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High Law and Low Justice, Part 5

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Gwydion sits in the bar of the TAS, staring at his drink. He scratches Tommy behind his ears and swirls the ice-cubes in his glass, lost in thought.

Hmm. Unemployed again. Never used to happen when I was still a scout. Maybe I should give them a call, see if they need any freelancers. Maybe not. See if I've got any new messages.

He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his battered portacomp. With a few taps he accesses the virtuaweb and checks his mailbox for any job-offers.


Ruzz'koff sits back and reads the commendations, "Money, medal and some egg salad. Someone must like me; enough to impress the folks back home anyway," he looks around the group, his tail in a contented sway, "Does anyone have any especial plans? I hear they are looking for some sort of mission outside Imperial space, that tickle anyone's fancy? Or do you just want to enjoy a quiet retirement dodging Nellsian assassins?"


Ktarle sits back after reading her note. Wow, she thinks. Even after all that, I didn't expect . . . Huh. She looks at the others. "I'd be very interested in tracking down this virus they've found."


"I'm sure you would. It needs to be done, I'm equally sure that there are extremely good people out there doing right that now and that we don't have anything better to contribute. Because they don't know anything we don't..." he leaves that statement hanging in the air.
"Same reason I don't suggest we go after NC. There are better people doing it and we don't have a special edge. We do have motivation though," he grins slightly.


Ktarle thinks about his reasoning. She is reluctant to admit he is right. "I can't help but feel personally involved in all of it. I don't know." She shakes her head in a very human-like denial and looks to the others for their responses.


First Post
As the discussion progresses, the group settles more directly on Ruzz'koff's line of reasoning. Their lawyers, who feel that for those who are unwilling to simply retire to a quiet life somewhere in the Witness Protection Program (In a expected turn, two of the younger members of the group each change their minds about that: Tomas decides that he has had enough excitement for some time, and opts out. For Saanath, the chance at becoming someone more important to the Imperium than a farmer on Kansas outweighs his desire to go home just now) getting as far from Dukh and Daramm as possible is the next best thing, convey those intentions to the Scouts.

A few days later, they receive a reply.


Dear Friends:

It was with great pleasure that I learned of you interest in our venture; The Emperor is in great need of people of proven character to help build a stronger and more vibrant future for the people of Gateway. I am not at liberty to describe more about the destination of this mission until you commit, but I can share some relevant information.

First, you will need access to a starship capable of at least a 3 parsec jump, and that ship will require a crew that can operate self-sufficiently in a variety of capacities that could include anything from developing trade routes to facilitating interspecies negotiations to any in a wide range of miscellaneous tasks. The ship should be armed, as the region you will be traveling in is not as settled as you may be used to.

The scouts will provide any necessary training for you, either here on Dukh, or en route to your destination (if there is room for such a teacher aboard your ship). Additionally, we would ask that a Scout who is somewhat familiar with the region also be included with your crew.

Compensation for your efforts will be generous, including a per incident fee, and a percentage of commercial trade or contracts facilitated, and you can rest assured that your actions in this endeavor will be to the benefit of the hundreds of billions of Imperial citizen who call Gateway home.

Should you remain interested, I will put you in contact with a scout in the Dukh’s starport who will aid you in procuring a ship and join you on your mission.

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Tjoyia Theoklitos
Imperial Scout Service



Gwydion is about to put his protacomp away in disgust (finding only old messages advertising off-world jobs that he has no hope of reaching while the embargo is in place) when a new message arrives from an old superior.

Just found out you were on Dukh - I wa under the impression you were somewhere coreward of here. Anyway - I 've got a mission that's got your name written all over it. It might even include a trip or two to your homeworld on Glen Murdoch. Come into the base and I'll fill you in.


Tjoyia Theoklitos must be about seventy by now, and has been with the Scouts twice that long, to hear her tell it. She too old for the field now, but he been at the base here on Dukh for the last few years, receiving her promotion about the same time as you left active service. Every time you see her it seem like she's got a mission for your, active service or no, which is one reason you haven't stopped in to see her since arriveing on Dukh yet. Effectively, Gwydion knows he just been called back to service; all that remains is the paperwork the Tjoyia has probably already started filling out for him.
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With a half grin on his face Gwydion gets up and nods to the barman.
"Told you I'd get lucky one of these days, Jim. You ain't done with the scouts till they are done with you. Come, Tommy, we've got a job to do."

He takes the grav-shuttle to the scout-base, seemingly lost in thought, alternately grining and frowning as he relives his time with the scouts.

An hour later he stands before the doors to the scout base. The building isn't as posh as the navy buildings close by, but it has a style unique to the scouts.

He enters the hall, and resolutely walks to the desk, crossing the emblem that is mirrored by the tattoo on his arm.

Here we go again. And I have a feeling I'll be in the scouts for a little longer now.

He grins at the receptionist.

"Hi. Name's Gwydion. Tjoyia is expecting me."


First Post
Gwydion is shown in Tjoyia's office (much larger than her last one back on Econdora, and the Senior Scout greets him casually, as if it was just earlier this morning that she had seen him last, rather than a few years ago.

"Gwydion, great, great. Here are your reactivation papers," She holds them out to him in one hand( signature page on top), and pen in the other. "Good, good. Listen, I don't actually have the mission specifics yet, but this one came down directly from the Dawn Treader. I do know it's something over in Diamond Prince*, though. Out of the blue, the Empereror apparently wants trade routes developed, local populations 'uplifted' and educated, and starbases upgraded all through the region Don't know why he's suddenly got a hard-on for your little corner of space, but I know you're one of the guys for the job. Right? Right.

"Now I'm going to have you work with some other folks, too - good people, I'm told. Balls of steel. They were the ones involved in that mess with the Dvonn, but you didn't here it from me, and if it gets out now that I told you, I'm coming after you, so keep your mouth shut, capice? Anyway, the way I hear it, they took on a Dreadnaught in a disabled corsair and lived to tell the tale. The leader's a vargr from Diamon-Prince himself, so you two should get along, " She pauses, "Huh. Hope he wasn't in one of the corsair bands that raided your planet...oh well. Anyway, they don't have a ship yet, but they do have money. I'm going to have you take a shuttle out to the island they're on to introduce yourself, then you take them up to the High Port, and get one of those ships old Gavin has impounded from one of Nells' cronies. I'll get you more specifics as soon as you're all set to go. " She stops talkig for the first time since Gwydion stepped into the office, same old Tjoyia.

*Subsector O of Ley Sector. Gwydion's home planet is in that subsector."


Ruzz'koff's nose twitches, "A J3 Starship? I hope she knows some good people because between us we could probably afford a 50 year old 100 ton Scout/Courier with Minor Accident Damage".
"Still, it sounds good. What do the rest of us think?"

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