -darkness, dispel magic, see invisibility, greater teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only).

Summon Tanar'ri: Once per day a succubus can attempt to summon 1 babau with a 40% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 3rd-level spell.

Skills: Babaus have a +8 racial bonus on Hide, Listen, Move Silently, and Search checks.


Appraise: +10 (8 ranks, +2 Intelligence)
Climb: +31 (17 ranks, +11 Strength, +5 Competence, -2 Armor Check Penalty)
Escape Artist: +16 (17 ranks, +1 Intelligence, -2 Armor Check Penalty)
Forgery: +4 (2 ranks, +2 Intelligence)
Jump: +31 (17 ranks, +11 Strength, +5 Competence, -2 Armor Check Penalty)
Knowledge (architecture and engineering): +10 (8 ranks, +2 Intelligence)
Sense Motive: +9 (8 ranks, +1 Wisdom)
Swim: +29 (17 ranks, +11 Strength, +5 Competence, -4 Armor Check Penalty)


Natural: Power Attack, Cleave, Multiattack
Fighter: Quick Draw, Weapon Focus (scythe)
Normal: Improved Critical (scythe)

Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Undercommon, Common

Money: 298 pp, 0 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp

Weapons: +2 Scythe (+23/+18, 2d4+18, 19-20/x4, 10 lb)

Armor: +5 Elven Chain (+10 AC, +4 Max Dex, -2 ACP, 20% SF, 20 lb)

Shield: +5 Animated Mithral Heavy Shield (+7 AC, 0 ACP, 5% SP, 5 lb)

Gear: Belt Pouch, Small Steel Mirror, Crowbar

Magical Items: Manual of Gainful Exercise +1 (Used and Destroyed), Boots of Striding and Springing, Bag of Holding Type IV

Random Racial HD/Random Fighter HD/Max. Racial HD/Constitution Modifier (6d8=30, 2d10=10, 8,81=8, 81)
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First Post
Weapon- Male personality warforged monk 14

Strength: 26 (+2 level) (+6 enhancement)
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 20 (+4 enhancement)
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 14 (+1 level)
Charisma: 8

AC: 25 (10 +2 Dex +2 Wis +3 monk +6 armor +2 deflection)
Touch: 19
Flat-footed: 18

HP: 13 + 13d8+65 (137 hp)

Base Attack Bonus: +10/+5

Speed: 80 ft

Fort +16 (+9 base, +2 resistance, +5 Con)
Ref +13 (+9 base, +2 resistance, +2 Dex)
Will +13 (+9 base, +2 resistance, +2 Dex)

Unarmed strike +20 melee (+22 critical confirm), 4d8+14 bludgeoning damage, 17-20/x2 crit
Full attack unarmed strike +20 melee (+22 critical confirm) 8d8+28 bludgeoning damage, 17-20/x2 crit
Fists of Iron +1d6 5/day
Various elemental enhancements +2d6 5/day each
Stunning Fist DC 19 Fort (21 full attack), 14/day
Sudden Stunning DC 22 Reflex 5/day (compatable with Stunning Fist, but not Elemental Surges)
Full attack maximum unarmed strike +20 melee (+22 critical confirm) 8d8+28+1d6+2d6 bludgeoning/bludgeoning/elemental damage, 17-20/x2 crit

Jump 18 ranks, +10 enhancement, +5 competence, +8 Strength, +20 speed, +61 total
Craft (blacksmithing) 18 ranks, +0 Int, +2 equipment, +20 total
Spot 12 ranks, +2 Wis, +14 total
Listen 10 ranks, +2 Wis, +12 total
Tumble 10 ranks, +2 Dex, +12 total

Hammer Fist
Monk weapon proficiency (Monk bonus)
Improved Unarmed Strike (Monk bonus)
Stunning Fist (Monk bonus)
Deflect Arrows (2nd level Monk bonus)
Fists of Iron
Improved Natural Attack (unarmed strike)
Improved Trip (6th level Monk bonus)
Superior Unarmed Strike
Improved Critical (Unarmed Strike)

Class features:
Monk AC bonus (Wisdom + 2 to AC) (Wisdom + 3 with Monk's belt)
Decisive strike (PHB II monk variant)
Unarmed strike
Improved evasion
Still mind
Ki strike (magic, lawful)
Slow fall 70 ft
Purity of body
Wholeness of body
Diamond body
Abundant step
Diamond soul (SR 24)

