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[OOC] Ethend Game: The Hunt for Cantus [Recruiting]


I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t been there myself. It was on the fields of Rios, a great battle was to occur between our forces and the barbarians of the north but it was never to be. As our men stood restlessly awaiting the call to battle, to plunge into the forest and route the savages, the air crackled with energy, at first murmurs spread that it was the witchery of the barbarians but when the first rift opened, pouring out a gray light which seemed to sap the color from everything it touched, we know otherwise. At first there was only one, but as it grew larger it seemed to splinter into many more, until the entire land seemed drenched in that nullifying gray.

When they started coming out, we didn’t know what to do. But we were hardened men, we’d been through war and seen many of the savageries, but we weren’t ready for what came next. One of the largest ones, a hulking humanoid creature looking like it was spun from stone and crystal, bellowed forth a mind-bending shout which echoed in our minds, I resisted the pulsing headache which swam through my head but others spun wildly, confused and bewildered. Then it was chaos, our men fell to each others swords. I could barely tell friend from foe, and what I could tell seemed to change every moment.

That was the first reported encounter with the Mythar. I’m certain they had been here before, they knew too much, how we lived, how our militaries were structured, where our major places of trade were. That first year we thought we had a real chance. We gathered our forces, old enmities were forgotten, we fought side by side with the shamanic people of the north, the mystics of the east, the hunters of the Iron Wastes. We fought as a whole and fell as one when the time came.

Then the darker days began.

-Victus Capita, a soldier in the Agorian army, start of the Mythar Invasion, 0 P.I.

Current world date is 101 P.I. (Post Invasion).

This game will be set a month or so in the future from the prior Mythar Invasion game, with some of the same cast and players. Players from that game will have priority. If you are interested please give a character background and description with basic class/race information before plunging into full-on character creation.

Game Rule Information:

Open Books: Core books, Expanded Psionics Handbook, Complete Books, Races Books, Sandstorm, Frostburn

By Permission: Unearthed Arcana, Libris Mortis, Draconomicon, Lords of Madness

Banned Books: Book of Vile Darkness, Book of Exalted Deeds, Savage Species, Miniatures Handbook, Manual of the Planes, Planar Handbook, Campaign Specific (FR, OA, etc.), 3.0 Splatbooks

Banned Material: Generic Classes (UA), Unspecified Spellcasting Material

* Use the most updated material Exception: Exotic Weapons Master 3.0 & 3.5 versions are 2 diff. PrC’s

Character Creation
  • 33 Point Buy
  • Level 7
  • Races Allowed: See below.
  • Classes Allowed: See below.
  • Prestige Classes Allowed: By permission.
  • Alignment: No alignments are used
  • Taint: The taint system from UA is used.
  • Vitality Points: Max at 1st level, 3/4 every additional level (d4=3, d6=4.5, d8=6, d10=7.5, d12=9)
  • BAB: Fractional BAB Chart (UA)
  • Saves: Fractional Save Chart (UA)
  • Equipment: 3000gp in mundane equipment. Additional equipment will be given by the DM, suggestions may be made.

  • Spell/Psicraft: Based off of the primary spellcasting/manifesting attribute for a class.
  • Use Magic Device/Use Psionic Device: Becomes a single Use Device skill.

Armor Compatibility
Prerequisites: BAB +4
Benefit: You increase the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by armor by 1 for every three character levels.

Combat Variants

New Combat Manuevers:
Reckless Offense
When you use the attack action or full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty of -4 to your Armor Class and add a +2 bonus to your melee attack roll. The bonus on attack rolls and the penalty on Armor Class last until the beginning of your next turn.

Class Defense Bonus
  • Poor (+0): fighter, paladin, psion, psychic warrior, samurai, shugenja, wu jen
  • Average (+1): barbarian, druid, psychic rogue, monk, ninja, soulknife, spirit shaman, wilder
  • Good (+2): bard, ranger, rogue, scout, swashbuckler
Your class defense bonus starts at the listed bonus in parenthesis and increases by 1 at 3rd level, and by 1 every additional 3 levels.

Your total defense bonus equals your class defense bonus plus your dexterity modifier. Your total defense bonus is subject to the maximum dexterity bonus on armor.

Armor as Damage Reduction
Armor provides half of it's normal AC bonus as damage reduction and half as an armor bonus to AC; a remainder goes to AC. (example Studded Leather = DR 1/armor & AC +2, full plate +1 = DR 4/ armor & AC +5)

Turning Variant: Level Check

Wound Point/Vitality Point Variant
[sblock]Vitality and Wound Points

The vitality and wound points damage system was originally developed for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game as a more cinematic method of handling damage than the traditional hit point system. The system allows for characters to improve the amount of punishment they can withstand as they go up in level, while still allowing for a single lucky attack to take down a character.

Vitality Points
Vitality points are a measure of a character's ability to turn a direct hit into a graze or a glancing blow with no serious consequences. Like hit points in the standard D&D rules, vitality points go up with level, giving high-level characters more ability to shrug off attacks. Most types of damage reduce vitality points.

Characters gain vitality points as they gain levels. Just as with hit points in the standard D&D rules, at each level a character rolls a vitality die and adds his Constitution modifier, adding the total to his vitality point total. (And, just as with hit points, a character always gains a minimum of at least 1 vitality point per level, regardless of his roll or Constitution modifier.) A 1st-level character gets the maximum vitality die result rather than rolling, as shown on Table 4-6 below.

