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The Crux of the Matter


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"What happenned... everyone alright? Perfect. We will need to get everyone out of there before something really bad happen." tells Rinaldo. "Ashnar, Tenebrynn, Vanitri thinks of something while I finish to search."

OOC: I'll grabs also any gems or owder of gems that I can identify... at least, these component, Rinaldo knows there true value, and even for more unusual items, Rinaldo have some know(arcana) (+4 now, lost +1 because of that card :/ )

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Rystil Arden

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*Rinaldo ferries out the magic items he finds one by one--he can't do anything more because once he has one item, he can't detect the other ones. While doing this, another Wild Surge goes off.*

*Hogarth is Slowed, Laynie is Polymorphed into a Dryad temporarily, and ghostly music plays a pratfall.*

*Meanwhile, Rinaldo gets more magic items. Then another Wild Surge goes off. Several semiprecious stones shoot out of Laynie's fingertips and remain to be taken by any who so chooses. Hogarth's footprints now look like dragon prints, at least whenever he leaves them. Meanwhile, small flowers blossom around Rinaldo in a beautiful pattern. As Rinaldo makes it out with the last of the magic item, he looks for gems and gem powders. By then, Laynie's Wall of Fire has faded away, so she heads out of the room. Then, the Reverse Gravity finally ends, and Hogarth swings around the Immovable Rod as gravity shifts. Then he climbs down slowly to the floor, leaving rod and rope still there for Rinaldo. As he heads out slowly, a window-sized gate opens in front of him to the Astral plane. He and Rinaldo see Opale, Planus, Charlarn, Iggy, and their friends fighting some Gith. The Gate isn't large enough to fit, though they can see through and speak through. Also, Rinaldo gains minor X-Ray Vision. He can see through thin layers of organic material, so for instance, he sees Laynie and Ashna naked save for jewelry and the like, despite their clothes. This X-Ray Vision fades after about half a minute.*

(OOC: Let me know what you're going to do. If Rinaldo is just going to grab the rest of the valuable reagents, that works too--just let me know)


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[SBLOCK=OOC]Rinaldo will do so... anyway, until his allergy is not gone, he is not in a hurry to climb up more the tower. they will most likely find some opposition and he needs his items to protect himself... and if he still hasted all the better.[/SBLOCK]

"Let's finish that quickly before I become crazy. If there is something chaotic in this world, it is that tower..." tells Rinaldo to himself just before the gate open. "What Opale is doing with Charlarn? What is she doing?"

[SBLOCK=OOC]OOC: I think that part will need Patlin agreement as it might interact with his adventure... but if he doesn't mind:

"Opale! Charlarn! Iggy!" shouts Rinaldo

"Rinaldo?" answers Opale confused.

Rinaldo see the group figthing and spots that Opale seems to do nothiong to help. "What are you doing? They need your help." tells Rinaldo, seeing Charlan, Iggy and the others figthing.

"I'm out of ammunition" shouts Opale.

"Catch that!" Rinaldo throw his quiver of bolt just as the gate starts to close.

OOC: Now if the bolt pass throught the gate will only depend on you and Patlin ;) Anyway, it would just be fun to have an interaction between two games :p [/SBLOCK]
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Rystil Arden

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*Hogarth slowly shambles out. Meanwhile Rinaldo collects more reagents. While he is doing so, a Fireball centres on him in a roiling explosion of fire. He manages to evade the blast entirely. As he is finishing up, a deafening bang stuns him temporarily, then another Wild Surge hits, but he doesn't know what it is. Finally, he leaves, a massive pile of loot gathered outside of the room.*


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"Ok... I don't return in there. That fireball almost get me killed... my rod! Ok, just a quick go in and out." Rinaldo quickly return inside, climb the rope, push the button and land on the floorm hurting his ankle, before going back outside the room. "Now, it's finish and wathever there is left will stay there. That's not only a cursed tower, it is a crazy one!" He turns to Hogarth "And you tell nothing to Valeria. If she learn half of what have happen in this tower, she will have an heart attack... and if Salvador learn about it, it will put bad idea in his mind. Plan for him to try to replicate those things if he become a wizard."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Here a few climb rolls in case one is not enough. And the fall... damned, that's what happen when you don't have your magical items :p [/SBLOCK]