Living construct traits:
Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, things that cause the sickened condition, and energy drain.
Incapable of healing damage naturally.
Still subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, death effects, and necromancy effects.
Affected by spells that target living creatures and those that target constructs. Spells from the healing subschool and supernatural abilities that cure hit point or ability damage provide only half their normal effect.
Affected by heat metal, chill metal, and repel metal or stone as if wearing metal armor. Repelled by repel wood. Rusting Grasp deals 2d6 damage, Reflex half, DC 14 + caster's ability modifier; rust monster's touch deals the same damage, Reflex DC 17 half.
Note that stone to flesh, stone shape, warp wood, and wood shape effect objects only, which warforged are not.
Strenuous activity does not cause further damage at 0 hp. Automatically stabilizes at -1 to -10.
Can be raised or ressurected.
Does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe, but can still benefit from the effects of consumable spells (goodberry, hero's feast) and magical items (potions).
Composite Plating: +2 armor bonus to AC, enchantable, cannot wear conventional armor.
Light Fortification
Natural weapon: slam attack, 1d4 damage.
+2 Con, -2 Wis, -2 Cha (factored into statistics)
Favored class: Fighter.

Boots of Striding and Springing
Vest of Giant Strength +6
Monk's Belt
Improved Ring of Jumping
Ring of Protection +2
Cloak of Resistance +2
+4 enchanted composite plating
Amulet of Health +4
Pitspawned Adamantine Battlefist +2 of Impact
Caustic Surge (+2d6 acid damage 5/day)
Flaming Surge (+2d6 fire damage 5/day)
Icy Surge (+2d6 cold damage 5/day)
Lightning Surge (+2d6 electricity damage 5/day)
Sudden Stunning (Reflex save DC 22 or be stunned for 1d4+1 rounds 5/day)
(Surge enhancements are a swift action to activate, so they only work one at a time)

3x Potion of Barkskin +3
3x Potion of Fly
Potion of Haste
Potion of Heroism
7x Oil of Repair Moderate Damage
Warforged repair kit
150 gp

Monster Manual (Improved Natural Attack)
Book of Nine Swords (Superior Unarmed Strike)
Player's Handbook II (Decisive Strike substitute monk class feature)
Eberron Campaign Setting (warforged race, battlefist, ectoplasmic fist shard, warforged repair kit)
Magic of Eberron (Oil of Repair)
Dragon #279 (Hammer Fist)
Dungeon Master's Guide II (Surge enhancements, Pitspawned weapon template)
DMG magic item creation rules (Vest of Giant Strength +6)

Appearence: Weapon is a heavily-built construct with a solid look and an upper body that looks like it could lift tons.. Most of its permanent magic items are actually built-in systems, resulting in a somewhat busy appearence wherever a filled magical item slot would be; the Vest of Giant Strength is a strength-enhancing armature covering most of the torso, the Cloak of Resistance is a glowing tracery of mithral about the back, et cetera. Particularly notable is his battlefist; an immensely oversized, corrosion-pitted adamantine right hand, it has a glowing stone of a different color on each of its knuckles.

Personality: Like many monks, the primary drive of Weapon is enlightenment. Unlike many monks, he believes that enlightenment comes in the submersion of the identity, and that its end goal is to become a more perfect tool of destruction. He does not seem to realize the irony in that while he is one of the few constructs endowed with free will, he has spent much of his existance attempting to suppress it.

History: Escaped Yugoloth magical expiriment. More to come if the character actually rotates into the game.
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First Post

Still needs more but closer...

NE, Female, Spellstitched Bone Dark Goblin, Swordsage 12

Str: 12/+1 (00pts-2goblin+8boneCreatureSpecial-2unseelieFeyTemplate)
Dex: 40/+15 (18(16pts)+2goblin+4boneCreature+4boneCreatureSpecial+3lvls+1wish+6gear+2unseelieFeyTemplate)
Con: --
Int: 14/+2 (06pts)
Wis: 24/+7 (16pts+6gear)
Cha: 08/-1 (00pts-2goblin+2unseelieFeyTemplate)