Wound Points
Wound points measure how much true physical damage a character can withstand. Damage reduces wound points only after all vitality points are gone, or when a character is struck by a critical hit. A character has a number of wound points equal to her current Constitution score.

Critical Hits
A critical hit deals the same amount of damage as a normal hit, but that damage is deducted from wound points rather than from vitality points. Critical hits do not deal extra damage; for that reason, no weapon in this system has a damage multiplier for its critical hits.

Any critical hit automatically overcomes a creature's damage reduction, regardless of whether the attack could normally do so.

Most weapons retain their normal critical threat range. If a weapon normally has a critical multiplier greater than x2, the weapon's threat range expands by 1 point per additional multiplier. Thus a x3 weapon has a threat range of 19-20 and a x4 weapon has a threat range of 18-20.

Injury and Death
Vitality and wound points together measure how hard a character is to hurt and kill. The damage from each successful attack and each fight accumulates, dropping a character's vitality point or wound point totals until he runs out of points.

Nonlethal Damage
Any attack that deals subdual damage in the core rules, such as a sap, an untrained unarmed strike, or a normal weapon taking a -4 penalty to hit "with the flat of the blade" is a nonlethal attack. Trying to make a lethal strike with a nonlethal weapon imposes a -4 penalty to hit. Nonlethal attacks cannot deal wound point damage under any circumstances.

A critical hit with a nonlethal attack deals vitality points damage as normal and causes the target struck to make a Fortidue saving throw (DC 5 + the damage taken) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds, just as if he had taken wound damage.

If a nonlethal attack deals more damage than the character has vitality points, then the character falls into negative vitality points. The character must make an immediate Fortitude saving throw (DC 5 + the amount of vitality points dealt), or be knocked unconscious until their vitality points return to 0 or higher. On a successful save the character is both fatigued and staggered until his vitality returns to 0 or higher. Any additional nonlethal attacks which would deal damage force another Fortitude saving throw or the character is knocked unconscious.

0 Vitality Points

At 0 vitality points, a character can no longer avoid taking real physical damage. Any additional real damage he receives reduces his wound points, for circumstances involving nonlethal damage refer to the passage on nonlethal damage.

Taking Wound Damage

The first time a character takes wound damage -- even a single point -- he becomes fatigued. A fatigued character can't run or charge and takes a -2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity until he has rested for 8 hours (or until the wound damage is healed, if that occurs first). Additional wound damage doesn't make the character exhausted.

In addition, any time an attack deals wound damage to a character, he must succeed on a Fortitude saving throw (DC 5 + number of wound points dealt) or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. (During that time, any other character can take a standard action to help the stunned character recover; doing so ends the stunned condition.)

0 Wound Points and Below

If an attack deals more damage than the character has wound points, then the character falls into negative wound points. The character must make an immediate Fortitude saving throw (DC 5 + the amount of wound points dealt), or become dying until their wound points return to 0 or higher. On a successful save the character is disabled until his wound points return to 0 or higher. Any additional attacks which would deal damage force another Fortitude saving throw or the character becomes dying.

Disabled: A disabled character is conscious, but can only take a single move or standard action each turn (but not both, nor can she take full-round actions). She moves at half speed. Taking move actions doesn't risk further injury, but performing any standard action (or any other action the DM deems strenuous, including some free actions such as casting a quickened spell) worsens the character's condition to dying (unless it involved healing; see below).

Dying: A dying character is unconscious and near death. Each round on his turn, a dying character must make a Fortitude save (DC 5 + the amount of wound points below 0, +1 per round after the first) to become stable.

If the character fails the save, he dies.

If the character succeeds on the save by less than 5, he does not die but does not improve. He is still dying and must continue to make Fortitude saves every round.

If the character succeeds on the save by 5 or more but by less than 10, he becomes stable but remains unconscious.

If the character succeeds on the save by 10 or more, he becomes conscious and disabled.

Another character can make a dying character stable by succeeding on a Heal check DC (10 + the amount of wound points below 0) as a standard action (which provokes attacks of opportunity).

Stable Characters and Recovery

A stable character is unconscious. Every hour, a stable character must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10, +1 per hour after the first) to remain stable.

If the character fails the save, he becomes dying.

If the character succeeds on the save by less than 5, he does not get any worse, but does not improve. He is still stable and unconscious, and must continue to make Fortitude saves every hour.

If the character succeeds on the save by 5 or more, he becomes conscious and disabled.

An unaided stable, conscious character at 0 wound points has a 10% chance to start recovering wound points naturally that day.

Once an unaided character starts recovering wound points naturally, he is no longer in danger of dying.

Recovering with Help: A dying character can be made stable with a DC 15 Heal check (a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity). One hour after a tended, dying character becomes stable, roll d%. He has a 10% chance of regaining consciousness, at which point he becomes disabled. If he remains unconscious, he has the same chance to regain consciousness every hour. Even while unconscious, he recovers wound points naturally, becoming conscious and able to resume normal activity when his wound points rise to 1 or higher.

Special Damage Situations

The vitality point system changes the way some special damage effects work.