Rystil Arden

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*As Rinaldo falls towards the ground, coloured streamers shoot out from his hand like a street magician at a child's party. Also, he takes 3 Damage.*

*At Rinaldo's pronouncement, there is a bright flash of light as if the universe was responding to his pronouncement.*

(OOC: The surge that did 'nothing' made his statements irrevocably true. Better not let Valeria or Salvador hear about the tower :])

*At the same time, they hear the faint sound of a voice from one of the diagonal-side rooms.*

"Is there someone there? You're not with Eve or Sin, are you? It sounds like men, so not Elpis...Are you friends of Spira?"


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Rinaldo put back his ring, then his gloves, his armor and finally his hat. While doing this, he speak alound to the voice "As you can guess, we are friend of Elpis, as she is the only one who can unseal the door that lead here. My name is Rinaldo di Senzio, and who are you? It would be interesting to see to who we speak."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"Really? Elpis is here! I didn't know what was going on--I guess they decided something while I was hiding," the door opens slightly and part of a face peeks out, then her face lights up when she sees Laynie, who has changed back from being a Dryad, "Has it really been so many years that Elpis is this old now! You're almost all grown up...so big now, and you look so adorable! I have been up here for so long! Listen, you must destroy the Crux before Eve gets up here!"

*She steps out of the room entirely, looking less skittish. All the aspects are rather beautiful (well, except the ones that are old men or little girls), but this one is an incredible vision of beauty, and unlike the others in armour or cloaks, she is wearing a lavish dress and accessories, including a corset, that show it off, with a daring neckline that entices the eye to see more.*

"I'm Love, Elpis. Nice to meet you! Actually, we call you Elpis among each other to keep it from being confused, but you'd go by Laynie...Can I call you Laynie, my daughter? I hope you can forgive me...forgive us all, for everything that has happened. Whatever else, I love you Laynie. Can I have a hug?"

*Laynie nods emotionally and meets Love half-way to give her mother's aspect a hug.*

"I love you Laynie, Love kisses her daughter on the forehead, "Whatever else happens, you've made me proud."

*She addresses the whole group:*

"Have you been up to through the rift of Astral stuff? The Crux is not far from here. Eve's agents could be behind you at any minute!"


First Post
"Laynie aged because of a time distortion. We have met the other who are hiding down there. But you are true, we have lost too much time. Eve must now be aware the seal have been broken." Rinaldo looks at the bag full of magical items. "If you know what these items do, it might be usefull to fight against Eve's minion. If not, we will have to avoid using it as they might well be cursed and I think we played enough with fire in this tower."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"When we split, many of my memories of details began to fail, perhaps because my nature as an embodiment of love did not require as firm a grasp of knowledge, though I hate to propagate the stereotype of the dumb gorgeous blonde...I think some of the lost memories have formed a library of their own in the physical library down below."

"The only item I remember is that there should be an old nexus in there, the spiral nimbus nexus. Sin herself has the newest one. Oh, and is there a deck...some kind of deck. It's the most powerful item in there, I think. None of the items should be cursed. Making a cursed item is foolish and pointless, right? Although not all of them were made by me...us. Some are relics of Old Medibaria from the days of the Empire."

*As she talks, it is hard for Rinaldo, Hogarth, or Vanitri to pay attention to anything she is saying, their eyes drawn to her supernatural beauty, their thoughts distracted by it.*

"Hey! My eyes are up here!" she replies, slightly miffed, though she only looks more alluring this way, "Men! Honestly! So, we should head up quickly before Eve sends someone here. Her servants are very dangerous."

Voidrunner's Codex

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