Secondary Stats
HP: 12d12+72(boneCreatureSpecial) = ??hp
Normal AC: 41 (+15dex,+4bracers,+1size,+1natural,+2boneCreatureSpecial,+2ring,+7wis(class))
Touch AC: 38 (+15dex,+4bracers,+1size,+2ring,+7wis(class))
Flatfooted AC: 27 (+4bracers,+1size,+1natural,+2boneCreatureSpecial+2ring,+7wis(class))
Init: +21 (+15dex,+3class,+4boneCreatureSpecial)
BaB/Grapple: +9/+5
Move: 60', fly 100' (average) (base 30'+10'dark+10'boneCreatureSpecial+10'boots, fly 100'(average), no armor, light load)
Saves: 4 Fort[4], +23 Refx[8](+15dex), +15 Will[8](+7wis)
Languages: Common, Goblin, Infernal, Abyssal

Combat Stats
• Attack: BaB +9, Size +1, Dex +15, Str +1, WF(Shadow Hand weapons) +1, Necklace of Natural Weapons +1
• Damage: +1 Strength, +1 Necklace of Natural weapons, +1d6 cold with natural attacks
• Conditional: +3 to hit when using a Shadow Hand strike, +15 dmg usind Dex mod while in any Shadow Hand stance, +7 damage (wis) when using Shadow Hand strikes
• DR15/Cold Iron, DR10/+3, Vulnerable to Cold Iron +1d6 damage

+30, melee, Unarmed Strike, 1d10+1d6cold+15(dex)+7(wis)+1(str)+1(necklace), 20/x2 (standard attack)
+30/+25, melee, Unarmed Strike, 1d10+1d6cold+15(dex)+7(wis)+1(str)+1(necklace), 20/x2 (full round attack)

Skills - 120pts
+32 Balance [15](+15dex+2tumble)
+16 Climb [15](+1str)
+16 Escape Artist [1cc](+15dex)
+08 Heal [1](+7wis)
+47 Hide [15](+15dex+8darkTemplate+4small+5cloak)
+05 Knowledge(history) [3](+2int)
+22 Listen [15](+7wis)
+40 Move Silently [15](+15dex+4race+6darkTemplate)
+16 Open Lock [1cc](+15dex)
+02 Search [0](+2int)
+22 Sense Motive [15](+7wis)
+16 Sleight of Hand [1cc](+15dex)
+08 Spot [1cc](+7wis)
+08 Survival [1cc](+7wis)
+01 Swim [0](+3str)
+32 Tumble [15](+15dex+2jump)
+15 Use Rope [0](+15dex)

• Weapon Finesse (bone creature bonus feat - lvl 1)
• Shadow Blade (lvl 1) - With shadow hand weapons you can add your Dex modifier to damage
• Improved Unarmed Strike (lvl 3)
• Superior Unarmed Strike (lvl 6) - Unarmed Damage 1d10
• Gloom Razor* (lvl 9)
• Adaptive Style (lvl 12) - Full round action to change and ready your maneuvers.

Gloom Razor:
• Lingering Gloom: If an opponent misses you due to concealment you can make a hide check as a swift action on the following turn which grants you the benefit of an invisibility spell against that foe until the end of your turn.
• Moving Shadows: If you deal damage to an enemy with a melee attack and move at least 10' during your turn you can treat that same enemy as flat-footed against the first melee attack you make in the following round.
• Shadow Slip: If you make a successful melee attack against an opponent you flank you may make a DC20 Tumble check on your following turn if you are still adjacent to your foe. If this check succeeds, as a free action you can move to any square adjacent to your opponent without provoking attacks of opportunity from any opponent.

• -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma
• Small size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, -4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits ¾ those of Medium characters.
• Move 30'
• Darkvision out to 60 feet
• +4 racial bonus on Move Silently and Ride checks
• Automatic Languages: Common, Goblin
• Favored Class: Rogue
• Level adjustment +0.