Coup de Grace

A coup de grace functions normally in that it automatically hits and scores a critical hit (and thus the damage dealt is applied to the target's wound points). If the defender survives the damage, he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10, + the amount of damage dealt) or die. In the case of a nonlethal coup de grace, count it as a nonlethal critical hit. If the defender isn?t dropped to negative vitality, he must still make a Fortitude save (DC 5, + the amount of damage dealt) or be knocked unconscious.

Massive Damage

A character who takes 50 or more points of Vitality Damage must make a Fortitude save (DC equal to 15 plus one half the damage dealt over 50) or take 1 point of wound damage.

Magical Damage

Magical damage is damage from spells, powers, spell-like or psi-like abilities, or supernatural effects.

Spells that deal hit point damage work somewhat differently in this system. When a character fails a saving throw by 10 or more against a spell which deals damage they take a certain amount of wound damage. For spells that deal a variable amount of hit point damage based on a die roll plus another value (such as inflict light wounds), apply the actual die roll as vitality damage, and any modifier to the die roll (such as caster level, for cure spells) as wound damage.

For powers that deal damage on a die roll without a secondary value (such as fireball), apply the actual die roll as vitality damage, and the number of dice rolled as wound damage.

Treat spells which deal a set amount of damage per level (or per some other increment method, etc.) as dealing one wound damage per level/increment, and then dealing their normal amount as vitality damage.

Spells that use an attack roll to hit and deal damage use the normal rules for critical hits, etc. Spells that allow no saving throw that deal damage always deal damage to vitality points first and then wound points second.


After taking damage, a character can recover vitality and wound points through natural healing (over the course of hours or days), or by magic. In any case, a character can't regain vitality points or wound points above his full normal totals.

Natural Healing

Characters recover vitality points at a rate of 1 vitality point per hour per character level.

With a full night's rest, a character recovers 1 wound point plus 1 wound point per 5 character levels (minimum 1 per night), or twice that amount with complete bed rest for 24 hours. Any significant interruption during the rest period prevents the character from healing that night.

Assisted Healing

A character who provides long-term care (see the Heal skill, page 75 of the Player's Handbook) doubles the rate at which a wounded character recovers lost vitality and wound points.

Magical Healing

Spells that heal hit point damage work somewhat differently in this system. For spells that heal a variable amount of hit point damage based on a die roll plus another value (such as cure light wounds), apply the actual die roll as restored vitality points, and any modifier to the die roll (such as caster level, for cure spells) as restored wound points.

For powers that heal damage on a die roll without a secondary value (such as body adjustment), apply the actual die roll as restored vitality, and for each die rolled they restore one would point.

Treat spells which heal a set amount of damage per level (or per some other increment method, etc.) as healing one wound point per level/increment, and then restoring their normal amount of vitality damage.[/sblock]

Character Sheet
Race Class Level


STR: XX [--] (# points)
DEX: XX [--] (# points)
CON: XX [--] (# points)
INT: XX [--] (# points)
WIS: XX [--] (# points)
CHA: XX [--] (# points)

Wound Points: XX
Vitality Dice: XdX + X
Armor Class: 10 (10 base + X Dex + X Class + X Armor)
Class Defense Bonus:
Initiative: +X
- Melee: +X
- Ranged: +X

Speed: XX’

FORT: +X (X Base + X Con)
REFL: +X (X Base + X Dex)
WILL: +X (X Base + X Wis)


1st Level

Skill +XX (X ranks, +X Att)

- Common

Caster Level: X
Save DC: 10 + # Att + Level
Spells Known or Available:
Oth level – (X/day)
1st level – (X/day)

Manifester Level: X
Save DC: 10 + # Att + Level
Powers Known – Power Points: #pp
1st level –

Melee weapons
-Name Weapon +X (XdX+X, 20) Description (gp, lb)

Ranged weapons
-Name Weapon +X (XdX+X, 20, ft.) Description (gp, lb)

-Name Armor (+X AC, DR X/armor, Max Dex #, ACP -X) Description (gp, lb)

Miscellaneous Magical or Psionic Items
-Name (gp, lb)

Potions or Psionic Tattoos
-Type (gp)

Wands, Staffs or Dorjes
-Type (XX/50chg) (gp, 1oz)

Scrolls or Power Stones
-Type (gp)

Mundane equipment
-Adventurer’s Outfit (gp, 8lb)

Weight Carried: lb
Remain money: gp



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World Information

The continent of Ethend is the largest known continent on Cthon. A land of massive proportions. To the far east, the lands of Zoduka border the Sea of Seven Spices, where the monarchy of the Endless Sun rules with a harsh hand over its people. To the far west the lush rolling hills of Cihairdun stretch till they fall away at the White Cliffs into the Forlorn Ocean. To the north the arctic tundra and steppes of Fyndorn give way to the ice sheets and glaciers of Iyndor. Rising in a great 'S' from the land east of the Deep Fen and Agoria amidst the Iron Wastes, a desolate reach of razor-stone ridges and molten desert, rise the Helm Peaks. All across the continent stretches the might of the Mythar, only in the Deep Fen, the far north and the great vaulting under-cities of the Helm Peaks does any sense of freedom from their prying minds exist.

