New Microlite20 thread


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I've been abstaining from any and all DnD until 4E comes out...but reading this makes me want to host a PbP M20 game just for the heck of it.

What I love about M20 is that it provides a basic skeleton to do whatever the heck you want. One of my big gripes about 3.xE was that the rule complexity seemed more limiting than enabling (at least for a DM).

With M20, the DM is given a nearly divine mandate to BS and houserule to oblivion.

I love it.

I'm a bit curious about the high level issue as well. I've been playing with the idea of getting rid of "Weapon Types" in general, and instead making a distinction between "Martial" and "Simple".

i.e. ALL "Martial" weapons do the same damage, while ALL "Simple" weapons do the same damage.

This damage will also scale up to reflect increased aptitude and to remove reliance on magical gear.

Maybe Martial = 1d8 and Simple = 1d4 to start, then increases a die every 4th level.

I like weird, iconic, non-standard characters and I want to promote that. Hence, with this system you could have a Fighter who specializes in Knife Fighting...utilizing expertly crafted "Martial" daggers that, through design and skill, strike as solidly as a Great Axe.

On the other hand, Gandalf the Mage could still carry around a "Simple" Long Sword...he just inflicts less damage than a Fighter using the same weapon.

This would also handle the "Monk" issue, since a Monk would just have unarmed as a "Martial" weapon.

Hmm...I may have to chew on this.

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d100 - sort of a M20 Percentile Hack

llamatron2000 said:
think its interesting how people are applying the microlite philosophy to other games(but is this actually, without an OGL for storyteller?)
d100 has roots in M20, but only in that I reduced the number of stats to a more reasonable one. I also thought that removing initiative, having a binary resolution system that was contained in a single roll andhaving some pretty friggin' lethal combat was good for adapting other percentile-oriented systems to "rules-light" gaming. if you'd like to check it out...


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Folks, listen up! Ok, look up. I've got a picture for you.


These are German translation 26 page, A5, saddle stitched, full color booklets put together by Mondbuchstaben for a Role Play Convention in Münster. They were created to promote his company's anime themed DVDs and upcoming cinema release of Brave Story.

And. They. Look. Fantastic!

Seriously, they're great - full colour throughout, great layout, the works. He's done a superb job from start to finish. Mondbuchstaben, if you can make an English translation, I swear these will sell like hot cakes around here. Let's split the profits :)

Kensanata and Darrell, if you send me your addresses (to, Mondbuchstaben will send you copies too, because you're in the credits. Name in lights and all that :)

I'll leave Mondbuchstaben to tell you more, as he deserves credit for making this possible. Suffice to say, I'm over the moon!


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In one fell swoop, I've fallen in love, found my old Blue/Red box fix, found something simple enough to lure my children into Role Playing *and* make it possible for my Ultima CRPGtoPnPRPG rewrite to happen.

Greywulf and others who made this happen, thank you. This is probably the most excited I've been (about gaming) in a long time (that edit required in case my wife ever reads this ;P). I've just gotten back into Role Playing - and reading/worldbuilding in 3.x was becoming a chore requiring a spreadsheet, massive amounts of text files (Yea, I work in notepad...) and headaches.

This simple rulebook has reduced the amount of work, justification (trying to somehow 'explain' a lich that 4th level PCs could face under 3.x rules was becoming a nightmare) and put back in the fun I remember from blue/red book - and that's just from my world building perspective!

I'm going to give this a test this weekend with my daughter(s) - I've got an old intro adventure based on the old "Fast Play" modules that I'm going to rewrite into m20 and see how it goes.

Thank you again... and I can't wait to keep an eye on this next 2 year thread (I read the previous one last night) and see how it goes.

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Neurowiz, a warm welcome to the party. Bring a bottle.

Honestly, I never thought M20 would get such a cult following. It all started when scourger said I ought to start a new thread about this minimal version of d20 I'd come up with. So I did. 1,217 posts in that thread, and hundreds of thousands of views later we're well into the second thread about something that's only 996 (-ish) words long.

Along the way M20 has gained adventures, several campaign settings, a d20 Modern variant and countless House Rules, tweaks and other ephemery. It's seen print and been distributed to around 1,800 folks in a Role-playing convention. There's no sign of it stopping any time soon.

Every player, every game and every GM brings something different to M20, and make the game their own. As has been said, it positively begs to be customized, and that's cool. I wouldn't want it any other way. Add what you want, change what you don't like, have a ball. After all, anarchy is fun. Microlite20 is a tiny little seed of fun that just aches to be fed and watered.

So Neurowiz, I'm glad you and the family found us. Any questions, just ask:)

Age of Fable

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a question about spells.

The first page says that

"the Difficulty Class (DC) for all spells is
10 + Caster Level + Caster's MIND Bonus"

But I can't find

i) rules for when the targets of spells get to save - is it meant to be for all spells?

ii) how to work out the bonus for someone who is saving against a spell.


First Post
Hmmm. I really ought to fix this as it keeps coming up.

The Magic Attack is there if you use an alternative Magic System (there's plenty in the Macropedia). Or it's used to target an attacking spells such as Lightning Bolt. Or it could be used as the Attack for mind-based attacks against. Or it can be used in a Magical Duel. Or for other things I've not thought of.

It's there for when the GM feels the caster needs to make an attack roll and Melee/Missile Attack doesn't quite cut it.

Hope that helps! :)

Age of Fable

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It looks like you have two systems for magical attacks:

One is in Combat: caster rolls d20 + Caster's Level + MIND bonus, DC is the target's AC.

The other is in Spells: the target rolls d20 + their Level + their MIND bonus, DC is 10 + Caster's Level + Caster's MIND bonus.

My question is how you know which one of those two to use, or when (if ever) the spell is assumed to 'hit' automatically.
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I have been lurking through your threads since the beginning, and I'm just another M20 lover.
I translated it to Italian and I really hope I'll be able to convert my current campaign (see sig) to M20 during the next session (well, I hope all my players will agree - given M20 is perfect with our gamestyle, I don't see why they shouldn't).
I will eventually send you my translation, if you care.

Great job!


First Post
Age of Fable said:
It looks like you have two systems for magical attacks:

One is in Combat: caster rolls d20 + Caster's Level + MIND bonus, DC is the target's AC.

The other is in Spells: the target rolls d20 + their Level + their MIND bonus, DC is 10 + Caster's Level + Caster's MIND bonus.

My question is how you know which one of those two to use, or when (if ever) the spell is assumed to 'hit' automatically.

I've only played this a couple of times now, and I get the feeling that both rules are there for when we need them.

If my player's mage is casting a sleep, the monsters have to save as you specified " the target rolls d20 + their Level + their MIND bonus, DC is 10 + Caster's Level + Caster's MIND bonus."

To be honest, I opted for simplicity and ignored the "Magic Attack" stuff. For my game (and in how I'll interpret m20) mages cast spells which targets must save against. If my players use a magic item like a sword or arrow, they use their melee/range attacks. If my mages use a wand/rod/staff, the effect is similar to cast.

But, again, that's how I'm going to go with it. YMMV and the nice thing is you have a lot of tools to adapt it as you want. Me, being an old fogey, I go for the easiest (laziest?) route. ;)

Have fun!

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