Dark Template
• Type: Extraplanar
• Speed: +10' to all modes of movement
• Darkvision 60'
• Hide in Plain Sight
• Resistance to cold 10
• Superior low-light vision
• +8 racial bonus on Hide and +6 on Move Silently checks
• LA +1

Unseelie Fey [Dragon Compendium pg 222-223 originally printed in Dragon 304 (Feb 2003)]
• Type is changed to Fey.
• -2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution, +2 Charisma
• Flight 2 x move speed (average) : Batlike Wings
• Season's Power (Summer Caress (Su)): Surrounded by warm verdant air of summer at all times. The unseelie fey is protected by a magic circle of nature. This ability functions much like a magic circle against evil except that it protects against attacks from all creatures of any alignment except for those of the animal, beast, fey or magical beast creature types. This continuous ability has a caster level equal to the unseelie fey's hit dice for all purposes.
• DR 15/cold iron
• Iron Vulnerability (Ex): The mere touch of iron is painful to the unseelie fey dealing 1pt of damage. Weapons made of iron deal an additional +1d6 damage. The fey's DR does protect it from this damage unless of course the weapon is a cold iron weapon in which case their DR is bypassed and an additional +1d6 damage is taken.
• Low light vision
• +4 racial bonus on intimidate checks
• Always Evil
• Level Adjustment: +0

Bone Creature Template
Special: Created in an area under a Desecrate spell effect (+2hp/hd) by a Dread Necromancer (Heroes of Horror: +4Str, +4Dex, +2hp/hd) with the following feats: Corpsecrafter (Libris Mortis: +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and +2hp/hd), Bolster Resistance (Libris Mortis: +4 turn resistance), Deadly Chill (Libris Mortis: +1d6 cold damage with all natural weapons), Hardened Flesh (Libris Mortis: +2 natural armor bonus to Armor Class), Nimble Bones (Libris Mortis: +4 on initiative checks and +10' to it's base land speed)
• Type: Undead
• +1 Natural armor
• Natural claw attack 1d3 or claw/claw as a full attack action
• Undead Traits: Immune to mind affecting effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromantic effects, any effect requiring a fortitude save, critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, and massive damage death.
• Immunity to cold
• Bonus Feat: Weapon Finesse
• Half damage from piercing and slashing weapons
• +4 Dexterity, -- Constitution
• LA +1

Spellstitched Undead (23,500gp)
• Spell Like Abilities (each usable 1/day unless noted otherwise)
•• 1st: ???(3/day), ??? - Nightshield, Hail of Stone, Summon Undead I, Critical Strike,
•• 2nd: See Invisible (3/day), Chain of Eyes 1/day
•• 3rd: Anticipate Teleportation, Amorphous Form
•• 4th: Armor of Darkness, ???
•• 5th: Teleport 2/day
•• 6th: Globe of Invulnerability
• Damage Reduction: DR10/+3
• Turn Resistance +2
• Spell Resistance 15

Swordsage 12
• 12D8 HD --> Changed to 12D12 from Bone Creature template
• +9/+4 BaB, +4 Fort, +8 Ref, +8 Will
• Class Skills: Balance, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge(history), Knowledge(local), Knowledge(nature), Knowledge(nobility and royalty), Listen, Martial Lore, Move Silently, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Swim and Tumble
• Skill points = 6+int mod/ level (x4 at 1st level)
• Quick to act +3
• Discipline Focus(Weapon Focus) - Shadow Hand Discipline; Weapon focus with all weapons from this discipline
• Discipline Focus(Insightful Strike) - Shadow Hand Discipline and Desert Wind; Add wis modifier to strikes from the chosen disciplines
• Sense Magic: Detect qualities of weapons and armor at will
• Discipline Focus(Defensive Stance) - Shadow Hand Discipline; +2 on all saving throws when in a Shadow Hand stance
• Evasion
• Maneuvers Known/Readied: 17/8 (Saves 10 + )
•• Burning Blade (dw boost[fire], 1 swift action): +1d6 fire dmg +1 pt./initiator level (+12) until the end of your turn
•• Clinging Shadow Strike (sh strike): Single melee attack + 1d6 dmg and 20% miss chance for 1 round, Fort DC18 to avoid miss chance
•• Shadow Blade Technique (sh strike): Single melee attack, roll 2d20 and select the one to use, higher resolve as normal, lower + 1d6 cold dmg (if it hits)
•• Cloak of Deception(sh boost, 1 swift action): Greater invisibility as the spell until the end of your turn.
•• Shadow Jaunt (sh teleportation, 50', 1 standard action)
•• Shadow Garrote (sh strike, 1 standard action, 60'): Shadow strand ranged touch attack, 5d6 + Fort DC20 or flat-footed until start of their next turn (no effect on non-living creatures)
•• Strength Draining Strike (sh strike): Single melee attack + 4pts Strength dmg, Fort DC20 1/2 Str dmg
•• Death Mark (dw strike[fire]): Single melee attack + 6d6 fire burst (radius; small 5', medium 10', larget 20', etc.) centered on the target, Reflex DC20 1/2 dmg
•• Hand of Death (sh strike): Melee touch attack against a flat-footed opponent only, Fort DC21 or be paralyzed for 1d3
•• Obscuring Shadow Veil (sh strike): Single melee attack + 5d6 dmg and 50% miss chance attacks for 1 round, Fort DC21 to negate miss chance only
•• Fire Snake (dw strike[fire]): 60' bendable line of fire, 6d6 points of fire damage to any creature(s) in the same squares, Reflex DC21 1/2 dmg
•• Bloodletting Strike (sh strike) - Single melee attack + 4 pts. Con damage, Fort DC22 1/2 Con dmg
•• Shadow Stride (sh teleportation, 50', 1 move action)
•• Leaping Flame (dw counter[teleport], 1 immediate action, 100'): Appear adjacent to your attacker after resolving their attack against you.
•• Ghost Blade (sh strike): Opponent is flat-footed against a single melee attack
•• Shadow Noose (sh strike, 1 standard action, 60'): Shadow noose ranged touch attack vs. flat-footed opponent, 8d6 dmg + Fort DC23 or be stunned 1 round (no effect on non-living creatures)
•• Stalker in the Night (sh strike, 1 full-round action): Move up to your speed, make a single melee attack at any point, as long as you end your turn in a spot allowing you to hide your foes must make Spot and Listen checks as normal to discern your presence, your movement and this maneuver's attack have no effect on your Hid and Move Silently results
• Stances Known: 4
•• Child of Shadow (sh): 10' move grants concealment against all attacks for 1 turn
•• Assassin's Stance(sh): gain the ability to deal +2d6 Sneak Attack damage
•• Island of Blades(sh):
•• ??? (??):