Cihairdun - The Rolling Green
The westernmost lands are comprised of hills of rolling grass, intermingled with short peaks and temperate forests all consistently blanketed in a soft rain. These lands are called Cihairdun or for those who stumble on the tongue, The Rolling Green. Before the Invasion, it was rich and abundant with culture and commerce. However, many a city which once stood is visited only upon by vines and spirits. White Cliff, the only remaining city sits upon the edge of the cliffs it is named for, looking off into the west across the Forlorn Ocean with its dark waters and white crested waves.

Mostly humans live here, some still practice the old ways, revering the land as it was meant to be, but the hand of the Mythar crumples what little connection they actually hold with it. Legends speak that far before the Invasion man actually could touch the spirit of nature like the elves and draw forth its power, but legends are far from what they used to be. The land is used for its rich fields and bountiful wildlife, padding the purses of those humans who willingly serve as the Mythar’s driving whip. A few bands of outlaws nestle in the forests or run the ridges, striking out at the Mythar forces, but their numbers dwindle. Most have grown accustomed to their lives, working the fields or the woods, transporting lumber or hunting game. They curse and praise the names of those who strike for freedom, for it brings the Mythar grip tighter about their throats but puts an edge of hope into their hearts.

The culture of Cihairdun resembles a mix of medieval england and ireland culture.

Laerendhor - The Deep Fen
To the east of Cihairdun, the land plunges into magnificent forests and wild areas, grown in the blessing of the lands spirit. It is the center of the continent. Called Laerendhor, or the Deep Fen, it is the land of the elves. The trees are mightier, animals prouder, the tiger falling upon its prey more savage, fires warmer, air crisper, everything heightened. The line between the material world and the spirit world blurred. This is what keeps the Mythar from driving the elves from the land, as the land itself spurns them. Very little of what humans or dwarves would call civilization exists here. Nothing like a city would ever be thought to live within the borders of Laerendhor, however the World Tree is said to rise from the center of its forests. The World Tree is said to be as wide and as tall as a mountain, ever radiant with the spirit of the natural world.

Elves are obviously the most commonly found here, they are the practitioners of the ancient ways. Druidic and shamanic traditions run through the very core of their existence. They embody the cycles of life which revolve in the natural world, the vicious predator, the nurturing mother, the brewing storm and the lapping waves. Those who would venture into the Deep Fen are welcome so long as they do not impede the wending of the circle. Those who wish to break or twist the circle are met with the fury of the elves and of the land itself.

The culture of Laerendhor and elves in general resembles a mix of traditional elven cutlure with gaelic and mayan culture.

To the south of Cihairdun, rise the great city states of Agoria which stretch east beneath the Deep Fen and south till the Golden Coast. These lands are diverse, ranging from warm forests and chill peaks to open plains and sparse desert. The four largest city states, Aphres, Nuphos, Denke and Rios, along with a handful of smaller city states, form the empire of Agoria. The center of the Mythar’s power, they teem with the bustle of a shackled populace laboring for their masters. Floating between the city states is Psuche, the skycity of the elite Mythar, a massive disc of pitch black crystal with a city of towering crystal spires in all different colors, few who aren’t Mythar have ever seen it up close.

Many different people are found here, and also the highest concentration of Mythar are found here. Halflings serve the Mythar in their homes and work, while the dwarves are kept on the fringes of society working in quarries and similar areas. The humans form the bulk of the populace however, working their crafts and professions and edging by in a middle of the road gray.

The culture of Agoria resembles a mix of ancient greek and roman culture. Halflings used to have a gypsy/romanian culture but it has been subsumed into the existing Mythar structure.

Whurivar - The Iron Wastes & Thorent - The Helm Peaks
The Iron Wastes, Whurivar in dwarven meaning "Iron Outcasts", stretch from the edge of Laerendhor and Agoria to the tundra of Zoduka, split down the middle by the great Helm Peaks. The Iron Wastes are a desolate and violent land, with great fields of razor-stone and churning lava, amongst rust-colored deserts. Few creatures live in the Iron Wastes, and those that do are to be avoided.

However, the great mountain range called the Helm Peaks, or Thorent in dwarven meaning "Noble Mountains", rises from within the depths of the Iron Wastes. It is the home of the dwarves, a proud and noble line of creatures born of the very Spirits of Stone millenia past. They were the first to encounter the Empire of the Endless Sun and retain primary trading agreements with the people of the far east. The dwarves are workers of the deepest stones and metals, crafters of some of the finest armors and weapons in all of Ethend, it is even said that great forges from ancient times past reside deep within the mountains capable of forging blades of magic. The Mythar tolerate the dwarves, more out of indifference than anything else, for they stay in their mountains and rarely venture forth, although the Mythar are fickle and may lead a campaign into the Iron Wastes.

The culture of the dwarves resembles typical dwarven culture.

Zoduka - The Land of the Endless Sun
To the far east, past the Iron Wastes and the Helm Peaks, spreads the land of Zoduka. With mountains, tundra and great jungles separating it from most of the western world little contact is had with the people of the great monarchy of the Endless Sun. Even the Mythar's might does not extend so far as to greatly affect the lives of the people of Zoduka, although the empire pays tithe to the Mythar empire.

