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The Cult of the Red Hand

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Oh, by the way, it's a Modern day adventure for CoC d20. I'm looking for 4-6 players, from using the character generation rules from the CoC d20 book, as modified in the Talking the Talk Thread. Players would need to post at least five times a week (preferably once per day). Thanks.
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The game is set in modern-day NYC, with players being contacted by someone (depends on what professions they are) and being called to investigate a series of rare murders occurring in the southern side of New York. All of these have had an unexplicable red handprint left on the bodies of the victims, and have an unknown cause of death.
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Father Groggins ran faster. The men were chasing him. The men in red. He was out of breath, tired, and running out of breath. He looked behind his shoulder, and saw it. The thing. The dark creature. He screamed in horror, turned around and ran as fast as he could. The last thing he saw were billowing red robes and a man's arm stretch out and touch his chest... Then, darkness.

Ethan Masters


10:04 A.M.

You are sitting comfortably in you office in the NYPD headquarters, reading the New York Times. You grab a glass of coffee and sip it quietly. Ah, Colombian bliss.

Ring. Ring.

You look over at your desk phone. It’s line 1. Directly to the chief. That’ll be the third case this month, you think. Ah, well. You pick up the receiver. “Hello?”

“Yeah, sure, Silvia… you do that… oh…what?”

“You called?”

“Oh… yeah… About that…” You hear a muffled grunt and the shuffling of some papers. “We’ve got another murder down by Broadway. Thought you could cover it.”

Yeah, you think, it’ll be the third. As if you needed more.

“It’s got the same marks as the other two,” he says.

This immediately sparks your interest. “What? Another?” You think of the other two.

Two murders had occurred already. The weird thing was, both had the same marks on them. They had bright red handprints on the victim’s chest. Also, both had been priests. You had already called in a guy who specialized in religious Symbology. He’d have to look at this new one, too.

“Yeah… I need you down at the crime scene… the CSIs don’t know what to do.”

“Leave the body there,” you tell the chief. “I want to see it as it was found. Make sure they don’t touch it.”

“Sure, sure.” And he hangs up.

At the CS, you make you way past bundles of confused CSIs and a few paramedics. A rotten stench hangs in the air.
Then, you see it. An older man is laying on the ground, an expression of horror and fear frozen on his face. In the center of his chest, his priest’s clothes are burned away to reveal a bright red handprint seared on. His hands are clutching something around his neck. As you open them carefully, you see it is a crucifix.

OOC: Actions, please?
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William MacBeth


10:02 A.M.

You’re sitting in a large, squashy armchair by a toasty, roaring fire in your study. You’re reading your copy of Ancient Myths and Old Signs. Nothing seems to be there about burned hands. God, you think. How hard could it be?

Two days ago, Detective Masters from the NYPD contacted you and told you about the murders. Since then, you have been looking up what the sign meant. It wasn’t on the internet. It wasn’t at the NYU library. And so far, it hasn’t been in your library either.

There’s Greek symbols and Roman numerals, as well as Egyptian hieroglyphs and African paintings, but no handprints. Then, you see something similar in a page about Egypt. It’s the hand of Anubis. The symbol is a black hand burned on wood. It’s found in some tombs in Egypt, in the Valley of Kings. You jump up to your feet and dash to the phone. You call the police department, but you are notified that Detective Masters isn’t there. He just left to a crime scene.

“Would you like to leave a message?” a female voice asks.

“Sure… just tell him William MacBeth called.”

“Oh, Mr. MacBeth. I wasn’t aware it was you. The CS he’s at is related to the case. I have the address if you want it.”


Ethan Masters - Detective

psychic mind flayer said:
At the CS, you make you way past bundles of confused CSIs and a few paramedics. A rotten stench hangs in the air.
Then, you see it. An older man is laying on the ground, an expression of horror and fear frozen on his face. In the center of his chest, his priest’s clothes are burned away to reveal a bright red handprint seared on. His hands are clutching something around his neck. As you open them carefully, you see it is a crucifix.
"Just the thing to make my night" Ethan thinks to himself as he lights another cigarette before slowly sauntering over to the body "Who's in charge here?" he yells as he blows smoke out of the side of his mouth, the acrid stink of the weed going someway to masking the rancid bite of the air. As he waits for an answer he carefully lowers himself to the ground and begins to examine the body.

OOC: You’re really in charge, Dazza. You’re heading the investigation. I’m sorry I’ve been pretty vague so far. Also, the only person above you, in terms of the investigation, is the Police Chief, Capt. Samuel Thompson. You are a Lieutenant. Under you are several minor other police detectives.

As you examine the body, you notice that, apart from the burned handprint and the fact that he’s dead, nothing seems to be wrong. There are no signs of any trauma, and there are no puncture wounds. The handprint shouldn’t have killed him, you think. Even if it’s burned on, he shouldn’t have died.

Then, a short, older man in a large white coat comes over to you. “Hi. I’m Charles Lester. I’m the coroner for this CS. How can I help you, Detective?”

William Macbeth

As you say you want the address, you're thinking of who you know would know more about this. Then, it comes to you. Ralph Lohrenstein, your old friend from college! You think about calling him as you jot down the address. You hang up the phone, and dial Ralph's number. "Hello?" A voice asks.

OOC: You two guys carry out the conversation.


"Hi, Ralph? It's Bill, you still spending every free minute on Egyptology? Oh, and how are ya doin'?"
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Voidrunner's Codex

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