[sblock=Personal Information]Summary Description
2'7", 24lbs., 342years old




[sblock=Gear 150000gp]
Ring of Protection +2 (worn, left hand, ring finger, 8000gp/-wt)
Gloves of Dex +6 (worn, hands/wrists, 36000gp/1wt)
Boots of Skating (worn, feet, 7000gp/1wt) - XPH
Circlet of Wisdom +6 (worn, head, 36000gp/-wt)
Necklace of Natural Weapons (+1 enchanted, Shadow Hand, both "hands" claws; worn, neck, 17200gp/-wt) - SS
Bracers of Armor +4 (worn, arms, 16000gp/1wt)
Cloak of Shadow (worn, back, 2500gp/2wt)
Living Mask (worn, eyes, 400gp/-wt) - Ghostwalk
Spellstitched Spells (Spellstitched, 23500gp/-wt)

Total Weight Carried: ??? lbs.
Carrying Capacity: ???/???/???[/sblock]
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First Post
[B]Name:[/B]   Aldred Boneweaver
[B]Class:[/B]  Cleric
[B]Race:[/B]   Spellstitched Bone Human (Undead)
[B]Size:[/B]   Medium
[B]Gender:[/B] Male
[B]Align:[/B]  NE

[B]Str:[/B] 14 +2 ( 6p.)                  [B]Level:[/B] 13       [B]XP:[/B] 104,000 (Next: 105,000)
[B]Dex:[/B] 18 +4 ( 6p.  +4 Race)         [B]BAB:[/B] +9         [B]HP:[/B] [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1532122/]118[/url] 
[B]Con:[/B] -- -- ( 0p.)                  [B]Grapple:[/B] +11    [b]Turn Resistance:[/b] +4
[B]Int:[/B] 14 +2 ( 6p.)                  [B]Speed:[/B] 30'       
[B]Wis:[/B] 27 +8 (16p., +3 Lvl, +6 Enh)  [B]Init:[/B] +4        
[B]Cha:[/B] 14 +2 ( 6p.)                  [B]ACP:[/B] -0         

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +8    +0    +4    +0    +2    +4    28
[B]Touch:[/B] 18              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 24

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      8    --    +8    +16
[B]Ref:[/B]                       4    +2    +8    +14
[B]Will:[/B]                      8    +8    +8    +24

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
2x Claws                   +13      1d4         20x2