The land of Zoduka is greatly varied, yet it is bound under the rule of the Emperor of the Endless Sun. The society is highly structured with a deeply entrenched caste system, twelve clans rule their provinces under the discretion of the Endless Sun. Only humans truly reside in Zoduka, the rare other is considered an outsider without clan and rank. Honor to ones family and clan is of the highest importance in the land of the Endless Sun. The only non-elves to practice a form of magic, the shugenja and wu jen of the Endless Sun are able to tap into the primal energies of the spirit world and form it to their will.

The culture of Zoduka resembles a mix of chinese, japanese and middle eastern culture.

Fyndorn and Iyndor
To the north the arctic tundra and steppes of Fyndorn stretch for miles till they meet with the ice sheets and glaciers of Iyndor. This far north, the world plunges into darkness during the winter months and constant sunlight during the summer months. The steppes and tundra are home to the rare human barbarian tribes, yet more common are the tribes of orcs, with their varied bloodlines. Even farther to the north in the ice sheets of Iyndor there is rumored to be an ancient nation which was plunged into a constant winter for some great crime against the world.

Little contact is had with the human barbarian tribes, and even less still with the tribes of orcs. From the occasional traveler, it is said that they worship their ancestors and can perform magic similar to the spirit shamans found amongst the elves. They are wary of outsiders, especially distrusting those with the powers of the mind. Many speculate that they don't even realize that the Mythar have invaded much of the southern part of the continent.

The culture of Fyndorn resembles a mix of nordic, germanic and inuit cultures.
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Ethend rests upon the world of Cthon, one of three main continents. The other two continents lay across vast oceans and such have no names or recognition in the world, particularly after the arrival of the Mythar and the fall of the great cities.

Cthon relies on a slightly different cosmology than the standard Great Wheel, coterminous and coexistent with the material world is the Spirit World. The material plane and the spirit realm are separated by the ethereal plane. In the Spirit Realm the world is brighter, smells sharper and nature more vibrant. In the land of the elves and in some other rare locations, the ethereal plane is particularly thin and the boundary between the material world and the Spirit World is often blurred, giving those locations a sense of the vibrancy of the Spirit Realm.

The elemental planes are accessed through the Spirit World at places of great natural beauty and force. Examples may be the eye of a hurricane for the elemental plane of air, a massive waterfall for the elemental plane of water, the crater of an active volcano for the elemental plane of fire, and a deep cavern for the elemental plane of earth. Quasi and Para elemental planes are accessed in a similar manner.

The positive and negative planes are not planes in any true sense of the word, but are rather cosmic energies which waft throughout the multiverse. Thus, one cannot travel to the positive energy plane nor the negative energy plane but only draw upon the ever-present breath of negative and positive energy which fills the multiverse with the natural cycles of existence.

The outer planes, if there can be said to actually be outer planes are places of speculation and theory. No divine powers are at work in the world of Cthon, and planar travel can only be performed by travel through the Spirit Realm. When penance and prayers are spoken to a deity, they are spoken to a construct of history, yet in this time of suffering many give prayer to the unknown divine, perhaps one day they will be heard.

Only whispers are spoken of the Eternal Shadow, the plane of shadows, a dark and horrible place. Some say it is the opposite of the Spirit Realm, others say it is another unspeakable world, whatever it may be, it is certainly a place only spoken of in the most hushed of tones and speculated of in only the most tentative of manners. Those that have delved too deeply become tainted by the Eternal Shadow, twisted and wretched creatures, a mockery of life.
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Magic and Psionics

The world of Cthon does not have the arcane magic of wizards and sorcerers, nor the divine powers of clerics and favored souls. Yet there are still traditions of magic found amongst some cultures and races, a magic which taps into the Spirit Realm for it’s power, drawing upon the primal energies of nature. Even more common than these traditions of magic are the powers of the mind which can be found in any race.

Spirit Magic
The magic of the spirit shamans, Shugenja and Wu Jen springs from an understanding of the Spirit Realm which exists alongside the material world. Each individual tradition connects to the Spirit Realm in a different manner. Spirit Shamans exist an intermediaries for the powerful spirits of nature and the elements, as well as drawing upon the power of their ancestors spirits. By bargaining with these spirits, they can produce powerful effects. Shugenja hail from the Empire of the Endless Sun and are those who are able to attune themselves to ebb of the primal energies which flow through the material world from the spirit realm. They can harness and direct the flow of these energies. Wu Jen also hail from the Empire of the Endless Sun, they are learned scholars and hermits, using esoteric methods and formulas to direct energies of the Spirit Realm.

Druidic Magic
The magic of the druids lays only in the hands of the elves of Laerendhor. So closely tied to the Spirit Realm, as fey creatures themselves, they are far more at one with the natural order than any wielder of spirit magic and can muster the powers of the natural order with ease, assume the form of animals and the elements, and befriend creatures of the wild.

The powers of the mind are the most common supernatural forces which can be wielded by mundane hands. Whether it stems from a disciplined examination of the deeper recesses of one’s mind or the release of unbridled emotional energies, the power of the psionic mind is undeniable. Where the power comes from is a minor point of scholarly contention, many think that the power resides ultimately within the individual mind, and that all sentient creatures are capable of unlocking the mysterious inner eye. Yet there a few who speculate that there is another realm called the Astral Plane which all sentient creatures are connected to, and it is this astral realm that we reach out to when we delve deep into our own psyches. These same few scholars speculate that the Mythar are creatures of this astral realm, creatures of the mind given corporeal form.