[B]Languages:[/B] Abyssal, Common, Infernal

[b]Racial Features[/b]: +2 Profane bonus on Saves, Darkvision 60', 
DR 5/Bludgeoning&Magic&Silver, Immune to Cold, SR 14, Turn Resistance +2, 
Undead Traits, Weapon Finesse

[B]Feats:[/B] Improved Turn Resistance, Maximize SLA(Vampiric Touch), Profane Vigor,
Quicken SLA(Spectral Hand), Spell Penetration, Spell Penetration(Greater)

[b]Spell Like Abilities[/b]: (From the [i]Spellstitched[/i] template)
  [i]Magic Missile[/i] 2/day
  [i]Ray of Enfeeblement[/i] 2/day

  [i]Blindness/Deafness[/i]  1/day
  [i]Spectral Hand[/i]       3/day

  [i]Ray of Exhaustion[/i]   1/day (DC: 21)
  [i]Vampiric Touch[/i]      3/day

  [i]Animate Dead[/i]        2/day

  [i]Cloudkill[/i]           1/day (DC: 23)
  [i]Cone of Cold[/i]        1/day (DC: 23)

  [i]Circle of Death[/i]     1/day (DC: 24)

[b]Class Features:[/b] Rebuke Undead 5/day

[B]Skill Points:[/B]  80        [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 16
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Bluff*                     8    +2         +10
Concentration             15    --         +15
Diplomacy                  9    +2    +4   +15
Kn(Arcana)                 3    +2          +5
Kn(Religion)               5    +2          +7
Kn(Planes)                 5    +2          +7
Sense Motive               7    +8         +15
Spellcraft                13    +2         +15

[B]Equipment:                    Cost  Weight[/B]

  Spellstitched                48,500gp

  Explorers Outfit                  0gp    0lb
  Silver Holy Symbol               25gp    1lb
  Spell Component Pouch             5gp    2lb 
   Expensive Components         8,000gp

  Mithral Breastplate +1        5,350gp   15lb

  Anklet of Translocation       1,400gp  (Teleport 10' as Swift action 2/day)
    [ ] [ ]
  Dragonscale Cloak             5,000gp  (ER 5, select Energy type as Std action)
  Healing Belt                    750gp  (Heal 2d8 3/day, Std Action)
    [ ] [ ] [ ]
  Periapt of Wis +6            36,000gp
  Ring of Mystic Defiance       7,500gp  (3/day, Reduce damage from Spell or SP by 10)
    [ ] [ ] [ ]
  Ring of Positive Prot        36,000gp  (Immune to all Positive Energy effects)

[B]Total:[/B]                 148,505gp   15lb      

[B]Money:[/B]                  150k  gp

                           [B]Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push[/B]
[B]Max Weight:[/B]             

  [i]Destruction[/i]: Smite 1/day
  [i]Magic[/i]: Activate Scrolls, Wands, etc as Wizard 1/2 Cleric Level

Spells/Day:    0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7
               6    5+3  5+3  4+3  4+3  3+2  2+2  1+2 

Spells Prepared

    Cure Minor Wounds
    Cure Minor Wounds
    Detect Magic
    Detect Magic
    Read Magic
    Read Magic

  1 (DC: 19)
    Cure Light Wounds
    Cure Light Wounds
    [s]Shield of Faith[/s]
    Shield of Faith
    (d) Inflict Light Wounds

  2 (DC: 20)
    Resist Energy
    Resist Energy
    Lesser Restoration
    Spiritual Weapon
    (d) Identify

  3 (DC: 21)
    Bestow Curse
    [s]Magic Vestment[/s]
    Speak with Dead
    (d) Dispel Magic

  4 (DC: 22)
    Cure Critical Wounds
    Delay Death
    Freedom of Movement
    (d) Inflict Critical Wounds

  5 (DC: 23)
    Break Enchantment
    Dragon Breath
    Flame Strike
    True Seeing
    (d) Spell Resistance

  6 (DC: 24)
    [s]Superior Resistance[/s]
    (d) Harm

  7 (DC: 25)
    (d) Spell Turning

  [i]Animate Dead[/i] (52hd)
    1x Young Adult Red Dragon Skeleton (1x19 = 19hd)
    4x Troll Skeleton                  (4x 6 = 24hd)
    4x Wolf Skeleton                   (4x 2 =  8hd)

  [i]Rebuke Undead[/i] (13hd)
    2x Wraith                          (2x 5 = 10hd)