Shadow Magic
Whispered words of ancient warlocks who wield the powers of the Eternal Shadow are often dismissed as horrible rumors, often too afraid to recognize the incredible, all-consuming temptation that the power of the Eternal Shadow holds. The powers of the Eternal Shadow are ancient and unforgiving, and those who wield them bent with the taint of the plane of shadows. Even the Mythar shy from such dark powers, and legends tell of a human who, during the Mythar invasion, discovered an ancient seal deep within the earth that released into him the powers of the Eternal Shadow. With these dark powers he turned upon the Mythar and wrought havoc upon them and anything in his path. It took some of the most powerful Mythar to quell this inhuman threat, and even then with great loss.


Race Information

Dwarves are tough and slow like stone. They are naturally resistant to magic and psionics. Historically, dwarves were slow to action when the Mythar invaded. Often accused of letting the Mythar invasion to succeed, most however realize that even with the dwarves help it would not have been stemmed for long. The dwarves of Ethend hail from the Helm Peaks, the range of mountains which split the Iron Wastes. Deep within the mountains their under-cities are massive tiered structures. Their exceptional industry powered by the great volcanic activity prevalent throughout the Iron Wastes, rich veins of adamantine, mithril and other precious ores are in their province alone granting them a near monopoly on such valuable resources.
  • +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity
  • +1 to attack against Aberrations in place of goblinoids/orcs.
  • +2 dodge bonus against Large or larger creatures in place of dodge bonus against giants
  • +2 racial bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) checks
  • Knowledge (dungeoneering) always a class skill
  • Dwarves are humanoids with the [Earth] subtype.
  • rest as PHB dwarves
  • Favored Class: Fighter or Psychic Warrior

Elves are a primal race, descended from the spirit of nature itself. They are loosely-tribal and are the only race capable of druidic magic, boasting a number of spirit shamans as well. The magic they practice is often considered primitive by those of the mental arts, yet the forces of the natural world are all pervasive. When the Mythar invaded, many of the elves disappeared into Laerendhor, their ancestral home. Finding an elf in the Deep Fen is almost impossible unless they wish to be found, the very forest itself works to hide them.
  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Constitution
  • +2 racial bonus against telepathic and mind-affecting powers and effects
  • Weapon Proficiency: Longbow, shortbow, composite versions, short spear, and kukri.
  • +2 racial bonus on Spot and Listen checks, no bonus on search checks or racial search ability
  • Fey: Elves are fey creatures and are thus not affected by spells or powers which normally only target humanoids.
  • +2 racial bonus on Survival
  • Survival always a class skill
  • Favored Class: Ranger or Druid

Before the Mythar invasion gnomes did not exist on the continent of Ethend, however the Mythar brought with them gnomes from their realm. They are small creatures, similar to halflings but sharp of mind and possess a natural psionic talent that none of the other races can match. Those ignorant believe the gnomes to be the willing servants of the Mythar, but many gnomes took an opportunity half a century ago to escape their masters and flee into the eastern outlands.
  • +2 Intelligence, -2 Strength
  • Small size
    Naturally Psionic (2 bonus power point)
  • Knows the Burst or Far Hand psionic power and can manifest it with their power points, Int based.
  • Low-light vision
  • +2 racial bonus on Search
  • Able to manifest Psychoportation powers as if one manifester level higher.
  • +2 racial bonus on Psicraft and Use Psionic Device checks
  • Use Psionic Device always a class skill.
  • Favored Class: Psion (Nomad) or Soulknife

The halflings were quickly dominated by the Mythar, the diminutive race serving as excellent servants. They possess very little of their own heritage after a hundred years in subservience, however they have adapted incredibly well to the position so often relegated to them. They have learned many tricks of social life and their hands are swift in clearing away tables and other things. Many halflings possess a sharp hatred for the Mythar, although this rarely ever shows through and many Mythar take the small folk at face value.
  • +2 Dexterity, -2 Strength
  • Low-light vision
  • +2 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand, Diplomacy, Bluff and Sense Motive checks (replaces bonus to climb, jump, move silently and Listen)
  • +2 racial bonus on Profession (cook)
  • +1 racial bonus on attack and damage rolls against Mythar (replaces bonus with thrown weapons and slings)
  • +2 racial bonus on social related skills and checks involving Mythar (replaces bonus on Fear saves)
  • +1 racial bonus on all saving throws
  • Diplomacy always a class skill
  • Favored Class: Rogue or Psionic Rogue

Human – All regions except Zoduka and Fyndorn
When the Mythar came, the humans were the first to organize against the invasion and one of the last to fall, something many other races found admirable. They have become in a way the working second class, not as burdened by the drudgery of heavy manual labor, nor the menial servant work, they often end up as the craftsman and go betweens for the Mythar. Few humans object to this relationship with the Mythar, their lives often falling into a gray mediocrity but it is a life without a soul crushing toil.
  • +2 bonus on social related checks involving non-Mythar races
  • 4 ranks in a single Craft or Profession skill
  • +2 racial bonus on that skill
  • That skill always a class skill
  • Bonus Feat
  • 4 extra skill points at 1st level, +1 skill point per additional level
  • Favored Class: Any non-Oriental

Human – Fyndorn region
The barbarian tribes of the tundras of Fyndorn are a rugged people, noble and resolute. They have lived on the steppes and tundras for hundreds of years and remain undisturbed by the reign of the Mythar to the south. Rarely one of the barbarian folk travels down into Cihairdun or Laerendhor. They are on average tougher and hardier folk than the normal human and chafe at the reign of the Mythar over the other races.
  • Bonus Feat
  • 4 extra skill points at 1st level, +1 skill point per additional level
  • +2 racial bonus on survival checks
  • Survival always a class skill
  • Cold Resistance equal to their Constitution bonus
  • Favored Class: Barbarian or Ranger

Human – Zoduka region
The humans of Zoduka are born into one of five castes as part of the Empire of the Endless Sun: Noble, Warrior, Merchant, Peasant, Servant. Your caste is your life unless you forsake the caste system and become a hermit or monk. You live for your clan and family. Without the Mythar overseeing the Empire of the Endless Sun, the humans here have had very little change in their life since their arrival upon Ethend.
  • Bonus Feat
  • 4 extra skill points at 1st level, +1 skill point per additional level
  • +2 racial bonus on caste skill
  • 4 ranks in caste skill
  • Caste Skill: Noble – Diplomacy, Warrior – Ride, Merchant – Appraise, Peasant – Survival, Servant – Sense Motive
  • Favored Class: Any

Half-Elves & Half-Orcs
These two races do not actually exist, interracial breeding cannot actually occur by any normal means.

In other worlds Kobolds are seen as cowardly and sadistic creatures, however on Ethend they were every much a part of everyday life as other standard races. Their small frames are incredibly agile and swift and their noses are said to be spectacular. With long canine-like faces and slightly furred bodies, they often served as trackers and scouts before the Mythar invasion. The only kobolds which possess value to the Mythar are the ones they breed for their tracking teams, the rest left on the fringes of society to eek by.
  • +2 Dexterity, -4 Strength
  • Darkvision 120 ft.
  • Low-light vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Small size
  • Base land speed 30 ft
  • Scent
  • +4 bonus when tracking by scent
  • +2 racial bonus on Survival and Search checks
  • +1 racial bonus on Fortitude saves
  • Survival and Search are always class skills
  • Favored Class: Ranger or Scout
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Class Information

Barbarians hail most often from Cihairdun or Fyndorn, they are strong and swift warriors with a fierce heart. Those from Fyndorn claim that they channel the strength of their ancestors when they enter their warrior frenzies, a claim that is not so outrageous when one considers that the barbarians of Fyndorn practice spirit magic.

Bards hail from many of the races and regions, able to weave the powers of the spirit realm into their words and songs, they can warm the hearts of their allies while shaking the swords of their enemies. Bards can take up the role of prophets, diplomats, artisans and other roles which rely upon their powerful personas.
  • Use the alternate Bard from The Book of Eldritch Might II

Druids hail only from the race of elves, for it is their fey blood which carries the true potential of the wild. They are the embodiment of nature in all of it’s forms, whether that be animal, plant, spirit or storm. Those elves which practice the druidic arts are revered in their culture as wise and knowledgeable, they are also granted great respect by the barbarians of Fyndorn.

Fighters hail from any race and any region, thugs, enforcers, defenders of the innocent, they fill many roles. From dwarven shieldbearers, agorian pikemen and cavalry, elven arborial defenders, to halfling plains riders, they bear many names and functions within societies.

Monks hail only from the humans of Zoduka, the land of the Endless Sun, or from the gnome race. They are ascetics trained either by lone wandering monks or within monasteries tucked away from society. Their understanding of the limits of the normal human body and mind allow them to transcend them, gaining supernatural agility and internal unity. Gnome monks brought with them the perfection of their minds and have developed it into a unifying art of beauty and strength.

Ninjas hail only from the humans of Zoduka, the land of the Endless Sun. They are silent warriors, employed by their clans as agents outside of the diplomatic arena. Each clan maintains it’s own house of ninja, although there are always rumors that their are houses of ninjas who are free of clan affiliation who fight for money or even justice.

Paladins hail from any region, they are warriors devoted to a cause. Gifted with a sight beyond sight, they are able to apprehend what others cannot without the gift of spirit magic or psionics. Able to heal or harm with a touch and deal devastating blows, they are able to paralyze their foes by the force of their personality.
  • Create a code which you follow
  • A paladin does not gain any spells nor the ability to remove disease
  • May choose to either have a special mount or an animal companion
  • Choose either: Spirits, Spellcasters, Psionicists or Tainted as your focus
  • Smite Evil becomes a straight up smite ability
  • Lay on Hands, by choice the lay on hands ability can either inflict or heal damage. In addition, the paladin may use her lay on hands ability to end any one of the following adverse conditions, at the listed cost: ability damage (2 points per ability point restored), ability drain (5 points per ability point restored), blinded (10 points), confused (5 points), dazed (1 point), dazzled (1 point), deafened (7 points), diseased (10 points), exhausted (5 points), fatigued (3 points), feebleminded (10 points), insanity (10 points), nauseated (3 points), sickened (5 points), stunned (3 points), or poisoned (5 points).
  • Detect Evil becomes either Detect Spirits, Detect Magic, Detect Psionics or Detect Taint depending upon your focus
  • Turn Undead becomes Turn/Rebuke Spirits, Turn/Rebuke Tainted, Turn/Rebuke Spellcaster, or Turn/Rebuke Psionicist depending upon your focus
  • At 6th level any melee weapon wielded by a paladin overcomes up to 5 points of damage reduction against any creature that falls within your focus
  • At 11th level the paladin can use a free action to add a +4 bonus to either their Strength, Dexterity or Constitution. This ability may be used once per day and lasts for 1 minute per class level.
  • At 13th level, a paladin who uses lay on hands to heal her mount or animal companion cures 5 points of damage per point of healing spent.
  • At 16th level the paladin may cause any weapon he wields to be a bane weapon against any creature within his focus. This ability is useable once per day and lasts for 1 round per class level.