[sblock=Active Effects]
  Undead Traits
  Immune to Cold
  DR 5/ Blunt & Magic & Silver
  Turn Resistance +4
  Spell Resistance 14

  [i]Magic Vestment[/i]
  [i]Superior Resistance[/i]

 Magic Items
  Fire Resistance 5 (Dragonscale Cloak)
  Immune to Positive Energy damage (Ring of Positive Protection)
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First Post

Class: Gargoyle (LA5, HD4)/Ferial (LA1)/Fighter 4
                            Age: ??
Race: Monstrous Humanoide   Height: 6' 6"
Size: Medium  	            Weight: ??? lbs
Gender: Male                Eyes: Deep Black
Alignment: Lawful Evil      Hair: None
Deity:                      Skin: Black/Green Marble

Class & Racial Traits:
Gargoyle                  Feral Template
Darkvision: 60'            HD: Change to d10
Racial HD: +4d8            Speed +10ft
Dmg Red: 10/Magic          AC: +6 Natural
AC: +4 Natural             Nat. Attack: 2xClaw (1d8)
+2, Hide, Listen, Spot     Fast Healing: +8
Ex: Freeze                 Improved Grab, Pounce, Rake
  If remains still observers must make DC 20 spot to if he is alive

Fighter & Class Levels
Feats: 6
ABility Points: 2

     Total   Rac  Bon  Enh  Base
Str: 28 (+9)  +8        +4   16   Level: 14      XP: 
Dex: 26 (+8)  +2   +2   +4   16   BAB: +8/+3     HP: 112 (8d10+72)
Con: 28 (+9) +10        +2   14   Grapple: +17   Dmg Red: 10/Magic
Int: 04 (-3)  -8             12   Speed: 40'     Flight: 60' (Good)
Wis: 16 (+3)  +2             14   Init: +5       Spell Res: -
Cha: 04 (-3)  -4             08   ACP: -2        Spell Fail: 30%				

       Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total
Armor:  10   +5    +5   +8  +0  +10  +2   40 (41)
Touch:  17   Flat-Footed: 26

      Base Fig Mod Enh  Total
Fort:  1    4   +9  +3   +17
Ref:   4    1   +7  +3   +15
Will:  4    1   +3  +3   +11

Armor                 Bonus Dex ACP ASF  Weight Cost
Thistledown Padded +4   +5  +10  0   0%   5lbs  16405gp
*Heavy S. SHield +3     +5   -  -1  15%  15lbs  16170gp

Weapon               Attack     Damage       Critical  Range  Weight Cost 
* C.L. Bow +2       +17/+13      2d6+11      19-20x2   330ft    -   33675gp
* Gr. Sword +2      +19/+14   3d6+15(+1d6)   19-20x2     -      -     -
    *Large Thinaun Greater SwordBow (+9 Str Bow)(Distance & Acid)

Equipment                    Cost / Weight
Vest of Resistance +3       (9,000gp / -lbs)  [Chest]
Helm of the Hunter          (9,000gp / -lbs)  [Head] (+5 Spot, Far Shot)
Boots of Speed              (12,000gp / -lbs) [Feet] (Doubles Movement Rate)
Gloves of Dex +4            (16,000gp / -lbs) [Hands]
Ring of Protection + 2      (8,000gp / -lbs)  [Ring 1]
Ring of Wound Closure       (15,000gp / -lbs) [Ring 2] (Doubles Natural Healing Rate)
Belt of Giant Str +4        (16,000gp / -lbs) [Waist] 
Strongarm Bracers                                     (Gives Powerful Build Trait)
    of Aerial Combat        (14,000gp / -lbs)  [Arms] (+1 to Att while I or target is in air)
Medallion of Aerial Defense &                        (DR 10/Magic vs ranged attacks while I or target is in air)
    Amulet of Health +2     (12,000gp / -lbs)  [Neck] 

Array of the Manticore set bonus abilities
-Feather Fall At Will (Swift, Mental Action)

Total Gold Spent: 176675 (180000)
Total Gold Remaining: 3325

Current Capacity: Light (67)
Carry Capacity: Light: 0-233 Med.: 234-466 Heavy: 467-700 
Lift: 1400 Drag: 3500

Languages: Common

Feats: (6/6)
Imp. Flight, Flyby Attack, Greater Flyby Attack, 
Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot
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