Psions are those who have examined the depths of their mind and opened up the pathways to power from within. Possessed of keen intellects, they are often disciplined and highly self-aware. They hail from almost any region except for perhaps Fyndorn, where those with powers of the mind are shunned.

Psychic Warrior
Psychic warriors hail from any race and any region, they are warriors who have blended the powers of the mind with the strength of steel. Wise in the ways of combat and the world, they are skilled combatants, some of the most dangerous are those who have unlocked the powers of the beast within, able to grow claws and teeth to rend their foes.

Psychic Rogue
Psychic rogues blend the powers of the mind with skills of subtlety, able to obscure themselves from the minds of their marks, climb walls like a spider and other abnormal feats, they make excellent use of their powers. Prone to unusual tactics and trickery, they are wily foes. Occasionally forming into small bands and guilds, such as the Steel Blades, they push the boundaries of any society that they exist within.

Rangers hail from any region and race. Hunters and trackers, woodland defenders and mountain men, they are skilled in a variety of combat styles and are often accompanied by an animal companion. They can be found in any terrain from razor-stone fields of the Iron Wastes to the glaciers of Iyndor, they are hardy and perseverant, surviving in any clime and doing quite well at it.
  • Spell-less Ranger from CW unless an elf
  • Elves may choose the second UA variant for rangers which grants minor shape-changing and fast movement in place of combat styles.
  • Additional Combat Styles: Spearman (Combat Reflexes, Hold the Line, Deft Opportunist), Defender (Combat Expertise, Elusive Target, Allied Defense), Rider (Mounted Combat, Spirited Charge, Cavalry Charger), Sniper (Precise Shot, Deft Strike, Woodland Archer), Power (Cleave, Improved Sunder, Combat Brute)

Rogues hail from any race and region. They are as varied as the winds themselves, some are stealthy thieves. Others are silver-tongued cons, while others serve roles as diplomats, spies or scouts. What they do share is versatility, adaptability and resourcefulness and this is evident in their ability to survive and flourish. From the city-states of Agoria to the lodges of the barbarian tribes to the emperor’s palace in Zoduka, they have a place in any society.

Samurai hail only from the humans of Zoduka, land of the Endless Sun. They are form the bulk of the warrior caste, although occasionally a member of a lesser caste may learn the ways of the samurai from a ronin. They are implacable foes, capable of putting their enemies on their knees with only a glare.
  • Samurai receive 4 skill points per level

Scouts hail from any race and region. From the tundra-runners of the Fyndorn barbarians to the deep-wardens of the dwarves and even the kobold trackers of the Mythar, they are the first to see and hear, the first to react. Swift on their feet, they are skilled at striking deadly blows while the move.

Shugenja hail only from the humans of Zoduka, the land of the Endless Sun. Often members of the noble caste, their bodies and minds are attuned to the primal energies which flow and ebb from the spirit world into the material world. With this awareness, they are able to shape and direct these energies, a powerful and unique gift.

Soulknives hail only from the gnome race. The ability to manifest mindblades was brought with them from their home. Skirmishers and swift warriors, they have honed this esoteric psionic art into a deadly form of combat.
  • Soulknives receive full BAB instead of average BAB
  • Soulknives receive a d8 HD instead of a d10
  • Soulknives receive the Hidden Talent feat rather than the Wild Talent feat at 1st level

Spirit Shaman
Spirit shamans hail only from the humans of Fyndorn and the elves. Able to see and interact with the spirit realm, they can bargain and attain power from the spirits of nature and their ancestors. Guided by the spirits, they are more attuned to the natural world and can protect others from harmful spirits.

Swashbucklers hail from any region and race, but are often quite rare outside of the more urban areas. Quick of tongue and quick of blade, they often have sharp minds and deft feet. Agoria had a long-running duelling tradition among the nobles of that land before the Mythar arrived, and the duelling tradition still exists amongst the merchant class humans.

Wilders hail from almost any race and region, except perhaps the barbarians of Fyndorn who shun such practices. Able to tap into the deeply emotive portions of their psyche, they have powerful personalities. Able to summon a burst of power far beyond the norm from within, they are often flashy and prone to outbursts. Most often untrained, except for a sect of hedonistic elves, they must learn their limits on their own.

Wu Jen
Wu Jen hail only from the humans of Zoduka, the land of the Endless Sun. They are hermits and sages who delve into esoteric lore and knowledge regarding the spirit realm. With archaic formulas they learn to master these energies and wield them with astounding effects.
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I aim to misbehave
As an old player, I'm definitely still interested. :)

Probably will continue to play Nassitch, but I will think on it for a bit more.


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